Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 773 The Difference Between Babies

Zhou Yue is still simple in character and serious in doing things. She has always been with Qi Yuan and is his confidant.

Otherwise, if she was really stupid, Qi Yuan would not leave such an important place like the baby's living area to her to manage.

"Oh, by the way, boss, you have to arrange more manpower for us. The children here are very young, many are only a few months old. We are really too busy!"

Qi Yuan was stunned: "Aren't there more than 300 teachers? How come there aren't enough?"

"But we have more than 11,000 children! One teacher can take care of 30 to 40 older children, but the younger ones cannot be taken care of at all."

Qi Yuan made some calculations and figured it out immediately.

There are a total of 300 teachers, but there are more than 10,000 students, each of whom is responsible for almost 36 people.

Although the current baby living area is mainly managed in a class system, the children here are too young.

"Then how are you handling it now?" Qi Yuan asked.

When Zhou Yue heard this question, a sad look appeared on her face, and she also felt a sense of self-blame. She sighed and said, "The current method is not good."

Qi Yuan was a little confused. He didn't expect to see such an expression on Zhou Yue's face. It seemed that she looked silly on the surface, but she was usually worried.

"Tell me about it, you've done a good job."

Zhou Yue pursed her lips and said, "I divided the children into three categories: purchased ones, those from the island in the middle of the lake, and those who are gifted, and assigned different numbers of teachers to manage them."

Qi Yuan frowned and said, "Speak clearly."

"When all children come in, their talents and specialties will be tested. Some of the newborns will be adapted to the blood of beasts!"

"If the talent is high, or even compatible with a certain beast's bloodline, I will ask them to move to another area for specialized management."

"The conditions there are better, and there are more teachers arranged there. Even the institute will arrange teachers to teach them."

"The remaining children with average talents will also be divided into two categories, the children from the island in the center of the lake and the children bought from the super gathering place, all of which will be taken care of separately."

Hearing this, Qi Yuan's face looked a little ugly.

In fact, there is no problem in separate management of those highly talented children. The environment is even better in all aspects, which he personally agreed to.

After all, there is no absolute fairness in the world. The better the talent, the greater the value to the shelter, and naturally it will be valued more.

It's just that they are all ordinary children, and they are divided into bought ones and home-made ones, which really makes him a little uncomfortable.

"Zhou Yue, no matter what they were like before, they are all children of Huxin Island now..."

"Oh, I know!" Zhou Yue accidentally interrupted Qi Yuan and said with a frown: "I also arranged it like this at the beginning. Everyone lived together, but later I found that there were indeed problems, so we separated."

After saying this, Qi Yuan also retracted his words of instruction and asked with some confusion: "Why?"

Zhou Yue sighed and said: "Actually, there are three reasons in total."

"First of all, children bought from outside are generally not just born, but have been born for several months or even more than a year, so their bodies are weaker and more susceptible to illness. If an infectious disease breaks out, it will spread immediately. open."

"But the children from Huxin Island are sent here as soon as they are born. They almost never get sick, and their quality in all aspects will be higher."

Qi Yuan nodded and found that this was indeed the case.

Moreover, the residents living on the island in the center of the lake are generally above the excellent level. They are strong themselves and the children they give birth to are of higher quality.

However, the quality of children from super gathering places is the same as that of children on earth, and because of the dirty and poor living conditions in super gathering places, many are weaker and weaker, and some are even infected with diseases.

For this reason alone, Qi Yuan actually accepted Zhou Yue's arrangement.

Zhou Yue continued: "There is also talent. I originally thought that everyone's talent is innate, but in fact it is not. The children on Huxin Island have higher talent than these bought children!"

"I have done statistics and found that the average talent of the children on Huxin Island is 79.3! And the average talent of the children bought from the super gathering place is only 67.5. If you don't believe it, boss, you can arrange for someone to check."

When Qi Yuan heard this number, he was shocked. Unexpectedly, it was actually a 12% difference!

This means that more than half of the babies on the island in the middle of the lake have cultivation talents above 80 and are fully capable of entering training areas, legions, and even secret battles!

The children who are bought generally have talents in their sixties or seventies!

And more importantly, this means that most of the geniuses are children from the Lake Island.

Next, Zhou Yue indeed gave the data in this regard: "Moreover, the same goes for the batch of genius babies. There are currently 52 of them in total, all of whom have talents above 85 or can absorb beasts!"

"But among these people, 43 are children from Huxin Island!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yue's eyes became a little dim.

Qi Yuan was speechless for a while. After all, the gap was really big, 43:9!

But with a little thought, he could figure out some of the reasons.

The development of the island in the center of the lake has far exceeded the level of a super gathering place, and is not on the same level at all.

Many of the research conducted by the institute will be used in the lives of ordinary people to improve their living standards.

Including children.

There is a specially formulated potion, similar to spiritual fluid, that babies can absorb to warm their bodies and improve their strength.

There is also a small training box. It is only the size of a storage box. After putting the child in it, it can put the child in a high aura environment, and it is still acceptable to the child.

Or some high-quality animal milk with complex nutrients that can improve children in many aspects.

Most of the parents living on the island in the middle of the lake are not short of money, and have experienced the suffering of the foggy world, so they are extremely concerned about the children they give birth to.

So they are very willing to spend money on these things.

Although the children were sent to the baby living area early, they often sent these items for teachers to bring to their children for use.

In this way, the talents of children who are already relatively talented will be improved by a few points.

As for the children who were bought, even if their talents were pretty good, due to the lack of spiritual energy cultivation in the early stages, they could not maintain their best condition, and their talents even dropped a few points.

And this is the third problem Zhou Yue mentioned - parents and other external factors!

"Alas, these parents often send all kinds of things, not only to their children, but also to teachers, and even to the children of other friends. Although I know they are well-intentioned, they also greatly increase our workload!"

Zhou Yue rubbed her head in distress.

This group of people are in a different situation than Professor Jin!

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