Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 679 Captain’S Soul Body

The department that Zong Yuan talked about for cultivating beasts was actually the Cloud-Stepping Beast Breeding Base, which also included the breeding of some other beasts.

For example, the iron-backed wild boar, the black swamp buffalo, the purple-feathered rooster, and the black wolf.

Many are used for meat, and a few can be cultivated for combat power.

Strictly speaking, this is actually a breeding base, not a scientific research department at all, and there is no research on wild beasts.

"Why do you suddenly want to go there?"

Zong Yuan smiled and said: "The breeding technology in the shelter is still very backward, and it is completely inferior to what is taught in the academy. If I can bring advanced technology back, it will definitely be greatly improved."

"Moreover, the animals raised in the sanctuary mainly eat meat. Although there are also cloud-walking beasts and black wolves, the quantity and quality are relatively low."

"With the strength of our island in the middle of the lake, we can completely expand our development and allow more beasts to become part of our combat power and apply it to various places in our lives."

Zong Yuan said it very seriously. He had obviously thought about it seriously and it was not a temporary idea at all.

After thinking for a while, Qi Yuan took the initiative to say out of concern: "The environment of the current breeding base is no different from that of a pig farm. Moreover, the level of scientific research inside is almost starting from scratch."

"I know all these situations and I am prepared."

Seeing what Zong Yuan said, Qi Yuan stopped trying to dissuade him and nodded slightly: "You have such a good idea. Then you can join the breeding base and be responsible for the domestication and cultivation of wild beasts. If you need it, you can come to me. .”

After thinking about it, he felt that Zong Yuan was indeed right.

With the conditions of the island in the middle of the lake, how many beasts do you have at your disposal? There are dozens of rare-grade ones alone, and hundreds of thousands of them, including excellent-grade and good-grade ones.

However, it has always been controlled by the Rhino King and Elephant King groups in order to prevent wild beasts from rioting.

But if it continues like this and is completely managed by the beasts without the intervention of human survivors, problems will arise.

The existence of Zong Yuan may be able to better solve this problem.

"Then it's decided, you all can go back. Wei Xi, you stay."

After Qi Yuan made simple arrangements, they left separately and rushed to their jobs.

A few minutes later.

Only Wei Xi and Qi Yuan were left in the cave, and the atmosphere became calmer.

Compared to the others, he is still more familiar with Wei Xi and has more interactions with him, mainly as peers.

"Wei Xi, do you have any new research or discoveries about your abilities?"

Wei Xi sat down naturally, with a thoughtful look on his face, and said: "For now, the three directions of use of my ability are mainly to raise ghosts, raise totems, and enhance the strength of the soul. They are still being explored. , and usually cooperate with the research institute to conduct research.”

Qi Yuan nodded, and while listening, he took out the tea set and tea from the dimensional ring, and made a cup for both of them.

"What changes happened after your master broke through to the perfect level?"

Hearing the word "master", Wei Xi's eyes darkened obviously.

Wei Xi's master is actually the perfect black shadow that reaches the sky. He was once the captain and master who led Wei Xi.

He is one of the closest people to Wei Xi in the misty world.

However, he died tragically without any resistance under the attack of the ghost ginseng, but in the end he kept his soul and became the first ghost that Wei Xi raised.

This has always been Wei Xi's problem, and he has tried to restore the ghost's memory, but to no avail.

Although he was a little sad, Wei Xi still answered seriously: "The mind is indeed no longer as dead as before, and can show some human action patterns, but it has been silent for too long, and it seems that it cannot restore the previous memory."

"It's to be expected, don't feel too uncomfortable." Qi Yuan also consoled him.

Wei Xi smiled bitterly: "Well, it's been such a long time, so I don't insist anymore. The situation at that time was too special. It would be good to keep the soul body!"

"Then if you continue to raise a ghost now, will you be able to retain its original memory and thinking?"

When mentioning this issue, Wei Xi raised his eyes and said seriously: "If we cooperate with the institute's methods, we should be able to do it successfully, but after all, it will not be completely like human beings, and will have some habits of the soul."

Speaking of which, this is really helpless.

In fact, it is not completely impossible to retain the consciousness of the soul body.

Because when a creature just dies, its soul has not completely dissipated, and there is still a certain amount of thinking ability. If energy is supplied in time at this time and carefully preserved, the memory of life can be preserved.

But Master Wei Xi’s situation is special.

First of all, he was attacked by ghost ginseng, which directly injured his soul, and his body was almost scattered and swallowed.

Afterwards, Wei Xi fell into a coma and had no energy supply for his soul body for a long time, causing it to almost dissipate.

In the end, even when Wei Xi woke up, he spent a lot of time understanding his abilities. It took a full month before he started to truly raise ghosts.

By this time, his master's soul had long since lost any thinking ability and could only obey orders.

Even so, Wei Xi firmly regarded this soul as the first ghost he cultivated!

But with current technology, such accidents will no longer occur.

The institute has been researching this aspect for more than a year. Although it is not very proficient, it has gained a lot of understanding.

As long as the creature has just died, the soul can be extracted in time and preserved by special means.

Then letting Wei Xi supply the energy of the soul body can maintain the soul body's thinking as much as possible, making the subsequent process of raising ghosts more convenient.

Because an unconscious soul body can only passively absorb energy; while a conscious soul body not only has independent thinking, but can now also actively absorb soul energy and improve its own strength.

The difference is not even a tiny bit.

Wei Xi took a sip of tea, hesitated for a moment and then said: "I think Master's soul has not completely lost its mind, but has completely fallen silent and needs a strong stimulus to wake up."

"There will be opportunities in the future, especially after breaking through to the perfect level now, he can stay with you longer."

Qi Yuan smiled and comforted.

The original worry was that his master's soul potential was too weak and he might not be able to break through to the perfect level, so he would have to be eliminated directly.

But now that I have successfully broken through, I no longer have this worry.

"What about raising totems?"

"Totem... more or less, that ant doesn't have any thoughts, so he can do whatever I ask him to do. However, the special energy I transformed is not very effective on the totem, and the efficiency is relatively low."

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