Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 434 Mysterious Guard Bureau

It is 6 stories high and can accommodate twelve households on each floor. Each household has an area of ​​50 square meters and is a standard room type with one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen.

The most suitable number of residents is two people. But it can accommodate up to 6 people.

If you calculate this, more than 350 residential buildings like this will be built in each level 5 shelter to ensure that 150,000 people can be accommodated.

So, it's going to be an extremely large amount of work.

A conservative estimate is that using a "small fabricator", it takes about 30 days for a construction team to build a residential building.

There are currently a total of 50 construction teams. If they start work at the same time, it will take about 210 days to build a residential house in a level five shelter.

It would take 5,000 days to build 25 level five shelters, which is almost mind-numbing to watch.

Faced with this situation, An Changlin thought of a way - work-for-relief!

Any survivor who wants to live in a level five shelter must complete his daily work.

For now, their main job is to help make building materials, namely bricks.

Each survivor will receive a set of manufacturing materials for making "sand bricks" and is responsible for making 500 bricks every day.

In this way, the construction team only needs to be responsible for a series of tasks such as drawing drawings, laying foundations, and laying frames.

Later, these survivors can also be allowed to participate in some simple construction work, such as carrying, building walls, and laying hands.

Using this method, the construction speed can be accelerated dozens of times.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take almost half a year to complete the entire construction.

It is even very likely that during the construction period, many new construction teams will be expanded, and the speed will be even faster!

However, before residential buildings are built, these three million survivors can only live in beehive huts with five people to a room.

Even so, there are countless survivors who are frantically signing up to stay.

Because they don’t want to live on the streets of District 7 even more than they want to live in a hive hut with five people per room!

Moreover, District 7 at least has a hive hut.

In the fifth-level shelters in other regions, the officials will not prepare any housing facilities, but simply provide a piece of land.

Moreover, in many large districts, because they are not strong enough and their management is not strong enough, their internal security is very poor, and all kinds of crimes, rapes, murders, and robberies occur one after another.

This situation has been well suppressed in the seventh district.

Because the Guard Bureau, which belongs exclusively to the Seventh District, is a specially established security department with very strong security.

Therefore, in just one day, the number of people registering information exceeded 4 million!

As a result, more than 3,000 employees in Xianyu Qiong Building were also arranged to register the population.

Logically speaking, each large region only needs to accommodate 3 million survivors.

Therefore, An Changlin will screen the people who have registered information, select those with the best overall qualities and certain special skills, and transfer them to level five shelters first.

The most elite group of talents will receive the highest treatment and have the opportunity to be admitted to the sanctuary island.

At the same time, a sudden voice sounded.

"That's for sure! How can other districts compare with District 7? Do you know the Guard Bureau in District 7?"

The dark man's mouth twitched: "This is the seventh district..."

"That's not true. It is said that there are more than 100 good-level guardsmen with less than three people. They have all been professionally trained and are terrifyingly strong!"

The swarthy man deliberately lowered his voice, mysteriously whispered into the young man's ear: "That is the largest official security organization in the entire seventh district. It is so powerful that no one dares to cause trouble!"

The swarthy man once again said a piece of information, leaving the young man stunned again.

Hearing the young man's question, the swarthy man deliberately kept silent. He waved his hands and said cautiously: "This is the secret of District 7. You can't tell others at will. I also know a friend from the Guard Bureau. Because he has a close relationship with me, he quietly told me of!"

"And it is said that the big boss behind them has equipped each of them with a special kind of thorns, and they also have excellent combat power."

The person who came was tall and straight, with a solemn expression, his eyes were like torches, and he exuded good and peak momentum.

The young man was a little embarrassed and continued to ask: "Brother, I would like to ask if this is the area with the best security among all the districts?"

Just as he was about to hand it over, he was stopped by a figure wearing silver armor.

The young man scratched his head and said, "I came from District 4 next door. The security there was so bad that I almost died there, but District 6 is safer!"

As time goes by, these people will be gradually labeled as "Huxin Island" and "Qiyuan"!

After hearing this, the young man had a horrified expression on his face: "Just one security organization is actually equipped with six outstanding combatants?!"

"I can tell you that in the security bureau of District 7, there are three outstanding strong men, called Wolf Head, White Head and Black Head respectively. They are all very powerful."

"I really don't know, brother, please tell me!"

"Just the three of them are enough to compete with six outstanding combatants! Do you think they are strong?"

When the dark-skinned man saw this person, he collapsed to the ground in fear, his tongue trembled and said: "Shou Shou...Guard Bureau Team...Captain!!"

"You want to stay too?" The dark man narrowed his eyes and rubbed his thumb and index finger slightly.

The vast majority of people are unwilling to join a private shelter and become the slaves of others.

Anyone who has registered information, obtained an identity card, and lives on his territory is actually considered his person.

"If you want to know what's going on, you can ask the officials."

District 7, along the wide street.

The swarthy man smiled contemptuously and said disdainfully: "What kind of strength can the security organizations in other regions have? Do you know how strong the security bureau is?"

A man with dark skin shook the delicate ID card in his hand and said proudly to a young man.

The swarthy man's eyes flickered, and he grinned and said, "Hey, you met me, otherwise no one else would tell you!"

But Qi Yuan doesn't care, whether it's on the shelter island, in the seventh district, or even in the fifth-level shelter outside the seventh district.

The young man understood immediately and quickly took out 5 spirit coins from his pocket.

After hearing this, the young man was not a dull person. He quickly took out a spiritual coin and stuffed it into the dark man's hand.

The young man was a little curious and couldn't help but ask: "Is it really that strong? I see that there are security organizations in other regions, but the security is still not good!"

"Oh, it's my first time at the gathering place, so I can't tell the difference."

"Hey, did you register your information? Did you get your ID card?"

However, this still requires their own consent.

After a few seconds, the young man's eyes shone and he hurriedly asked: "Well, sir, can you give me some guidance? I also want to stay in District 7."

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