Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 453 Cultivating Bone Seeds


Chu Yang showed an excited expression and said: "I have discovered before that the instincts of bone species cultivated with different attributes are completely different."

"Absorbing the fire attribute spiritual liquid, it will be more violent, boiling, and explosive. It has nothing to do with emotions, but the state of the attribute itself."

"Absorbing ice-type spiritual liquid, the bone species becomes quieter and moves slower. The overall change is very large."

"So, in my subsequent training..."

"Wait a minute, you trained it in the early stage, how come it doesn't attack you?" Qi Yuan still couldn't understand.

Chu Yang explained casually: "This is easy, control it, and when it wants to resist, just pull out the energy in its core bones, and it will die immediately..."

"Fuck!" Qi Yuan was shocked!

He couldn't imagine how many times the bone seed in Chu Yang's hand had died!

"Then I continued, so in the subsequent cultivation, I added my own blood to the spiritual fluid he absorbed. It turned out that its action mode was somewhat similar to mine based on the original basis."

"After further research, we found that it is our DNA that really plays a decisive role! So..."

At this point, Chu Yang suddenly stopped and his face turned slightly red.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment and said in confusion: "Why are you so shy? Keep talking!"

"Um...Brother Qi, where do you think the genetic DNA of the human body is the richest and most complete?"

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Complete DNA? Shouldn't it be found all over the body? Could it be that you cut the flesh? Eh... something's wrong..."

Qi Yuan is also considered a highly educated person and has studied high school biology. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Soon, his face suddenly turned ferocious, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he said: "So... what you call identifying the owner by dripping blood... uses blood essence?!"

Hearing it said so straightforwardly, Chu Yang's face turned even redder, but he still pretended to be indifferent and explained: "Genetic material is indeed the most suitable and has the best effect."

"What the fuck..." Qi Yuan's face turned green. This was the first time he had seen such improper research.

After being shy at first, when talking about his research results, Chu Yang has returned to his enthusiastic research state and explained with excitement:

"But I have to say that this is definitely the most effective way! Twice a day for half a month, so that the genetic material can be passed on perfectly, and you can have your first child!"

Qi Yuan opened his mouth and was stunned for a moment, unable to accept it.

He couldn't imagine what crazy things his powerful generals had done in the training cave these days!

He was already thinking about whether to arrange for An Changlin to find a beautiful girl for his brother Chu.

And he found that the bone species was lying on Chu Yang's shoulder, and the two of them were inexplicably similar.

He asked tentatively: "So... the bone species listens to you now?!"

Chu Yang held the bone seed in his hand, nodded, and demonstrated: "Indeed, it has no thoughts and relies purely on instinct. The same genes will make it involuntarily get close to it and obey it."

Then, he gave another example: "Just like the bone species cultivated with ice-based spiritual fluid, they will have a strong sense of dependence and obedience to the ice-based environment!"

“But I have studied that the bone species cultivated using my new method have higher affinity.

"It will truly treat you as its own parent, listen to your words, and even communicate with you consciously."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yang remained silent, as if he was really commanding the bone species with his consciousness.

Unexpectedly, the bone seed in his hand was really like a child, exhaling a cold breath obediently.

Seeing this magical scene, Qi Yuan could not calm down for a long time.

Shame-based nurturing methods aside, the results are indeed very successful.

Before the research, even Qi Yuan did not expect that he could actually find a way to perfectly control this extraordinary existence.

The strength of a bone species depends on the strength that cultivates it.

If it absorbs perfect-level energy, what is stored in its body is perfect-level power.

If what it stores is rare...

Qi Yuan could no longer imagine it. He knew very well that he had obtained a truly heaven-defying item.

Qi Yuan took a deep breath, looked at Chu Yang calmly, and said seriously: "Chu Yang, I have two things to explain."

"Brother Qi Yuan, tell me!"

"First, I need to take back this bone seed in your hand and destroy it temporarily."

"No problem. The existence of this kind of value should not be placed in the hands of a scientific researcher like me."

Qi Yuan nodded and continued: "Second point, no one is allowed to tell you the method of cultivating bone seeds."

Chu Yang looked equally serious and said, "Okay, this method will never be spread from my mouth to another person's ears."

After this day, a message was quickly conveyed to the ears of the captains of the eight exploration teams - search for the bone species with all their strength and capture it at all costs!

No one knew why, no one knew the reason, but all eight captains did it.

They temporarily put down their resource collection and frantically searched for traces of bone species throughout the volcano.

This phenomenon also attracted the attention of the other four people.

But with the relationship between the five people, it didn't cause much fluctuation.

They could probably guess that Qi Yuan must have discovered the miraculous effect after studying bone seeds, so they searched for them on a large scale.

Not only did the four of them not covet him, but to a certain extent, they would also help in the search.

Finally, after dozens of days of searching, a bone seed that had not yet fully hatched was discovered in the volcanic magma lake!

Due to the depth of the magma lake, the environment is very harsh, and the teams are unable to collect it.

So, in the end, Qi Yuan personally took action, and the Spirit Tree Queen Bee spent most of the plant's energy to fish the bone seed out of the magma.

Since then, Qi Yuan has a total of 3 bone seeds in his hands, all of which are in an unhatched state.

Next, Qi Yuan disappeared from everyone's sight again and returned to the space tree world to start a new round of retreat.

Except for Chu Yang, no one knows what Qi Yuan is studying!

In the training cave, Qi Yuan's face looked slightly pale, and he stared sharply at the bone seed in his hand.

This bone seed is made of perfect ice-attributed spiritual liquid, coupled with Chu Yang's blood essence incubation method. After half a month, it is about to be successfully hatched!

At this time, the energy-filled bone seed in the hand has reached the last moment of hatching.

Now it needs to determine its shape after hatching.

Qi Yuan could clearly feel that due to the genetic material, there was a subtle connection between this bone species and himself.

Through this connection, very vague communication can be carried out using consciousness.

He tried to make the bone seed transform into the shape he wanted.

The fuzzy, liquid-like bone species slowly changed its shape, gradually turning into the shape of a pair of white bone gloves.

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