Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 761 Endless Loneliness

[Name: Kongrong Spiritual Liquid (Rare World Level)]

Qi Yuan also checked the information about this liquid. There was only a name, which looked very ordinary and had no function or introduction.

However, after Chu Yang's attempts, it was probably certain that the air-melting spirit liquid could fuse two space crystals together without harming the crystal itself.

This is the same as Chu Yang’s guess!

After that, he tried to put in rare-level space crystals and found that the situation was the same. How could they be fused together?

However, after a series of attempts, it was discovered that space crystals below the rare level cannot achieve this effect.

When the excellent-grade space crystals enter the air melting spiritual liquid, they will completely melt and become nutrients.

After finding out the rules, the next step was convenient. Chu Yang took action one after another, connecting dozens of rare-level space spirit stones together to create an airtight bottle.

After that, slowly pour the liquid into the jar.

At this time, it can be vaguely seen that the air-melting spiritual liquid is not sinking at the bottom, but magically floating in the air, maintaining a certain distance from the extreme condensed steel at the bottom.

“What an amazing resource!”

After closing the lid, Chu Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Taking out three more space crystals that were fused together, this time it was a fruitful harvest, and Qi Yuan was naturally in a good mood.

Not to mention anything else, just a large number of excellent, rare, and perfect grade space crystals is a huge harvest.

What's more, I also unexpectedly harvested two rare materials, which was simply a blessing from heaven.

Afterwards, Chu Yang quickly took action and conducted research on these two rare materials!

The conclusions reached are shocking!

In fact, Qi Yuan and Chu Yang have been worried about one thing. The Kongming Spiritual Liquid can melt the space spirit stones and then unite them together. Will it affect the internal space energy?

Is it possible that the originally stable space became chaotic after fusion? Then it can't be used?

The final result completely made them put aside their worries.

Because after testing, the fused space crystal can still be used!

And what’s even more shocking is that it’s not just the space crystals that are fused, but also the internal space energy!

Chu Yang tried to fuse two rare-level space crystals together using air-melting spiritual liquid, and then made them into a small space world!

The surprising result is that the internal space is actually 100 square meters!

A rare space small world with an area of ​​50 square meters. Now after being merged together, it has actually doubled.

After discovering this matter, Chu Yang immediately found Wang Yihui, and the two worked together overnight to urgently try to perfect the small space world.

Finally, we came to the conclusion that the perfect space boundary of 500 square meters became 1,000 square meters after integration!

When the news reached Qi Yuan's ears, even Qi Yuan was shocked. It took him a long time to react, and then he couldn't help but laugh heartily.

what does that mean?

This means that a large number of low-quality space crystals can be fused together to create a very large space!

Whether it is used for living or storage, it is very good!

The shortcoming of the small space world has always been that its area is too small!

Even the perfect level only has 500 square meters, which is a huge limitation. I didn’t expect it to be successfully solved today!

Chu Yang said: "Brother Qi, if only a small part of the two small spaces are connected together, then only a part of the inner space is connected."

"But if they are completely integrated, the internal space will also be completely integrated, and there will be no disorder."

The more Qi Yuan listened, the more excited he became. Kongrong Spiritual Liquid was simply divine water, and its effect was much stronger than many props. People could not but sigh at the power of nature.

"Have you studied those three rare space crystals? How is the situation?" Qi Yuan asked greedily.

Chu Yang shook his head helplessly and said, "Brother, it's only been one day and one night, and I haven't had time to study it yet!"

"Okay, but with our current technology, can we develop a rare space world?"

Regarding this question, Chu Yang's eyes lit up and he gave an affirmative answer: "That's no problem. The production methods of good to perfect level space circles are all exactly the same. There is no breakthrough in technology. The principles of the rare level are similar. !”

"That's good!"

Qi Yuan was in a good mood and ordered: "Send these materials out and let the professors at the institute start research and manufacturing. You will continue to be responsible for the primitive world."

The original plan was to use three months to study witchcraft for professors, so that everyone could get started and master witchcraft techniques as much as possible.

But now, just over a month later, Qi Yuan had to ask them to suspend their studies and resume work at the institute.

There is really no way around this. Today's shelters are indeed inseparable from the institute.

Moreover, Chu Yang cannot be allowed to take charge. If Wang Yihui is responsible for the navigation of an entire primitive world, there will be many ill-considered situations.

Especially the exploration of the surrounding void requires a lot of people to worry about.

In just these two days, the primitive world has sailed two kilometers. The distance is not far, but the harvest is huge.

In particular, a large number of space crystals are a very huge resource.

With the experience of these two days, many incorrect arrangements have been corrected, making sailing easier and easier.

Qi Yuan would often come to the border and look at the void floating slowly outside. It was like an abyss without any light, but occasionally the space crystal would float through it and refract some light.

If you look at it for a long time, you will find that it is always the same and there is almost no change.

Apart from gravel, there are space crystals, but most of the time it is still nothingness and nothing can be seen.

Silence, darkness, depression, desolation, endlessness, unknown... are the true portrayal of this void.

At first, I felt nervous and even scared.

But as I sailed day by day, looking at the void that did not change at all every day, all that was left was endless loneliness!

Yes, it is loneliness! Endless loneliness!

A kind of loneliness abandoned by the world, and even the thought of running away and leaving here completely may arise.

Qi Yuan only lived for a few days before he was keenly aware of this emotion and immediately felt something bad.

This situation is like a ship sailing in the endless sea; like a camel walking in the vast desert; more like a spaceship lost in the universe...

Perhaps in your mind, you can imagine all kinds of wonderful stories, but in fact, dullness and sameness are the norm.

"No, long voyages are too mentally stressful. Some changes must be made."

Qi Yuan murmured to himself, feeling a little wary in his heart.

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