Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 717 Rare Blood

What needs to be preserved in rare bottles turns out to be more noble rare resources!

Qi Yuan stretched out his hand to twist the cap of the bottle, exerted some force, and found that it could not be opened directly.

After careful inspection, I saw some small mechanisms on the bottle cap, which seemed to be fastened together for better sealing effect.


As the mechanism was opened, a wisp of breath floated out.

There is no fishy smell of blood in the impression, but a refreshing fragrance, which makes people energetic.

"Hey, isn't this blood?" Yang Zhenghe asked curiously.

Qi Yuan smelled it and said: "It should be blood, and it is also the blood essence of rare creatures, so not only does it not have a fishy smell, but it also carries a refreshing fragrance."

While explaining, Qi Yuan took out the identification device.

[Name: Jin Yan Holy Lion King (Rare World Level)]

Just a name and not much other information.

The same goes for several other bottles of liquid. They seem to be the blood essence of different extraordinary creatures, and the quality seems to be even better than the "Dischorned Penis Python".

Pick up another bottle of liquid that glows dark green.

[Name: Deep Sea Poison Ring Giant Seal (Rare Level)]

"It seems that it is indeed the case. It is such a powerful sanctuary! It actually contains the blood of so many extraordinary creatures. How powerful must it have been back then?"

Qi Yuan sighed sincerely!

There is no doubt that the strength of this eighth-level shelter has definitely reached the extraordinary level, far beyond what the current survivors can match.

Everyone did not continue to check the remaining two bottles of blood, but took them all back into the dimensional ring.

Today, there are more important things to do as a human being!

That’s looking for a special title!

It is almost certain that there is definitely a special land deed related to the beast here, but I don’t know what form it exists in, and I don’t know where it is.

The five people stood in the laboratory, looking around at the situation around him and looking at this corner.

It can be found that the content of the laboratory here is actually very simple. It only studies content related to beasts, and the layout of the laboratory is also very simple.

The location where everyone is now is already the deepest part of the laboratory.

After many inspections, no other roads were found.

Qi Yuan frowned: "It shouldn't be. Since it is an experimental base with a special land lease as its core, the final research results must be linked to the special land lease. How could it end here?"

In his thinking logic, extracting the blood of extraordinary creatures must not be the last step of this experiment. There must be other experiments next.

As long as you find the place where the last step of the experiment was carried out, there is a high probability that you will be able to find the special land title.

After rummaging around, several people looked at each other, but they found nothing unusual.

Wei Xi asked tentatively: "How about... smashing the wall?"

"Then give it a try."

Qi Yuan had no choice but to use more rough methods to search.

Black energy appeared all over Wei Xi's body, and the powerful force spread out. He punched the wall hard, making a "rumbling" sound immediately, and a not-so-deep punch mark appeared on the wall.

“Such sturdy material!”

Wei Xi's face turned red, turning into the color of pig's liver. The fist he just punched was hidden under his sleeves and was still trembling slightly.

Qi Yuan pursed his lips and said to himself that it was a good thing that he didn't take the initiative, otherwise the unlucky child would be himself.

Wei Xi seemed to be unwilling to give in, and stepped on the ground. A huge sound echoed in the laboratory, and the entire ground was shaking continuously.

As expected, there was only a small mark on the ground and it was not completely trampled through.

"Wei Xi, forget it."

"But boss..."

Before Wei Xi could finish speaking, Qi Yuan changed his tone and said: "I didn't notice the material of the laboratory just now, but I didn't expect it to reach the peak of perfection. Let's find a way to move it back directly."

"Uh... move them all back?"

"Well, the material is quite precious and cannot be wasted."

With that said, Qi Yuan exited the room and adopted a new approach.

The guardian thorns took action, and the huge vines spread in all directions, knocking down all the ordinary laboratories in other places, leaving only the deepest laboratory.

Then, all the vines were driven into the ground, digging out all the surrounding soil to reveal the foundation of the shelter.

They are all top-grade perfect materials, and they are not natural perfect materials, but artificially forged high-density alloys with terrifying hardness.

If you want to destroy it, it will be very difficult for everyone to do it together, but if you dig it out completely, it seems to be much easier.

With the help of Guardian Thorns, digging a hole is very easy.

However, after digging for more than ten meters, Qi Yuan's eyes moved and he found that the smell of the land deed seemed to be more obvious.

"No, is it possible that the special title deed is underground?"

Qin Zhenjun frowned and said: "I didn't find any entrance to the basement, and there was no connection on the ground. Why..."

Halfway through his words, Qin Zhenjun's eyes lit up and he seemed to have thought of another possibility.

Their thinking is still restricted after all, thinking that if there is a basement, there must be a passage.

But with the means of an eighth-level shelter, is it necessary to use low-end means of communication such as stairs?

Or do you have to use a crude hiding method like the basement?

A thoughtful look appeared in Qi Yuan's eyes, and he immediately ordered the guardian thorns to continue digging deeper and dig up all the surrounding soil.

Soon, all the foundations of the laboratory were exposed.

But Qi Yuan still did not stop, but continued to dig deeper, digging up all the surrounding ground.

He has calculated that the depth of this small floating island is only about 50m, and digging through it is not a problem.

Finally, when the dig was 30m deep, a bright white light suddenly appeared underground, and a touch of metallic color appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Haha, it looks like I found it!"

A smile appeared on Qi Yuan's face, and he quickly stepped forward to check and clean up the excess soil around it. A small iron box was soon revealed, which should be a deeper laboratory underground.

Everyone just thinks inertly, thinking that the laboratories must be connected and need to go through secret passages or the like.

However, it seems that this deeper laboratory requires the use of space teleportation technology to enter.

However, everyone did not discover the teleportation stone tablet. They may have used other transmission methods to enter, and the authority was relatively high, so no one noticed it.

Now it's much easier, just dig him out of the ground.

The iron box in front of me is also made of extremely high-quality man-made metal. It is difficult to open it manually.

However, Qi Yuan has keenly felt that the special land deed seems to be inside.

"what to do?"

Qi Yuan's eyes were calm: "What else can I do? Force it to open!"

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