20 minutes later.

"Holy shit, it smells so good, this duck neck is amazing."

Bal Qi held a duck neck in his left hand and a glass of beer in his right hand, chewing and talking regardless of appearance.

On the side, there were seven people named Zhang Zhongyue who looked strange.

Zhang Zhongyue was chewing melon seeds and drinking a drink. He squinted his old eyes and said, "Qi Yuan, you are not kind! You don't even ask me to come and sit in such a nice place!"

"That's right!"

Heather and Erin were wearing relatively thin clothes. Apparently they had heard that there was a hot spring here and planned to take a dip there.

Tim, on the other hand, resented the indifference of steel: "What a perfect space prop! It was actually shaped like this?! It's really shameful."

Qi Yuan glanced at him with disdain: "Are you telling me whether this cold beer is authentic or not?"


Campos, who was the calmest, was half leaning on the wooden chair, admiring the peaceful beauty around him.

Compared with the chaos on the ship, this place is simply paradise.


Seeing that everyone was indulging in enjoyment, Qi Yuan coughed a few times and said, "Let's talk about business, otherwise it will get dark soon."

"Shit, your sun is fake, how can it still be dark?"

Barr Fart said contemptuously.

Qi Yuan's face darkened and he almost wanted to kick him out.

But fortunately, other people are more serious.

Zhang Zhongyue put down the snacks in his hands and said seriously: "Actually, it's not a big deal. We mainly discuss the matter of the Star Island Chain."

"Everyone thinks that we should first find a suitable sea area and place the star island chain first."

This question is indeed not a big one, but it is somewhat difficult to decide.

Whether you are looking for a safe sea area to place it, or waiting to find precious resources before placing it, each has its own benefits.

After thinking for a while, Daniel said: "There is no need to put it in a safe sea, right? Is it possible that it is also planned to develop into a new business circle?"

The others also nodded.

If it's purely for safety, just don't enter the ocean and just stay in the super gathering place.

The role of the star island chain is by no means limited to a safe island group.

The same goes for Qi Yuan. In his expectation, a perfect strategic prop like the Star Island Chain must be exchanged for large enough benefits.

Regarding the use of the Star Island Group Chain, everyone was surprisingly unanimous.

That means good steel should be used on the blade!

Zhang Zhongyue also nodded: "Then it's okay."

As he said that, he grabbed another handful of melon seeds and lay down leisurely.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan felt bad all over.

I thought everyone was talking about serious business, so I made a video, but I didn't expect it to be just that. I'm just here to eat and drink, and I'm such a pure and innocent person.

However, before everyone could relax for a long time, information came from the outside world.

The first person to receive the information was Mr. Zhang Zhongyue, because the "Galaxy" in District 8 was at the forefront of the entire fleet, and any abnormal situation would definitely be the first to be discovered.

The content of the message is very simple, just a few facts.

The chaotic aura became more intense, the wind and waves continued to increase, the level of the beasts in the water increased, and excellent levels began to appear.

Three pieces of information mean that the situation has completely deteriorated.

After more than half a day's sailing, with the speed of the sea-breaking cloud boat, everyone had traveled at least nearly a hundred kilometers and had left the coast.

The current location, if not the deep sea area, is at least out of the shallow sea.

After all, everyone can't stay in the small space all the time. After all, it is the first time to go out to sea to explore, and unexpected situations are likely to occur, so you must always keep an eye out.

After everyone stayed for a while, they all returned, including Qi Yuan.

As the surrounding environment changes, the chaotic spiritual energy has also reached the excellent level.

But fortunately, closing all the doors and windows inside the cabin can effectively create a sealed environment.

As long as a large number of small-leaf cattails are planted inside the cabin, sufficient oxygen can be provided.

This is simply not easy for the people on Huxin Island.

Almost all combatants are equipped with corresponding levels of spiritual tree wasps, which can directly use the energy of the plants guarding the thorns to grow small-leaf cattails.

Qi Yuan stood at the door of the cabin and saw that the sky outside was extremely gloomy, and thick dark clouds seemed to be covering them from the sky.

The strong wind in the sky swept through this chaotic spiritual energy, and different layers of gray-black strong wind surrounded the ship.

The time now is already past 4 pm, and the sky is already very dark.

Qi Yuan frowned, and he was unsure whether this situation was accidental or normal.

If this were normal, then the path of exploration would be very difficult.

I think tonight, for most people, will be a sleepless night.

Just as he was thinking this, a loud noise, accompanied by an ethereal cry, suddenly sounded from outside the cabin.

"Is this... the voice of a possessed turtle?!"

Quickly rushing to the deck, Qi Yuan saw an extremely terrifying scene.

The huge waves rolled with the body of the giant beast, almost submerging the ship.

The possessed turtle's thick head was raised high and it let out a high-pitched cry. Its sharp claws lifted up the black sea water and penetrated deeply into the bottom.

The battle between behemoths that are more than 100 meters long is far beyond human imagination. It is completely impossible to tell the whole picture. We don’t even know what kind of ferocious beast we are fighting!

I could only barely see that this was also an extremely large and ferocious beast, its body covered with hard blue-black scales. Its sharp claws scratched the shell of the possessed turtle, making an extremely harsh and sharp sound.

The huge bodies of both sides formed a huge whirlpool in the sea, causing the entire sea-breaking cloud boat to sway.

Qi Yuan frowned, secretly thinking that there was trouble.

A battle with ferocious beasts at this level, even the aftermath, would be very dangerous.

At this moment, a huge wave with a height of more than 30 meters was slapped against the hull by the possessed turtle.

Qi Yuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he cursed in his heart: "Idiot."

Before the enemy came, you demolished your home first? !

At this critical moment, Qi Yuan urgently used the water shield spirit pattern. The spiritual energy fluctuated instantly, emitting powerful force and attracting the surrounding seawater to form a huge barrier in front of the ship.


The loud bang that shattered people's eardrums exploded violently beside the ship, instantly blocking the wave that was almost destroying the ship.


Qi Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief and felt cold sweat breaking out.

After escaping, he hurriedly shouted: "You should be quieter when you fight, you almost destroy your home!"


The possessed turtle chirped in a humane tone, seeming to respond to Qi Yuan's words.

And its subsequent combat movements gradually became more restrained.

Seeing this scene, Qi Yuan felt relieved.

Since the spirit-possessed turtle can restrain its movements, it means that it is not strong against ferocious beasts, at least not stronger than the spirit-possessed turtle!

Not long after, the appearance of the ferocious beast was revealed.

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