Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 784 New Ideas

This small round ball is embedded in the chest of the biological vine armor, transmitting energy to the entire biological vine armor.

Qi Yuandan briefly tried it and found that the defense effect was very good. When the core outputs energy at full power, the defense power can reach the top level of excellent level.

But relatively speaking, when the defense is high, the attack methods are relatively weak.

This kind of biological rattan armor only has a defensive function and can withstand various forms of attacks, including fire, electric shock, freezing, aura attacks, etc. It even has the function of producing oxygen at the same time, making it a relatively versatile piece of equipment.

Qi Yuan looked at it and asked, "Can I carve spiritual patterns on it?"

"No, normal spirit pattern seal carving methods have no effect." Irene directly rejected this idea.

To a certain extent, this biological rattan is a living thing, the fruit of a plant, rather than a pure material.

Generally, the materials used for spiritual pattern carriers need to undergo special processing to ensure structural stability before seal carving can be carried out.

But what Qi Yuan was thinking about was actually the seal carving method of the spiritual patterns in the body!

The spirit pattern in the body is a technology that is superior to ordinary seal cutting techniques. It gets rid of many restrictions and is more flexible and powerful.

However, he just thought about it and gave up the idea.

Because this kind of biological rattan armor is of the highest quality and rare, it is not worth engraving spiritual patterns on.

He doesn't have that much time to carve rare-level spiritual patterns. If he can reach the perfect level, maybe he will be willing to put in some effort.

The typical one is less than the top and more than the bottom.

If it is only used by ordinary legions, this is definitely a rare product and will definitely be sought after.

"Can this biological rattan be mass-produced now?"

Zhong Maiyun nodded and analyzed: "Both good-level and excellent-level ones are energy-producing and can be planted at the corresponding spiritual energy concentration. The rare-level ones will be more difficult, but if they can be planted in the plant world, the yield should be the same." It won’t be bad.”

Qi Yuan made some calculations in his mind and said: "There is still a lot of land in the plant world. For now, it should be used to grow biological vine armor. Is it difficult to manufacture the core?"

Irene answered this question proactively: "The core needs to be made manually by me, but as long as the plant has enough energy, making tens of thousands a day is not a problem."

Qi Yuan nodded in approval and said greedily: "After all, you need to make it artificially. It would be great if you could also grow it."

Zhong Maiyun slapped her forehead and said helplessly: "I have also tried, but it was not successful. Under normal growth conditions, plants cannot evolve such a pure energy core."

"Okay, that's all we can do first. You will be responsible for planting the biological vines, and you can research new varieties by the way." Qi Yuan explained.

The word "new variety" seemed to stimulate Zhong Maiyun. She said with a little excitement: "I think so too! Now that the biological rattan beetles have been researched and can be reproduced and cultivated, we can definitely try to develop new products."

Qi Yuan looked at her in surprise, not expecting that she had already been making preparations.

"So what are your current thoughts?"

Zhong Maiyun thought for a while and said: "Actually, we should mainly consider it from two aspects, level and type!"

"It is still very difficult to improve the level. I have tried many times, but its potential seems to be only rare level, and it is completely unable to break through to the perfect level."

Qi Yuan nodded, still understandable. Whether it is materials or living things, it is very difficult to break through the perfect level.

But suddenly, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind: If the biological rattan armor enters the biological world and kills the blood beasts inside, is it possible to improve the quality?

He immediately expressed this idea, but was directly rejected by Zhong Maiyun.

"Don't think about it. I've already tried it. Biological vines are just plants. They don't have intelligence like the giant guardian trees and willows. You can't use this method to improve the quality."

It seems that Zhong Maiyun has already done experiments in this area, but it is not as easy as he thought.

"In terms of types, it's relatively easy to solve, and I have some clues." Zhong Maiyun said, holding her chin.

"Let's talk about it."

"The first is the type of attack. To prepare a rattan armor with a certain lethality, it mainly needs to improve the control system, and may need to have certain mental attributes."

"There is also the underwater creature Vine Armor, which can adapt to underwater combat. It is actually within the scope of my design, and some breakthroughs have been made."

"There are also ones with wings, just like your Spiritual Horntail. They can fight in the air, and they can travel faster and have many uses."


Zhong Maiyun put forward many ideas, which are different types of biological rattan armor that she is currently experimenting with and has the opportunity to produce.

But after hearing this, Qi Yuan still shook his head with some dissatisfaction and said: "Mai Yun, I feel that your thinking is somewhat restricted."

Zhong Maiyun paused and asked with some confusion: "What? Do you have any new ideas?"

Qi Yuan touched his chin and prompted: "Do you remember the blood-collecting spirit pattern?"

"The kind that makes blood pills?"

Qi Yuan nodded and gave an idea: "Tell me, can there be thorns all over the outside of the rattan armor, and have a blood-sucking effect, and then provide the absorbed blood energy to the body to replenish energy!"

Zhong Maiyun thought about it and frowned: "It is not difficult to absorb blood. Many plants can do it, but it is more difficult to convert it into useful energy and provide it to the body."

"No, it only requires a simple filtration and purification system to directly transfer pure energy to the inside of the biological rattan armor. It can not only supplement the needs of the human body, but also provide the energy needed by the rattan to a certain extent."

Qi Yuan had seen too many spiritual patterns and learned many techniques, so he had a more open mind and quickly explained all the specific construction methods.

Zhong Maiyun's eyes suddenly lit up as she listened.

Many special abilities are not really impossible to achieve, but the knowledge she has learned cannot satisfy her whimsical ideas, leading to her failure to succeed.

When the specific structure and principles are provided, she can just follow it and it will be much easier.

Inspired, Zhong Maiyun took Liu Shu to the ultra-deep underground shelter overnight and began to study it without sleep or food.

And Erin couldn't take any time off either, she needed to help make the vine armor core, and by the way, she would also do some research herself.

When she was in her own sanctuary, she often studied plant-related issues, and even lived in the Plant Manipulation Academy for a long time.

Therefore, new plant species often appear in the Plant Control Academy, which greatly improves the controller's strength.

Seeing that they were busy with their own affairs, Qi Yuan didn't want to be disturbed. It happened that he also had something to study.

Some new results have also appeared in the research on petrification, gargoyles, and totems.

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