Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 495 Arrangement For Admission

Although the difficulty has increased slightly, it is much simpler than before, and the functions are similar.

In addition to these complete spiritual patterns, Chu Yang also sorted out many simple spiritual pattern basic structures.

All complex spiritual patterns are mostly formed through the continuous combination, splicing, fusion, rectification, and finally simplification of simple spiritual patterns.

Chu Yang sorted out a total of 28 basic spiritual pattern structures that currently need to be used.

The level of detail even amazed Qi Yuan.

In addition, because the "spiritual pattern engraved books" contain at least excellent-level spiritual patterns, the configuration of the spiritual pattern carriers and spiritual fluids are all of excellent-grade or above quality.

Therefore, I want to carve high-quality spiritual patterns.

Chu Yang also needs to specialize in the carrier and spirit patterns of good-level spirit patterns.

This process is neither difficult nor simple, but it is definitely very complicated and takes a long time.

However, Chu Yang was already prepared.

He has sorted out the most basic teaching knowledge and can directly use it in the academy.

In the next few days, Chu Yang will lead 10 people in the "prop manufacturing area" who are good at spiritual pattern engraving to teach them these simple basic knowledge.

Finally, they go to the college and are responsible for teaching and educating people.

Qi Yuan, on the other hand, went to the secret battle station.

He needs to select a group of members with sufficient training and combat talents to study at the Combat Academy.

There is no hesitation in saying that among the entire United Academy, the most important one is the Combat Academy!

Being in a world of mist, this is a place where the weak eat the strong. Only those with enough strength can gain power and status here.

Qi Yuan did not favor one or the other. He selected two members from each of the 12 exploration teams.

And try to select younger members as much as possible to enrich their life experience and better adapt to school life.

The talent levels of these 24 people are all geniuses between 85 and 90.

Since you choose to join the Combat Academy, you will inevitably have to compete and compete. Only with strong enough strength and talent can you not lose Qi Yuan's reputation.

"What a pity."

Qi Yuan sighed with some regret: "I originally planned to select an A-level genius to go to the Battle Academy to control the situation, but unfortunately they all have things..."

A-level genius is a person with a talent of over 90.

Even in the entire super gathering place, its existence is rare, which is enough to amaze everyone.

However, most of the members who are over 90 years old hold important positions and do not have time to go to school for further studies.

Moreover, the teaching ability in the shelter is no worse than that in the combat academy, and is even better.

A wild idea suddenly came to Qi Yuan's mind: "Both Zhang Wei and Huo Tui are only eighteen or nineteen years old. How about sending them there together?"

But soon, he put aside the idea.

Because a very explosive scene appeared in his mind:

Two perverts with S-level talents, rare-level strength, and bone seeds with perfect combat power, stood in the arena of the Battle Academy, and they challenged the entire academy!

Yes, the entire academy!

Even the teacher will most likely be beaten by these two!

Huo Tui whipped his leg and Zhang Wei punched his electric cannon. Who can stop him? !

Krampus has to slap his mouth crooked when he comes!

He shook his head, shaking such unrealistic thoughts out of his mind.

"Forget it, these 24 people should be enough."

Qi Yuan looked at these 24 people with joy in his eyes. Although they were not as good as Huo Tui and Zhang Wei, they were definitely the mainstay of the shelter in the future.

Their current strength is only good level.

But with a little training, they will become rare and good seedlings in the future.

Qi Yuan said: "After today, you will go to the United College for further studies. I hope you will try your best to improve your strength as much as possible and not lose the reputation of Huxin Island. Do you understand?"


Everyone's voices exploded like spring thunder, resounding throughout the space tree world.

Without sufficient preparation, it will be difficult to explore and survive in the harsh sea environment.

An ordinary-level ship is definitely useless. High-quality props are needed to operate in such an environment.


But this is also what gives him a headache!

A new world, new adventures and dangers, as well as new resources and wealth.

"District 7 is behind you!"

"The island in the middle of the lake is behind you!"

"Understood! Don't worry, boss!"

The Creation Academy arranged for 100 younger members in the "Props Manufacturing Area" to go for further study.

Qi Yuan said seriously again: "You are both members of the secret war bureau. You must cooperate with each other. You must not fight maliciously or kill each other. Do you understand?"

The other seven independent colleges have arranged for 20 students to enter each.

The seaside environment is relatively good, surrounded by beaches, coconut trees, tropical rainforests, and even a lot of seafood. It is definitely a tourist attraction.

Because he has a natural ship - the possessed turtle!

However, Qi Yuan could not consider this issue.

A total of 440 students, with the labels of District 7 and Huxin Island, officially went to the United College to start their new learning life and more fierce competition.

The inspiring chicken soup completely activated the hearts of these young people.

He had learned about it in advance.

"I, Qi Yuan, am also behind you!"

After finishing the affairs of the academy, ocean exploration will also be put on the agenda.

"The secret war situation is behind you!

The environment on the ocean is absolutely unimaginably harsh.

But the final result was that they were attacked by an unknown sea monster and almost the entire army was wiped out. Only one rare-level survivor survived and swam back.

In addition, under An Changlin's arrangement, he has also made arrangements for students from other major colleges.

The sound echoed in the air, making everyone excited, blood boiling, and goosebumps all over their bodies.

He nodded with satisfaction, his voice was a little gentler, but still firm: "Don't cause trouble, but don't be afraid of trouble, you have to remember!"

According to Heather, District 10 has already tried to explore the sea.

The Cultural Institute is mainly for cultivating managers, so 100 people were also arranged to go there.

But he is still seriously injured and is still lying in bed.

More importantly, the combat capabilities of human survivors on the ocean have been more than doubled.

In addition to the 24 members of the Secret War Bureau, the Combat Academy also selected a full 76 younger members in the "training area", which was just enough for a hundred people.

I have no experience in exploring the ocean, so I have to start from scratch, and the risk factor is very high.

Many props and weapons are not 100% effective in the ocean.

Moreover, the means of mobility at sea are also a big problem.

With full enthusiasm, they officially headed to the Battle Academy, heading towards their long but short learning career.

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