Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 770 Void Meeting

Qi Yuan slapped his head and realized that this was what he meant by being younger. He really didn't know what to say.

How long is two thousand years? For the void, it is indeed a short moment.

But how short is two thousand years? From a human perspective, it was a long time.

Qi Yuan had no choice but to skip this topic and asked: "Are there any other discoveries?"

Chu Yang shook his head, looked at the ore in his hand seriously, and said, "The specific situation needs to be analyzed. Nothing useful has been found so far. They are all relatively ordinary stones."

Chu Yang said it more euphemistically, but Qi Yuan could immediately understand that there must be nothing good here. What can be analyzed by analyzing a pile of rubble without spiritual energy?

Chu Yang took some samples and sent people to continue searching. After confirming that there was nothing useful, he returned directly to the primitive world.

Obviously, the gain this time is not big, it can even be said that there is no gain at all.

This so-called small land is actually just a larger stone, covered with gravel and dust, and belongs to the category of void garbage.

However, after a series of inspections by Chu Yang, some unknown details were also discovered.

This small piece of land should once have been part of a large piece of land. It was only forced to wander in the void after being hit many times or facing some danger from the void.

Because Chu Yang discovered that there were some other materials in some craters on the small continent, including obvious crack marks at the fractures, and the soil layer also had a certain sense of age.

This shows that the void is definitely not deserted and boring. There are indeed other larger lands here, and various things happen.

Maybe most of them are disasters, but who can guarantee that there will be no resources? There will be no birth of life?

This time, although it ended in failure, it did not disappoint everyone.

By the way, we can finally use this small piece of land again.

To the west of the primitive world, that is, at the tail, everyone has transported the small landmass over and slowly brought it closer to the edge.

It can be seen that at this time, the primitive world is continuously sailing eastward, and there are two huge forces at the tail that impact together, forming a driving force to push the entire continent.

At this time, Chu Yang controlled the power of Yuanci and slowly moved this small continent out of the primitive world. Although the speed was very slow, it still caused very powerful fluctuations.

This is also a very magical phenomenon. Items originally in the void are not affected when they move.

However, after being captured by the primitive world and then thrown out under human control, it will greatly affect the spatial fluctuations and generate energy.

However, this is also a point that everyone can take advantage of.

After Chu Yang was ready, he motioned for everyone to stay away.

After using the power of Yuan Magnet to push the small land out of the primitive world, an extremely powerful space wave burst out instantly. The energy was so strong that it was beyond imagination and almost completely exploded the void.

It was at this moment that Qi Yuan immediately changed the direction of the magnet.

Originally, the forces of Yuan Magnetism and the Primitive Realm were mutually exclusive, but at this time they were moving in the same direction, resisting the power erupting from the small continent together.

In an instant, the huge energy that exploded when the little land left became the driving force of the primitive world. It was like accelerating nitrogen, making the entire primitive world increase in speed instantly.

Qi Yuan felt unsteady and almost fell to the ground.

Chu Yang, on the other hand, was very excited. Using the kinetic energy generated when items left the primitive world to help the primitive world accelerate was an idea he had long ago.

After this experiment, it was proved that it is indeed effective.

In the next period of time, as long as the Yuan Magnet is used continuously, the primitive world can sail at high speed, more than twice as fast as before.

Five days later.

Primitive world, void sailing conference.

In response to various problems encountered during void travel these days, Qi Yuan specially called everyone together for discussion.

Whether it is the issue of using gravity and repulsion as power, or about resources in the void, or looking for other land... all need to be discussed.

As the person in charge of the meeting, Chu Yang was sitting next to Qi Yuan to report.

"From the first day of sailing to today, we have harvested a total of more than 50,000 space crystals, including 42,589 good grade, 12,503 excellent grade, 1,525 rare grade, 128 perfect grade, and 3 rare grade, which includes the space obtained from meteorites. Spar.”

After hearing this simple report, Qi Yuan couldn't help but take a breath. This number was really too much!

It is simply unimaginable to harvest so many space crystals in just a few days of sailing!

This is much more than collected in the past six months!

"In addition, a total of 3 new void resources have been discovered, namely void-melting spiritual liquid, rare grade, and derived from meteorites."

"Void Softsilver, perfect level, captured by the gravity of the primitive world, unexpected harvest."

"Unknown slime, without grade, is also captured by the gravity of the primitive world."

Qi Yuan listened carefully. These were some new resources that had been obtained recently and were being studied all the time. Even he didn't know the situation clearly.

"Chu Yang, tell us about the situation of Void Softsilver and unknown slime." Qi Yuan ordered.

Chu Yang nodded seriously and said, "First of all, there is Void Soft Silver. It is a metal that belongs exclusively to the void. It has low hardness, very good ductility, and has a very valuable function - to offset space fluctuations!"

Qi Yuan's originally downcast eyes suddenly glowed with light after hearing these words.

The other professors present also frowned instantly and looked at Chu Yang.

Qi Yuan asked: "Cancel space fluctuations, is that what I understand it to mean?"

Chu Yang also had a smile on his face and said: "Brother Qi, it should be so! Void Softsilver can freely enter and exit the void without causing fluctuations in space! It is a very special material."

Qi Yuan received a positive answer and immediately sat down, already thinking about the value of this resource in his mind.

Doesn’t cause spatial fluctuations? ! Entering and exiting the void at will? !

That means that all items made from this resource can move in the void at will.

For example, using Void SoftBank to make protective clothing, humans can directly enter the void to act.

Detectors wrapped in void soft silver can also run faster in the void without any restrictions. One detector is more efficient than ten.

These are just the simplest application methods, which are enough to greatly speed up the process of void exploration.

Qi Yuan's breathing became a little heavier and he quickly asked: "How much is the approximate number?"

Chu Yang said with some regret: "I just caught it by accident. The number is not very large. It is about the size of an adult's head and weighs 1.02 kilograms. It is a very light material."

"Can you make a protective suit?"

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