Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 711 The Eighth-Level Shelter Body

Acleutis didn't bother to say anything more and just walked in.

Seeing this, the others quickly followed suit.

This is a small villa, but to be more precise, it is a small-sized villa that does not look very high-end.

Walking into it, it still looks old, with thick dust everywhere, plants and flowers growing wildly, and it looks very messy.

60 people stood in it, almost packed to the brim. After just a few turns, they almost walked around the place.

"The place is so big, where is the teleportation array?" Daniel, who was big and round, was spinning around in the yard.

At this moment, a voice came from deep in the courtyard: "There is a basement here."

Everyone quickly turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. It was a dilapidated warehouse next to the corner of the villa.

Qi Yuan hurriedly stepped forward and saw that under the thick dust, there was a basement entrance that was completely attached to the ground.

Because the dust was so thick and well hidden, it didn't attract any attention.

Daniel stepped forward, directly pulled the ring at the entrance, and pulled the heavy metal door up. The rusty iron door rubbed against the floor, making a harsh and sad sound.

The deep, dark hole extends all the way to the ground, making it difficult to see what's going on inside.

Just when everyone was hesitating, Yang Zhenghe took action with a tacit understanding, releasing a small mechanical puppet loaded with lighting tools, holding eight mechanical legs, and staggered down the stairs.

As the lighting tools are turned on, the situation inside appears to everyone.

The stairs were deeper than expected, a full dozen meters before reaching the ground, and the basement was unexpectedly large.

The puppet walked around a few times, but was still not in any danger and was in very good physical condition.

Seeing this, Acleutis no longer hesitated, pushed aside the others around him, and jumped directly into the passage.

The rest followed closely behind.

The interior space is indeed very large, even larger than the entire villa itself, almost reaching two hundred square meters.

What caught everyone's eyes was a similar teleportation stone tablet.

At this time, Qi Yuan's mind suddenly moved and he took out a teleportation scroll and found that it was already in a usable state.

It seems that the environment here has broken away from the forbidden air realm and can carry out normal space teleportation.

"That's true! It must be a range-wide air restriction!"

Qi Yuan's eyes flashed. Such a powerful means of air confinement must be looked for carefully if there is a chance. It may be of great use in the future.

Especially the perfect creature that had space ability before, if you use the forbidden air prop as a trap, you might be able to kill it smoothly.

The special land title with unique spatial characteristics is worth absolutely beyond imagination!

"It's still this kind of teleportation stone tablet. It seems that we will continue to take action again."

Daniel said, and just as he was about to step forward to deliver spiritual energy, he was stopped by Campos beside him.

Campos lifted it up and said in a calm voice: "The key is just above, there is no need to transfer spiritual energy."

"What? How could the key be there... Hey, it seems like it's really there!"

At the core of the stone tablet, there is an embedded groove, which should be used to place the transmission voucher.

Before the outer island, the groove was empty.

But now, in the groove of the teleportation stone tablet in front of me, there is an exquisite round stone card!

Although the word is very strange, it is indeed a stone card.

It looks extremely thin, only a few tenths of a millimeter, but it still has the texture and texture of stone.

It should be a very special stone that has been specially processed to form a unique certificate that can be accepted by the teleportation stone tablet.

Acleutis reached out and touched it. Select directly to send.

The next second, the 20 people standing at the front disappeared.

The others looked at each other and were not in a hurry this time. They lined up according to their identities and teleported in three parts.

When Qi Yuan opened his eyes again, the surrounding scene had changed dramatically.

The green pheasant smell of green grass comes to my face, surrounded by the rich aroma of grass and trees, and there is thick and soft grass under my feet.

Then, after the transmitted white light disappeared, dazzling sunlight shone through, bright and warm.

There are clouds passing by in the sky. Just block the light and let the shadows on the ground change.

The breeze blew through the grass on the ground, making a rustling sound.

At this moment, it seems that we are not in a misty world, but in a comfortable field village in a peaceful world, feeling the most beautiful nature.

Qi Yuan looked around and found that the surrounding grassland was like this, and the environment was very beautiful.

However, this seems to be also a floating island!

The quality of spiritual energy on this floating island is higher, but the area seems to be very small, only about... 3 kilometers in radius? !

When everyone else came back from the beautiful environment and began to carefully look at their surroundings, they couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Because the area of ​​the floating island where we are now is exactly the same as the area of ​​the shelter!

3 kilometers in radius!

Qi Yuan thought to himself: "Could the original appearance of the eighth-level shelter be this small floating island in front of us? It's incredible!"

Not in a hurry to explore the island, Qi Yuan stepped to the edge and looked outside.

Only then did he fully see the true appearance of the floating island, and he was so surprised that he was speechless for a moment.

Before, when I was in the city outside, it was so big that I couldn't see the whole thing at a glance, so I was still confused.

But now, there is only a small floating island with a radius of 3km, which allows him to clearly see the essence of the floating island!

The shelter also floats in the air like a small floating island.

The entire periphery of the floating island is completely wrapped in a circular shield.

It's like a small island floating in a huge bubble, which looks very magical.

Through the water bubbles, you can barely see outside this spherical shield. It is a completely dark ultra-deep seabed!

There is no light, and the seabed is full of darkness, depth, coldness, unknownness and fear. Just by looking at it, there is a sense of fear of the deep sea coming from the depths of the soul.

An instinctive fear of the deep sea!

Vaguely, you can see some creatures wandering around, but you can't see their specific shapes. You can only feel their huge size from the vague outlines.

But miraculously, these creatures did not come close to the spherical shield.

There seems to be a force that excludes them and they dare not approach easily.

Qin Zhenjun said softly: "What a magical method, like water bubbles in the depths of the sea, wrapping floating islands. Is this the method of the eighth-level shelter?"

"It's really spectacular. You can't see any light here. How deep is it at the bottom of the sea? Thinking about it makes me feel scared."

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