Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 780 Touching The Forbidden Zone Of Life

"Why do you do this?"

Unlike other researchers, Professor Jin's status is too high and his value is too great. He cannot clean it up directly. At least he has to find out a reason.

Professor Jin smiled bitterly and looked at the young man in front of him, as if he did not expect that he would be exposed so soon.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qi Yuan just looked at him indifferently. The reasons why he did these things could be guessed to some extent.

It's just for longevity and strength.

Professor Jin was diagnosed with lung cancer in the middle and late stages when he was on Earth. After he came to the foggy world, his disease could not be suppressed and spread very quickly.

However, in the process of improving his strength, he also extended his lifespan to a certain extent, preventing him from dying too quickly.

Now it has reached the rare level. Not to mention longevity, it is not a problem to live for another five or six years.

For such a top professor and facing the threat of cancer, Qi Yuan actually thought of many ways.

For example, use the fruits of the giant guardian tree, the water of the pond of life, the leaves of the longevity tree...

Almost all available methods have been used, but they can still only suppress the effect and cannot completely eradicate the effects of cancer.

Arranging him to conduct experiments here was actually to give him hope!

I hope he can use the knowledge he has learned to personally save himself from pain and completely heal himself.

But what is unexpected is that under the strong desire for life, he would do such a thing, without any regard for the interests of the shelter, and completely go crazy in order to survive.

He let out a long sigh. If something like this happened, there was absolutely no reason to let him go.

"Professor Jin, choose a way to die, and I will leave your body intact."

The cold voice fell to the ground, and Professor Jin's eyes were ashen.

After sitting paralyzed on the ground for more than ten seconds, he slowly got up and straightened the pale hair that covered his eyes, as if he wanted the last bit of dignity.

Slowly sitting on a chair, he smiled bitterly and said, "I am very grateful to the lord for not killing me directly. Otherwise, it would be a pity for me to be like this..."

The first sentence he said made Qi Yuan frown, and he didn't quite understand it for a moment.

Without waiting for Qi Yuan to raise his doubts, Professor Jin said directly: "Don't suck my body into a mummy like these researchers, okay?"


Qi Yuan's doubts deepened. Although he knew that Professor Jin longed to live, he didn't have such a big obsession with his body after death, right?

Professor Jin smiled and explained: "Actually, even if you don't come today, Lord, I won't survive for a few more days... Even in a few days, I may tell you all these things in person."

Qi Yuan's expression remained cold, and he did not change his original plan because of his few words.

Who doesn’t say nice things? But who is responsible for what has been done?

He sneered: "You want me to confess? I think I may not be able to wait in this life."

Professor Jin didn't say much, but went straight into the deepest laboratory, where there was a top-notch microscope, which was the latest research from Galaxy College and could observe cells.

Professor Jin sat down slightly, while playing with the microscope, and said in a calm voice: "I really... want to live a little longer, I want to live 10 years, 20 years, 30 years... or even 100 years! So I passed Research by various means to create methods to prolong life and cure cancer..."

"I have used a lot of life pool water, compressed spiritual fluid made from plant energy, roots, leaves, branches, bark of the Wanshou tree... I have used all available resources!"

"Unfortunately, I failed in the end. Not only was the cancer not cured, but I could only live for more than 10 days out of a life span of about ten years."

At this moment, Professor Jin seemed to be completely relieved, as peaceful as an old wise man sitting in front of the microscope.

Qi Yuan frowned slightly. At this moment, he felt a peaceful and calm aura from Professor Jin.

A steady voice sounded: "Lord, although I have not cured myself, old man, I have transformed my old body into something extraordinary!"

"What's the meaning?"

"I used a lot of life-extending resources and items. I drank the life pool water as water, ate the fruits of the perfect guardian technology, and cut off 1/3 of the roots of the longevity tree... As a result, these extremely rich The life energy did not act on my body, but on the cancer cells!"

After saying this, Professor Jin slowly raised his eyes, looked at Qi Yuan aside, and said tremblingly: "I have touched... the restricted area of ​​life!"

Qi Yuan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"The rich life energy, combined with the reproduction characteristics of cancer cells, merged into an unknown life virus, which has completely spread in my body."

As he spoke, Professor Jin took out a petri dish with a drop of light red blood in it.

Qi Yuan recognized at a glance that this was the blood of a rare creature, one of the four bottles found in the eighth-level shelter.

I didn’t expect that Professor Jin could even get such a thing!

In his shocked eyes, Professor Jin cut his finger, and a drop of golden blood flowed out, slowly dripping on the blood of the extraordinary creature.

The next moment, the golden blood, whose aura was obviously weaker, quickly swallowed the blood of extraordinary creatures with extremely terrifying properties and merged into one.

This scene was like a cricket shaking a tree, and it actually overturned a big tree.

Professor Jin's golden blood was only one thousandth of the breath of the blood of extraordinary creatures, but it completely swallowed it up.

Qi Yuan's pupils shrank, and he was shocked beyond words.

Putting aside this unconventional scene, just the golden blood left him speechless.

He already believed that what Professor Jin said - touching the forbidden area of ​​​​life might really be possible.

"What happened to you?"

Qi Yuan's voice was cold, a defensive barrier formed by spiritual energy rose in front of him, and he took a few steps back vigilantly.

This kind of weird blood can even be dealt with by the blood of extraordinary creatures, so it is definitely easier to deal with perfect creatures.

Professor Jin gave a bitter smile and said: "I have just said that the extremely rich life energy has a one in a hundred billion chance of mutating into a strange toxin. I don't know the specific situation. In short, it is very horrible."

Raising his head, Professor Jin looked into Qi Yuan's eyes and said unusually calmly: "Qi Yuan, you are an amazing person. You can create such a large shelter in the foggy world and protect so many humans. This has already gone a long way in many people's way." Front."

"Old man, I should have assisted you and helped the shelter continue to grow and develop, but unfortunately... I can't compete with the desire in my heart..."

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