Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 504 Upgrade!

Zhong Maiyun is also a capable person. After making up her mind, she started upgrading the shelter without any hesitation.

In fact, she had all the conditions ready, and she just had to take the last step.

With Qi Yuan as her backing, she can feel more at ease.

Soon, a white light enveloped the shelter.

The upgrade begins.

Although the shelter has been upgraded many times, I still felt extremely shocked when I saw this scene again.

Soon, subtle changes occurred throughout the shelter space.

He could clearly feel that the land seemed to be breeding life, and strong vitality was coming from all directions.

In the brown-black soil on the ground, there are obviously no plants growing, but there seems to be countless lives surging.

Then the most obvious thing is that there seems to be a kind of vine growing on the walls around the entire shelter, as if the entire shelter is covered with a layer of vine armor.

Zhong Maiyun looked at the changes around her, her face full of nervousness.

When the white light slowly dissipated, the entire shelter had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The surrounding walls and ceiling were all covered with a kind of vines that clung to the walls and emitted a faint white fluorescence.

In this case, even without the artificial sun, it appears very bright.

Next is the soil underground. After Zhong Maiyun leaned over to inspect it, she immediately showed an expression of extreme joy.

"It's this kind of soil!! I didn't expect it to be successful."

Qi Yuan also squatted down and learned to grab a handful of dirt. Unfortunately, after studying for a long time, he couldn't understand anything.

"Is there anything special about this soil?"

Zhong Maiyun looked at the soil in her hands with a smile and explained absently: "The soil in the dream garden has a special function. It is very suitable for cultivating plants and guiding the direction of plant variation, so it is very important. ."

"For example, the small-leaf cattail grass cannot reproduce, the Qingyuan Yuguo is more suitable for breakthrough, and the Minglu flower has a better therapeutic effect...all due to the effect of this soil."

"I see. Now that the entire sanctuary is covered with this kind of soil, aren't you getting bigger?"

However, when Qi Yuan finished speaking, Zhong Maiyun's smile suddenly froze on his face.

She looked at Qi Yuan with some anxiety and said, "I may not be able to live here anymore."


Qi Yuan was confused for a moment.

"This kind of soil is extremely active and can easily cause plants to mutate. Without human control, it is likely to mutate into strange things."

Zhong Maiyun thought of a very serious problem, and her expression immediately became serious.

This kind of soil is indeed very good, but its disadvantages are also very obvious.

If left unchecked, an entire ultra-deep underground shelter will become a world of mutated plants.

However, it is almost impossible to completely take into account the entire 3km radius.

That's why Zhong Maiyun said that no one could live here.

To a certain extent, the changes to this ultra-deep underground shelter should be a failure.

Because it's completely out of control.

Qi Yuan also became serious and said, "Is there any way to control it?"

Zhong Maiyun thought for a long time but could not give an answer.

In the end, he just said: "Let's take it one step at a time. It is definitely impossible to completely control the soil. We can only find ways to control the plants."

“How to control plants?”

"I don't know. God knows what kind of plants will be mutated. It's just like raising voodoos. No one knows what the final result will be."

Hearing such desperate news, Qi Yuan felt a little embarrassed for a while.

It was he who encouraged Zhong Maiyun to upgrade the shelter, but he didn't expect the results to be so disastrous.

As if she saw Qi Yuan's danger, Zhong Maiyun became more free and easy, saying nonchalantly: "To a certain extent, it is actually a success. The original 100 square meters of the dream garden has been directly expanded to a radius of 3 kilometers."

Qi Yuan did not dare to be careless, and after careful consideration, he said: "Let's rest, be more reliable."

Description: Extremely tough. Contains a large amount of metal and earth energy. 】

After making such arrangements, Qi Yuan directly transferred a rare guardian thorn.

Different from the simplicity of other ores, these two crystals are dazzling, like crystals, exuding crystal light.

Qi Yuan smiled awkwardly and didn't pay too much attention. He said: "Using props as the core of upgrade is still too uncontrollable. But if you use resources as the core, it is still very safe."

The smaller one is soil weighing several thousand kilograms. It has a brown-black luster as a whole and is still slightly squirming. It is very magical.

Using Xi soil as the core of the upgrade, the process was very smooth, and the results were as they expected.

Different from soil, this kind of soil has no spirituality and only has the function of accelerating the growth of crops.

Qi Yuan rummaged around and finally found two perfect crystal stones in the gravel.

It's still a similar process, but the changes are completely different.

At the same time, all the plants in the original dream garden were also moved out and sent to the underground shelter.

It was just caught out of the vortex.

After some thinking, Zhong Maiyun finally made a decision: "Okay, what should we use as the core this time?"

One sentence made Zhong Maiyun roll his eyes: "Are you going to completely force me to be homeless?"

"That's okay, you'll live in an underground shelter from now on?"

Qi Yuan looked at Zhong Maiyun and said helplessly: "It seems that we can only use Xi soil."

Zhong Maiyun did not refuse, and directly took a large ball of soil and opened the underground shelter.

The soil of the entire underground shelter was transformed into a kind of soil similar to soil.

The other group weighed several tons, but was very messy.

This kind of crystal does not have any special function, it is just the crystallization of gold and earth formed under high pressure for a long time.

Considering that the underground shelter is only at level five and the spiritual energy concentration is only at a good level, it is indeed not conducive to later development.

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Zhong Maiyun was speechless for a moment.

Function: There are a large amount of earth-based resources and metallic resources, which are condensed under strong pressure for a long time.

The main ingredient is rare-grade gravel, similar to "Quicksand Essence", except that it is of higher quality and is found in large quantities in the vortex.

Qi Yuan was still a little worried.

With that said, Qi Yuan took out two large groups of resources from his dimensional backpack.

[Name: Kanazawa Uncut Stone (Perfect Grade)

"Yes, you move some guardian thorns over and surround the cave entrance with the same deep vortex sand, so that you can collect resources later."

After all, it is a perfect grade. Even if it is used to cultivate "bone seeds", it is still a very good choice.

However, Qi Yuan did not feel disappointed either.

And in the gravel, there are also a lot of other ores mixed in.

By the way, he suggested: "Mai Yun, how about you upgrade the underground shelter?"

Zhong Maiyun, on the other hand, started to move.

Looking at the underground shelter with bright sunshine and vast tracts of fertile land, Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh inexplicably.

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