Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 490 Mountains, Seas And Galaxy

Most other forces also hold this idea.

It's the only perfect quality, and it's also a complete technical type. It's hard not to attract attention.

This is a powerful technique that is no worse than Qi Yuan's spiritual pattern.

Then there is the fifth area. The academy opened by Bal Qi is very similar to his own ability. It controls and cultivates the Zerg.

Bal Qi himself introduced that this is also the only perfect technology that can perfectly control the Zerg and become a role similar to the Zerg Queen.

However, this domestication technology is only effective on insect beasts.

And the restrictions are relatively large. The number of tamings per person depends on his talent and ability.

Because there is a certain degree of connection between the survivors and the domesticated Zerg, they cannot be domesticated unscrupulously.

Everyone looked at him sideways.

The abilities of Bal Qi are obvious to all. They are powerful giant insects, and their numbers are extremely large. Their strength is enough to frighten people!

What Qi Yuan didn't expect was that this was also a technology!

A technology similar to potions and spiritual patterns!

He couldn't help but secretly sigh: He is indeed a super power. No one who can control a large area in a super gathering place is simple.

I just don’t know if Bal Qi’s technology to control the Zerg has any other major limitations.

If not, he is definitely a strong player in the violent soldier style!

The survivors below were also stunned by the various powerful technologies, and for a moment they didn't know which academy to choose.

The name of the Academy in District 5 translates to the technology of controlling all insects, and is simply called – All Insect Academy!

District 6, which followed closely behind, showed no sign of weakness.

The academy founded by Irene once again attracted everyone's attention.

Even Qi Yuan and Zhong Maiyun couldn't help but look at each other and chuckle.

Because the name of the academy run by Erin translates to - Plant Control Academy!

A fighting method that focuses on cultivating plants and relying on them to fight. This is very similar to Zhong Maiyun's original plan.

Qi Yuan was a little surprised and looked at the high platform in the sixth area next door. There was a cold woman sitting alone on it. She was wearing a black dress, her long white legs were clearly visible, and her high ponytail showed her heroic appearance.

Feeling Qi Yuan's gaze, Irene slowly turned around, looking into each other's eyes, and nodded to each other.

Eileen did not introduce much about the academy she established, but simply explained the teaching content.

Learning and identification of plant varieties, plant cultivation and control, seed genetic improvement, variety differentiation, ultra-rapid growth, special combat plant varieties...

Obviously, the technology he possesses is far more advanced than Zhong Maiyun.

She does not rely on a prop, but a unique technology that allows her to master more advanced plant knowledge through learning.

Qi Yuan looked at Zhong Maiyun and said in a low voice: "Why don't you go and get some further training? I'll trick you into using your skills!"

Zhong Maiyun pursed her lips and said, "If you have the chance, you can try it, but I'm afraid that you only have superficial knowledge and won't be able to learn the truly advanced content."

"It doesn't matter."

Qi Yuan waved his hand and said: "Because of my relationship, if you take the initiative to enter the Plant Control Academy, Irene will definitely focus on training you."

"Perhaps she will still retain some of the most profound knowledge, but she will still teach ordinary techniques and knowledge seriously."

After all, she is the daughter-in-law of the powerful person in the Seventh District. She has deigned to come to the academy to study. If she is perfunctory, she will inevitably be criticized.

Moreover, since each major district is willing to take out these treasured technologies and open academies to teach and educate people.

That means they will never fool around.

Including Qi Yuan, his real teachings are absolutely real materials, and they are technologies that can be truly applied in life and combat, and have a huge role in promoting human survivors.

This can also be regarded as an opportunity for the forces in the eight regions to exchange technology with each other and exchange their knowledge.

Soon, it was District 7's turn.

But everyone in the high platform looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes.

I also wish to be like the ocean and be included in the hundreds of rivers, which represents the boundless sea of ​​learning and the surging ambitions and goals.

But many people, as leaders of small and medium-sized forces, have also come into contact with the "spirit patterns" sold by Qi Yuan.

This makes the role of Zhang Zhongyue's Galaxy College somewhat ambiguous.

Survival in the square below is still a bit confusing.

This is the romance and passion unique to Chinese civilization.

Taking the name of mountains and seas means that it is as tall and straight as a mountain, and it represents the will and determination to stand upright and remain as motionless as a mountain.

But soon, Mr. Zhang gave an explanation.

Control and utilization of natural resources? Just listening to the content makes me feel overwhelmed and unable to understand the content.

The teaching at Galaxy Academy is the process of exploring technology.

District 8 follows closely behind.

So many people looked expectantly.

It mainly teaches various spiritual patterns, and it is also the only perfect level technology. The content covers a wide range of types and has an extremely large number of spiritual pattern types.

Introduced by Mr. Zhang himself, it mainly teaches the control and utilization of natural resources.

Under the stage, many people's eyes lit up.

After Zhang Zhongyue's introduction, on the stone wall on the high platform in front of the seventh area, there were dragons and phoenixes dancing, yet still solemn and majestic calligraphy characters, emitting golden light.

The name is - Galaxy Academy.

It is a college for exploring the unknown!

Only one person looked at Qi Yuan with a somewhat unkind look.

In the end, he had to change his name urgently and gave it to Qi Yuan.

According to Mr. Zhang's original plan, the college they established in District 8 was originally going to be named "Shanhe College", the same as the name of their shelter.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yuan came out of nowhere and named it "Shanhai Academy".

At the same time, he also briefly introduced another technology: the production of guardian puppets.

It is also a name with a strong Chinese aesthetic, but it leaves many people scratching their heads.

Even the plaque is ready.

Qi Yuan also gave a very simple introduction to Shanhai Academy.

That is - Zhang Zhongyue!

According to Zhang Zhongyue himself, he controls a technology that can analyze substances and deeply understand the nature of objects, allowing for better scientific research and exploration.

Even the various forces on the high platform of the eight regions showed extremely confused expressions.

If you really count it, regardless of whether it is medicine, taming wild beasts, controlling Zerg, cultivating plants, or carving spiritual patterns, they are all utilizing the natural resources of the foggy world.

Shanhai Academy!

These are the two most important majors of Shanhai College, and their self-contained system is very complete.

If the content taught by other forces is a complete system of technology formed through the only perfect-level props,

Just listening to the name, I feel that the sense of expectation brought by the spirit pattern is far less than that of potions, Zerg cultivation, and plant manipulation.

So they know very well how much impact this magical technology will have on the development of survivors!

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