Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 705 Entering The Undersea Floating Island

When the last trace of spiritual energy dissipated, the entire stone tablet shook slightly, and small stone particles fell to the ground, seemingly damaged.

However, at this time, the stone tablet also emitted weak spiritual energy and obvious spatial fluctuations.

"Successful! The spiritual energy has been exhausted, let's get in quickly!"

There were excited smiles on everyone's faces. If they weren't worried about danger, they would just teleport in.

Qi Yuan also showed an expression of surprise. Just at the last moment when the spiritual energy disappeared, he could clearly feel that the restriction of the teleportation stone tablet had disappeared!

This means that everyone can enter directly.

But at this moment, everyone hesitated, including the old village chief and others.

All the information they got came from leather papers. They had never experienced it personally, so they were not familiar with the situation here.

Are there any dangers inside? What things exist? What kind of environment are you in? They also knew nothing.

The old village chief stood in front of the teleportation stone tablet and said directly: "Let's not say who will go in first and who will go in behind. The teleportation stone tablet can teleport 20 people at a time. Depending on the degree of damage, it should be able to be used twice! Let's go in in two times. "

This proposal was approved by many people.

Regardless of the danger, everyone enters together!

After everyone agreed, the first group of people stood up directly.

However, after seeing the candidates, the old village chief looked at everyone speechless.

Because, among the first batch of 20 people, except for 9 people including the old village chief, the other 11 people were not perfect powerhouses.

What's even more outrageous is that Qi Yuan directly sent a puppet up.

The old village chief's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What are you thinking? This is an eighth-level shelter. It can exist independently from the foggy world. There must be space restrictions inside! Do you really think that you can still send information out inside?"

Zhang Zhongyue said calmly: "Let's try it. If it doesn't work, we can teleport in later."

The old village chief sighed and said helplessly: "We broke in by force, and the teleportation stone tablet has been destroyed by us. How many times do you think you can continue to teleport?"

Hear this. Everyone looked at the stone tablet and found that there were indeed some cracks and that it was in a semi-damaged state.

Qi Yuan's heart trembled, and he understood that everyone did not have many choices.

The current teleportation stone tablet can be teleported once or twice, God knows!

Danger and opportunity seem to be really connected.

If you want to enter it, you must withstand the threats brought by opportunities.

After final consideration, everyone still screened out the unimportant people and chose to take the lead in transmitting the more important perfect-level combat power.

The five people from Qi Yuan did not all teleport directly.

Wei Xi and Yang Zhenghe occupied two spots and passed first.

Powerful space teleportation fluctuations appeared, and white patrol light shrouded the surroundings.

In an instant, the 20 people who were enveloped disappeared instantly!

But at the same moment, the stone tablet made a "creak" sound, almost breaking, making everyone's hearts rise in their throats.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, a crack appeared in the upper right corner of the stone tablet that penetrated from top to bottom.

"Damn it, is it really going to split?!" Barr Qi exclaimed.

Sorry, this teleportation stele must have been severely damaged and cannot be used multiple times.

Qi Yuan was also worried and hurried forward to check.

After checking it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Said: "Legend of this is not bad, I should be able to survive two transmissions!"

"Two teleportations?"

Some people showed happy expressions, while others showed a trace of regret.

It can only be teleported three times in total, which is 60 people.

The total number of people present was definitely more than 60.

In addition to the leaders of various forces and the top combat forces, many people actually brought 1 to 2 elite teams, similar to Qi Yuan's secret battle situation, which makes it easier to enter and explore.

"Everyone makes your own arrangements. Those who are weak should not go in." Zhang Zhongyue ordered.

Next, the candidates for the second batch are very important.

Those who must go in, like Qi Yuan and Zhang Zhongyue, will definitely be in the queue for this teleportation.

Qi Yuan was not polite and directly occupied three places and teleported himself, Huo Tui, and Qin Zhenjun together.

For other quotas, important people should be selected as much as possible.

Like some ten-person teams, only the strongest captain is assigned, barely occupying a few spots.

In fact, 20 perfect-level players will occupy 20 places.

Other forces that do not have perfect-level powerful people, such as Daniel, Erin, Heather, and the leaders of some forces in large gathering areas, also need to occupy about 15 places.

There are only a total of 25 places left, which are allocated to various forces. There are only one or two places at most, and too many people cannot be arranged to enter.

But these situations are not within the scope of Qi Yuan's thinking.

As the teleportation fluctuations appeared, I felt dizzy and my eyes were filled with white light.

When you open your eyes again, you are already in another space.

"This is……"

What comes into view is the warm sunshine, the breeze, the white clouds, and the slightly old but antique buildings around!

There is no deep and dark seabed, no huge and terrifying marine creatures, and no imaginary dangers and traps.

Looking around, there is only a beautiful environment, a large number of buildings, and an extremely rich concentration of spiritual energy.

Qi Yuan looked around in surprise. The concentration of spiritual energy here had reached the early stage of perfection.

Perhaps for an eighth-level shelter, this level is not too high.

However, it also showed an astonishing message - perfect spiritual energy is not something ordinary people can bear!

It means that the people living here are at least rare level, or even perfect level beings.

And looking at the number of buildings here, it seems to be extremely large, and there should be many people living here.

This place doesn't look like a shelter, it looks like a town in a paradise, and its scale is no worse than a city.

Yang Zhenghe had teleported over in advance and stood aside to look at it, "It's completely different from the imaginary floating island on the seabed. It's really a magical place."

"Indeed, the light source in the sky is similar to the sun." Qin Zhenjun couldn't help but sigh.

Qi Yuan nodded, but there were some doubts in his heart: this place is indeed magical, and its development level is much higher than everyone else's shelter, but...it doesn't seem to have the characteristics of being upgraded to an eighth-level shelter!

Logically speaking, level eight shelters are so rare that they should be completely different from ordinary shelters!

But although this place is very good, it is far from what he expected.

You want to say there is sunshine?

There are cloud lakes, underground shelters, and sun concentrates that can also create artificial suns.

To say there is a breeze and a good natural environment?

Space Tree World is not bad either!

To say that the area is large?

To be honest, no matter how large the area here is, can it be larger than the New World? Can it be bigger than Yunhu?

In fact, not necessarily, so what is so special here?

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