Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 734 Void Travel

Just when he was filled with excitement, he suddenly saw a special light blue ore mixed in a pile of space crystals.

It is particularly conspicuous among the white space crystals.

"Hey, what kind of ore is this? I haven't seen it before."

Generally speaking, if the research institute captures new types of resources in the void, they will hand them over to Qi Yuan for inspection.

Therefore, he is very clear about what resources exist nearby.

But this is the first time I have seen the blue crystal in front of me.

Pick up the blue crystal and use the appraiser, and the information will appear in front of you.

[Name: Sky-Suppressing Stone (Perfect Level)

Function: Stabilize a chaotic space environment.

Introducing: Consolidate your space! 】

Perfect quality, but its function is hard to understand.

After reading this, he only had one thought in his mind: What is a chaotic space environment?

He sees chaotic spiritual energy every day, but he has never seen a chaotic space.

Therefore, he was confused about the function of this ore for a while.

But after all, it is of perfect quality, so keep it first, maybe you will use it one day.

"The effect shown now is the ability of metamagnetic absorption, but I don't know what the ability of repulsion is."

Qi Yuan thought and tried to use another energy in the Yuan Magnet, and a completely opposite force emerged from it.

Spread into the void again and began to spread outward.

But this time, Qi Yuan could clearly feel that the speed at which this force spread was much slower than the previous suction force.

It seemed... to be counteracted by another force.

But as it spreads farther and farther, the power underneath becomes weaker and weaker until it disappears completely.

After thinking about it for a while, Qi Yuan understood the general reason.

Most likely it is because the primitive world itself has strong attraction and repulsion.

The primitive world can attract distant objects, but when these objects are close, repulsive force will appear to avoid collision.

The force field released in the metamagnetism will cancel each other out.

When the metamagnet spreads far enough, this influence becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.


This magical discovery made Qi Yuan's eyes suddenly light up, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"These two forces... seem to be able to interact?"

Qi Yuan turned his eyes and whispered softly: "Does that mean that the power of Yuan Magnet... can act on the primitive world?! In that case..."

The next moment, Qi Yuan suddenly expanded the power and range of Yuan Magnet, and the intensity increased significantly.

At the same time, a strong repulsive force was exerted as much as possible within the suction range of the primitive world, so that the two opposite forces kept colliding.


A faint sound came from the primitive world, and the whole land trembled slightly, seeming to shift slightly.

"It really works! I didn't expect that the magnetism can actually be used as kinetic energy to make the primitive world move in the void."

Qi Yuan couldn't help but smile, and thought of a crazy plan in his mind, a plan about the use of Yuan Magnetic!

If the power of the elemental magnet is maximized and the contact range of the repulsion and suction is made as large as possible, a kinetic energy can be exerted on the entire primitive world.

Thus, the primitive world begins to move in the void!

This means that he can actively explore the void!

After collecting the resources in this area, you can collect them in another place. You will have inexhaustible space resources!

Not even just resources!

You must know that not only the primitive world is in the void, but the plant world and the biological world are also in the void.

Does that also mean that there will be other similar small landmasses in space?

Or, will there be some unique space resource points?

Moreover, this suddenly reminded him of the spiritual treasure chest he had obtained!

In the broken spiritual treasure box, he obtained "Scroll of the Small World of Space".

This shows that there is likely to be a spiritual land in this void, or something similar to a spiritual land! They float in the void, never explored or discovered.

The resources growing there will still be very abundant.

At the same time, Qi Yuan suddenly had an idea: Does the small world where Qin Yan and others live also exist in the void?

This question has not been explored, but it is worth studying!

If they are indeed in the void, does it mean that there is a similar small world somewhere in the void, housing a group of creatures?

In the long course of time, how many level eight shelters have appeared? How many level sevens have appeared?

Many of them must have space means, or have similar small worlds.

When they face a life-and-death crisis, will they hide in a small world to avoid danger like Qin Yan's ancestors did?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Qi Yuan became, and even felt like he was shaking all over.

The special land deed·Yuanci itself does not seem to have much effect, and even feels a bit useless.

But when used in the primitive world and used as the power system of the primitive world, it shows unparalleled potential.

It even opened up a new and mysterious world!

"I made a lot of money this time. I didn't expect that an inconspicuous special land deed would actually start a journey in the void!"

Qi Yuan didn't care too much and went directly to the Origin Altar and pulled back Wang Yihui and Chu Yang who were studying witchcraft there.

The two people with confused faces looked at their lord in confusion.

Just before, their lord had sworn to tell them that the most important thing in the shelter now was to study witchcraft wholeheartedly, and everything else could be put aside for the time being!

They were also warned that they must stay on the island for the next three months and no one was allowed to leave.

But unexpectedly, just a few hours later, the lord broke his order.

Just as they were complaining in their hearts, Qi Yuan told them his thoughts and personally demonstrated Yuanci's ability.

The two people who originally looked calm gradually became energetic and bright. The more they listened, the more shock in their eyes became stronger.

In the end, everyone froze in place.

"Void travel?"

"Exploring the unknown?"

No one knows how tempting these two words will be for researchers.

They looked at the chaotic void and felt it was more beautiful than ever before!

Once, for them, the void represented darkness, terror, and lifelessness.

But at this moment, after hearing Qi Yuan's various speculations, the image of Void in their eyes completely changed.

Endless resources, hidden habitats of creatures, all unknown but mysterious places that do exist...

Perhaps this world is too rich, and their minds alone cannot comprehend the richness in the void.

But there is no doubt that such a whimsical idea really made them excited!

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