Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 728 The Scroll Of Wonder Accommodation

[Name: Wonder Accommodation Scroll (Perfect Level)

Function: Transfer wonders into it. (The intensity of the wonder must be below rare level.)

Introduction: The power to move mountains! 】

“Tim really provides help in times of need!”

Qi Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Although it is just a perfect scroll and does not seem to be as valuable as other items, for the five-person alliance, its role is indeed self-evident.

A wonder with thunder attributes, it brings invincible defense and attack to the entire five-person alliance, making it invincible in the New World.

If the "deep vortex sand" is moved over again and continuously provides earth attribute energy, it will be a powerful force.

Zhong Maiyun was also in a good mood and said: "Great, by moving away the deep vortex sand, I can also move the ultra-deep underground shelter here, which will be much more convenient in the future."

The ultra-deep underground shelter has been held hostage by wonders for a long time, and now it can finally be freed.

Qi Yuan was also in a good mood. The harvest this time was indeed beyond imagination.

Finally, everyone looked at the last three harvests, which were also the highest quality harvests - two rare-level and one perfect-level.

It also brings a unique technology - witchcraft.

Moreover, unlike other technologies, it requires a long period of research and development and requires many props to cooperate.

Witchcraft not only has classics, but also a supporting altar of origin, which solves most of the early problems and can be used directly as soon as it is obtained.

But now, everyone is faced with the first question, which is who should put the "Origin Altar"?

Such an important item must not be placed in the New World. If it is breached one day, it will not cause irreparable losses.

The safest way is to hide in a shelter.

Whether it is Qi Yuan's shelter, Yang Zhenghe's shelter, or even Zhao Cheng's shelter, the safety is much higher than that of the New World.

But in the end, after discussion, it was decided to hand it over to Qi Yuan for safekeeping.

After all, in general, the island in the middle of the lake is the strongest, with a large number of perfect totem guardians, and no existence can get close to it.

Qi Yuan thought about it, and found that there were two unused islands just southeast of Yun Lake, which could be used to house the Origin Altar.

By the way, arrange another teleportation array to facilitate others to enter.

After making the decision, everyone moved their positions directly to the island to the east of the island in the middle of the lake.

First teleport to the island in the middle of the lake, and then sail to the east island.

Although this is not the first time for everyone to come to Huxin Island, they still marvel at the environment here every time they see it.

Qin Zhenjun looked at the white clouds in the sky, feeling the sunshine shining on his body, and couldn't help but say: "Qi Yuan, your sky cloud lake is no worse than the underwater floating island in the eighth-level shelter!"

Others nodded in agreement.

No one would have thought that eight kilometers above the ground, there would be a lake floating in the sky with a shelter above it.

And the environment here is much more beautiful than the floating islands under the sea!

However, Qi Yuan is still very self-aware.

He waved his hand and said, "It's different. Cloud Lake is just a semi-wonderful natural environment that was caused by luck and obtained through scrolls."

"The basis of the floating island on the seabed is special land deeds and magnetism. The technology used should be more advanced, and the environment it must be in is also harsher."

"What's the point!" Zhao Cheng said nonchalantly: "Not only is Yunhu Lake yours now, but with the Yuanci Special Land Deed, you might also be able to build a floating island under the sea!"

Qi Yuan smiled and found that it did make sense, and maybe he could really try it.

As the boat floated, a few people chatted easily and drifted all the way to the east island.

Although this island has not been used, Qi Yuan has also arranged for people to take care of it. Many weeds have been cleared away, and useful trees have been retained.

However, the environment here is actually more mountainous, and the terrain is uneven, not as flat as other islands.

But fortunately, the height difference in the mountains is not big, they can only be regarded as small hillsides.

Everyone walked onto the island and went all the way deep until they came to a place near the center of the island.

Qi Yuan took out a teleportation array, found a relatively flat terrain, and then started to arrange it directly.

Another teleportation array has been placed on the new continent, and you will be able to come directly to this island in the future.

While arranging it, Qi Yuan said: "This is the center of the island, and it also happens to be a valley. Let's just place the origin altar here."

"Yes, and it looks like the area here is very wide. It can be used as an experimental site in the future." Qin Zhenjun said in agreement.

It is conceivable that from now on, a lot of people's energy will be focused on witchcraft!

After all, this should be the highest-level technology that human survivors have ever obtained, and it naturally has the greatest development potential.

Especially the appearance of Qin Yan and others verified this idea.

How could a technology that can create dozens of perfect level experts be weak?

In fact, Qin Yan and others do not have an altar of origin, and only have a small amount of information on witchcraft. They are restricted in many aspects, otherwise their strength will be stronger.

But now, the main inheritance of witchcraft has come into the hands of Qi Yuan and others!

Set up the teleportation array and arrange your personal altar.

The five people looked excitedly at this ancient and vicissitudes of life altar.

After traveling through the long river of time, this artifact, which contains the crystallization of the wisdom of the eighth-level shelter, finally saw the light of day again.

"Let's try the function of the origin altar first. Don't break it during transportation and make it unusable!" Zhao Cheng said worriedly.

Yang Zhenghe laughed and scolded: "What the hell are you thinking? This is a rare prop, how can it be broken so easily?"

As he spoke, Yang Zhenghe threw Zhao Cheng in and began to try the first function of the Origin Altar - detecting attribute affinity!

Zhao Cheng stood on the altar. As the altar slowly started up, a few lines of small words appeared on a smooth bone surface in front of him.

Seeing this unfamiliar font, Qi Yuan felt bad in his heart. He ignored that it was a text display and couldn't understand it at all!

Is it possible that Qin Yan should be found and asked to help translate? !

That is simply a fantasy!

If Qin Yan knew that his ancestor's belongings were taken away by Qi Yuan and others, he might bring someone to fight over them.

When he should be worried, he heard Zhao Cheng mutter to himself: "Dual attribute affinity, ice 92%, water 8%, other attributes seem to have 0.0001%."

"Hey, Zhao Cheng, can you understand these words?"

Zhao Cheng was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said calmly: "No, but he will pass the consciousness directly to you, so you don't need to understand it."

"So that's it!"

Qi Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling lucky in his heart.

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