Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 462 Earthquake

"Humph, you have a clear conscience? Do you think this is your decision?"

Qi Yuan's eyes have become extremely cold, like a deep, calm pool, hiding unfathomable power.

"A group of bugs walked out of rotting corpses, but they tried to get involved in the new era. Do you really think that just by saying a clear conscience, you can really make people feel sympathy?!"

At this moment, Qi Yuan's aura had completely changed.

The dragon-scaled ghost python armor flashed with a faint cold light, and unfathomable power lingered around the body. The right hand with the bone seed was slowly grasped, and the breath of frost was gathering.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhongyue whispered: "Qi Yuan, calm down!"

But Qi Yuan and the old man's eyes were already staring at each other closely.

The old man's withered body, only wearing thin clothes, remained motionless in the biting cold wind.

He had already vaguely felt that the young man in front of him exuded an extremely dangerous aura!

The old man said word by word: "Junior, we have experienced the same situation, why are our swords facing each other?"

Qi Yuan remained silent, his attitude becoming more and more solemn and deep, almost showing his attitude.

Zhang Zhongyue felt the strong aura around him and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The surrounding wind and snow had melted into snow water under the strong momentum, and the surrounding trees were shaking wildly, hitting the ground with a rustling sound.

"Can I ask you a question."

At the moment when his momentum reached its peak, Qi Yuan suddenly said calmly.


"Acleutis is yours."

Laozui shook his head: "No, the cooperative relationship is similar to yours."

"I see!"

Qi Yuan looked at the old man meaningfully, slowly regained his momentum, and finally said: "Then why can't we cooperate?"

Hearing these words, the old man smiled inexplicably: "Junior, aren't we just cooperating now? I am seeking a way out for myself, and I am also helping you."

"It has to be this way? Too many people have died!"

There was no trace of emotion in the old man's tone, and his cold voice echoed in the forest: "If growth is the goal, why should you fear death?"

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that this sentence was somewhat familiar. After a sudden smile, he sighed and said: "In that case, there is nothing to talk about, let's have a fight."

"Indeed, it would be inappropriate for us to gather here today and not have a fight."

Rarely, the old man also showed a kind smile at this moment.

There was no hesitation on either side, and the momentum that had just dissipated returned to its peak almost instantly, forming a huge shock wave in the air.


The surrounding trees were shaken by the powerful momentum.

Zhang Zhongyue seemed to have expected a battle, so he ran away early and stayed away from the battlefield.

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, without restraining any momentum. When their fists clashed, a huge sound that shook the world shook the primeval forest and spread for dozens of kilometers.

Even the super gathering place 20km away felt an obvious earthquake and a huge collision sound like muffled thunder.

"What's the sound? An earthquake?!"

"Was there an earthquake just now? It was also accompanied by thunder."

At this moment, after hearing this movement, Tim jumped up from the bed.

Then just halfway through, he saw a figure with huge rattan wings floating over the forest.

Some people in power in large regions often live in super gathering places.

"Notify the public security department to strengthen internal management of the region to avoid causing panic."

Erin slowly stood up from the bath bucket, her fair skin stained with crystal water drops, causing the crisp sound of water.

In the fifth area, Bal Qi was also extremely sensitive. The first second he heard the sound, he looked north.

At this moment, she was sitting at the table by the window, holding a quill in her hand and writing something.

"What's the sound? An earthquake? No, it's something from the north. Could it be..."

After a long time, she put on a big coat and walked out of the room.

Compared with ordinary survival, the minds of those in power in each major region are obviously sharper.

The tall figure is well-proportioned yet stunning, and the slender and round legs are like a work of art. He steps out of the bathtub with one foot, and steps on the stone floor with his bare feet dripping with water, creating a strangely beautiful scenery.

A subordinate next to him asked: "Chief, is there a natural disaster? Do you want to go back to the shelter to hide?"

Bal Qi did not answer, and was also a little confused. He said to himself thoughtfully: "Apart from the perfect powerhouse, who is the person fighting him... No, I have to go and have a look!"

There was some doubt in his green eyes as he murmured in a low voice: "The secret guard sent a message before that there is an important person out of the 8th District. Could it be Zhang Zhongyue and Qi Yuan?"

Although there was some speculation, I was still very shocked after getting the exact information.

Fortunately, on his right hand, the white exoskeleton with a strange beauty condensed a group of extremely deep frost power.

Most of the other people in power who were not at the gathering place rushed over after hearing about the situation.

"The perfect level is still in the north, right?"

The whole body was wrapped in a powerful aura, like a huge python, hovering in the sky, making the surrounding air condense.

Bal Qi looked at it calmly for a few seconds and said calmly: "No, it's the sound of a fight. And it doesn't look like a wild beast."

In just a few seconds, Tim had already figured out the general direction. Recalling the meeting during the day, he seemed to have figured out something.

No matter what the situation is, they have to go and take a look.

After hearing the noise, he looked towards the northern sky with soft eyes, his beautiful eyes not knowing what he was thinking as he moved.

At the same time, they had contacted Zhang Zhongyue in the group and were basically able to determine that the person who made the noise about the battle was Qi Yuan and the mysterious perfect powerhouse.

In the sixth area, a woman wearing red lace underwear was taking a bath in a huge wooden shed. She heard the sound and looked to the north of the shelter.

"It can't be so bad, right? We've just been safe in the super gathering place, and there's an earthquake coming?"

A scarlet crown of thorns is engraved on the base of its thigh, encircling the entire thigh, giving it a ferocious beauty.

"Take a small number of followers and rush to the north of the shelter."

But soon, she seemed to confirm this guess, and the corner of her scarlet mouth raised a smile: "These two are probably the only ones who can avoid the surveillance of the secret guards... It's really not easy for people to live in peace!"

He murmured to himself: "Qi Yuan and Zhang Zhongyue, you really have something to hide from us..."

Their actions are surprisingly consistent.

In District 10, a large area controlled by the Three-Party Sanctuary, the apparent person in charge is Heather from Moon Lake.

"It's such a troubled time, how wonderful it would be if I could spend my life in peace..."

Bal Qi nodded and said: "Perfect level."

"The fight...isn't it a beast? Is it a human being? But this movement?"

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