He should have known that the technology provided by the system is not the upper limit, but the foundation and guidance!

Qi Yuan secretly made up his mind to add all the research results to the spirit pattern book after returning.

If the spirit pattern can be officially upgraded to the rare level, it will be of vital significance!

In addition to knowing that technology can be improved, everyone also has a deeper understanding of witchcraft.

Explore, learn, take control!

These six words are enough to fully encompass witchcraft!

Perhaps, this is the path that Mr. Zhang Zhongyue has been looking for, and it is also the original goal of Galaxy Academy, which is that they should start from scratch and explore the world bit by bit.

This is an extremely long process!

Even within Galaxy College, there have been a large number of geniuses with talents, strong learning abilities, and excellent research abilities. They can see the essence of many worlds just by relying on their own eyes.

However, the road to explore the world was too long. They walked for a year without even taking the first step.

They also lack the ability in this area and cannot truly touch the world with their physical hands.

However, witchcraft has completely opened this door, paving everyone's path directly to extremely high quality!

This kind of technology that understands the essence of the world, although it is both the only perfect level, has a higher innate style and greater potential.

Even the so-called spirit patterns are just relying on this world to slightly control the energy of this world!

In fact, it is also included in the energy system of the world and belongs to the part studied by witchcraft.

It is conceivable that a person with extremely high attainments in witchcraft can also research other technologies faster.

Especially those in the academy, witchcraft is enough to greatly improve their learning ability, and even possess the ability to learn the essence of the primary world.

Of course, these are all relatively illusory at the moment.

In witchcraft, there are also some more real things.

People who have a high level of research on witchcraft can control nature to a certain extent and draw the power of nature for their own use!

With just a few words of introduction, Qi Yuan didn't quite understand the meaning.

But it is also conceivable that this must be a power system completely different from the current one, and it is an incredible ability.

Moreover, witchcraft has another characteristic - while it has extremely strong potential, it also comes with inheritance.

If two people have the same affinity, they can teach the former what they have learned to the latter.

Just like the inheritance between teachers and students, the transmission of civilization!

The knowledge a person learns has its limitations after all. How many mysteries of the world can be studied in a hundred years?

Even if it can be recorded through words, there are many things that can only be understood but not expressed in words, and there are many insights that cannot be passed down through words.

And in witchcraft books, there seems to be a better way to pass on this mysterious and mysterious thing to the later generations in a more concrete way!

The significance of this to future development will be unprecedented.

Not only the understanding of nature in terms of witchcraft, but also other techniques learned by the former can probably be passed on in this way.

Suppose that Lu Lingjun has devoted himself to studying the spirit pattern technology for hundreds of years and has achieved extremely high attainments, but when he is about to face the end of his life, it means that a large part of the knowledge will not be passed on.

But witchcraft can help him retain this part of his spiritual pattern knowledge completely.

Qi Yuan already felt goose bumps all over his body: "I really picked up a treasure this time!"

Finally, witchcraft has the last ability to assist in improvement - directly through potions, permanently possessing certain abilities!

It should be referring to that magical potion.

Qi Yuan has already made a rough guess that the only perfect level of witchcraft probably only has the first four abilities.

The owner of the eighth-level shelter, through endless years of research, finally developed this potion, which can obtain certain abilities in a faster and more convenient way!

Of course, being able to collect the energy essence of various attributes in nature has also proved that their research on witchcraft must have reached an extremely high level.

But at this time, Qi Yuan's gaze towards the altar at his feet became a little unusual!

If the research on witchcraft were all here, then the most cutting-edge research results would probably be on the altar at your feet.

Several people looked at each other and thought of this possibility.

Qi Yuan looked solemnly and took out the identification device from the dimensional ring again, aiming it at the altar at his feet.

[Name: Origin Altar (Rare Level)

Function: A man-made rare prop!

1. Test affinity.

2. Assist in the research of original substances and feel their characteristics to understand the essence faster.

3. Absorb the essence of matter.

4. Use the original essence in the substance and other important materials to create the original essence potion!

5. The essence essence potion can change the physique of the survivor, improve attribute affinity to a certain extent, and permanently control it. (Strength of control depends on affinity.)

Introduction: Creation of wisdom! 】

Sure enough!

This altar has almost everything you need to learn witchcraft.

Not sure how to measure affinity?

Altars can be measured directly!

Is it too difficult to study the nature of matter in a short time?

The altar can assist research and allow you to experience it yourself!

Can't get the original essence?

The altar can extract it directly, which is very convenient whether it is used for study or research.

Finally, the inability to directly control nature?

Altars can do the same! Directly create this magical potion, and even increase the affinity of a certain attribute from the blood!

Touching the bloodline level means that it can be passed on.

Not only does he improve himself, but his descendants can also inherit this ability.

This time, it wasn’t just Qi Yuan who sighed!

Everyone's breathing became heavy, and Yang Zhenghe smiled unnaturally: "This, this, this... this is so fucking awesome! Qi Yuan, are we too big?"


Qi Yuan suppressed the excitement in his heart as much as possible and regained his composure, saying: "Don't worry about anything, let's put the things away first! Even if this is the only gain this time, it will be a worthwhile trip."

"Yes! Take them all first and study them slowly when you go back." Qin Zhenjun looked serious, even a little anxious.

These are two rare items!

Moreover, the "Witchcraft Books" and the "Original Altar" complement each other and form a complete set of props, and their value increases exponentially.

Without hesitation, Qi Yuan directly stuffed the "Essence of Water" and "Witchcraft Books" into the dimensional ring.

As for the "Origin Altar", due to its relatively large size, there is no way to fit a dimensional ring into it.

So, Qi Yuan directly summoned the totem, and everyone took action together to directly move the entire altar and put it into the small space!

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