Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 738 Bao Xue Bao Hui

Needless to say about the Rhino King and the Elephant King, both the Platinum Steel Bone Rhino and the Heavy Thunder Elephant are very powerful, and under the management of the two kings, not only their strength has not diminished, but has become stronger.

After becoming a totem, it is more convenient to inherit the essence and blood, so the strength of the descendants is also very strong.

Moreover, with the help of Qi Yuan and others, all kinds of resources are available and can be planned reasonably.

In addition, the Abyss Three-Headed Dog and Black Tiger are also gradually developing their own groups.

The Abyss Three-Headed Dog selected some wolf-dog beasts with high potential, and after passing on his perfect bloodline to them, their strength was greatly improved.

The same goes for Black Tiger, and the situation is even better.

Because in the New World, there are also black tiger groups, and they also have rare levels of strength.

With the help of the Black Tiger Totem, the clan has been on the right track and its strength is constantly improving.

Now coupled with the ant colony, these five groups will suddenly become the five most powerful beast groups under Qi Yuan, and they are also the most loyal and easiest to control.

The resources of all other beasts will also be tilted towards them.

Of course, the ape group of the Ghost-backed Dragon Ape can actually be counted among them, but they still lack a perfect town character.

Having just finished dealing with Yuan Ci and the Ant King, Qi Yuan could finally rest.

Since the voyage and exploration began half a year ago, his nerves have been tense and he has to worry about various things.

Taking advantage of this time, we can just return to the island in the middle of the lake.

However, there is a high probability that it cannot stop completely.

He could go back to the small villa on the island in the middle of the lake to sleep at night, but during the day he still chose to go to the east island to learn about witchcraft.

A qualified leader must have a certain understanding of all aspects of knowledge in the shelter.

Moreover, this kind of study is not tiring, it is completely regarded as a kind of leisure and entertainment.

In the next few days, life gradually returned to calm.

He seems busy every day, but he is also leisurely and contented. He and Zhong Maiyun row a boat to go to school. If he doesn't study well, he blames the teacher. It is definitely not his problem anyway.

The old professors who studied witchcraft felt annoyed when they saw these two students, and even lectured Qi Yuan.

However, Qi Yuan's talent is still very good, especially in practice. With his 100% spiritual affinity, he can research spirits very quickly.

In a short period of time, I have reached the threshold of witchcraft.

For other people with high affinity, in the same situation, the higher the affinity, the faster they will master it.

After these few days of study, Qi Yuan probably understood that witchcraft is actually the process of learning a natural element and then converting it into one's own abilities.

As long as the control is high enough, the strength displayed will be stronger, and it will be comparable to the power of nature!

For example, if your earth attribute affinity is extremely high and your attainments in witchcraft are strong enough, you can move mountains, fill seas, and crack mountains and rocks!

Even if it reaches the extraordinary level, it is very possible to artificially create earthquakes.

The potential of witchcraft is greater than imagined.

After studying in the past few days, Qi Yuan has stronger control over the spiritual energy in his body.

Whether it is using spirit arrows or mobilizing spirit patterns, the speed is more than doubled, and the utilization rate is also increasing.

Not only the spiritual energy inside the body, but also the aura outside the body.

The most obvious change is that in the past, cultivation required the use of spiritual patterns, but with the current body, one can actively control the spiritual energy inside and outside the body to communicate and practice directly.

This means that his body has the ability to absorb spiritual energy on its own!

This may seem inconspicuous, but it is actually a huge breakthrough.

On the one hand, it can make cultivation easier and there are no restrictions anymore.

On the other hand, when using techniques such as spirit patterns, there is no need to cooperate with "psychic spirit patterns" and it can be released directly through the body.

If this ability can be passed down through blood, then his descendants will be brand new humans with great potential!

This is also one of the most important abilities of witchcraft - passing it on to future generations!

This plays a vital role in the development of the entire human race, and even has revolutionary significance.

Therefore, the more he studied, the more profound Qi Yuan felt and the more he felt that he could not figure it out, and the more he wanted to explore.

Unfortunately, such a busy and fulfilling study life did not last long.

The situation of human survivors is still changing.

According to the recent news, various tribes in the small world have begun to cooperate with the human survivor forces and even become allies.

Qi Yuan also sent people to contact Qin Yan and understand the situation inside the small world.

Now there is a lot of news.

In the small world, there are seven tribes in total, corresponding to seven attributes.

Back then, there were dozens of strong men hiding together in this small world.

They have all taken potions and have extremely high attainments in witchcraft, so they can pass their strength to their descendants to a certain extent.

However, after countless years of development and many disputes and conflicts, only these seven tribes were left.

They are also the seven strongest tribes.

The strength of each of their tribes is no less than three perfect level combatants, which is much stronger than many human survivors.

Moreover, they were inherited from the eighth-level shelter after all. Although the resources in the small world are scarce, there are still many things that are extremely precious.

Therefore, many people's survivors are willing to cooperate with them.

Today, Qi Yuan has made an agreement with Qin Yan to launch their first in-depth cooperation.

Qi Yuan took the guard seat and walked into the teleportation array of the small world with three perfect totems hidden in his hands: the three-headed dog of the abyss, the black tiger, and the golden crow war ant.

As soon as I entered, I heard a lot of noise.

Compared to the first time I arrived, the place was obviously much livelier, with a large number of people coming and going.

Some shops even began to appear, and many people gathered there to exchange resources and trade.

Among them, there were not only human survivors, but also tribal members wearing coarse linen and linen clothes.

However, communication between them is not convenient, and can even be said to be very difficult.

Because the communication of consciousness is limited to perfect level experts, for ordinary people, they use completely different languages, making it difficult to communicate at all.

Qi Yuan randomly walked to a stall, picked up a piece of ore on the ground, and asked: "Brother, how is the business here?"

The man in thin leather clothes smiled and said: "Hey, it's not bad. The tribesmen here are quite generous. What, brother, you want to come over and set up a stall too?"

Qi Yuan replied with a smile: "I have this plan, but I don't know the market. Come here today to have a look."

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't understand! Do you want to join our Jinshui Chamber of Commerce? The membership fee is 288, including learning and meeting, we will guide you!"

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