Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 799 Death Of White Python!

"Mad, I really can't stand it anymore. Even if I die here today, I can't bear this humiliation!"

The Rat King was filled with grief and anger, roaring and trying to break out, and all his strength burst out instantly!

Seeing this, the others no longer restrained their anger, showed their huge bodies, and rushed towards Qi Yuan.

However, the eight totems behind him are not vegetarians. From the moment they became ordinary, they were engraved with spiritual imprints.

Even if they no longer dislike Qi Yuan, they will still take it as their duty to protect the shelter and Qi Yuan.

Just like the Rhino King and the Elephant King at this time, although they had the urge to shoot Qi Yuan to death, they still couldn't help but stood up and blocked the attack for Qi Yuan.

Other totems gathered around and started fighting instantly.

The Rhino King brought the Swift Wind Ants and Dead Leaf Poisonous Sour Ants to surround the Rat King, almost completely suppressing him and beating him. The Rat King had no power to fight back.

The Golden Crow war ants cooperated with the three-headed dog of the abyss, and barely withstood the attack of the Eagle King.

Whether it is the Golden Crow War Ant or the Three-Headed Dog of the Abyss, their strength is in the early stage of Perfect Level, and their combat power is naturally not as good as that of the Eagle King in the middle stage of Perfect Level.

This is why even though Qi Yuan has the numerical advantage, he can only delay as much time as possible.

Because although the number of the Five Kings is small, they are all very strong. When facing the weaker Perfect Level, they can almost do one-on-two.

However, fortunately, the Rhino King and the Elephant King held up the situation and withstood the strongest Lion King and Bear King on the frontal battlefield.

The Black Tiger assisted the Elephant King and dealt with the Bear King in the late perfect level. It was very difficult for a while, and he was almost directly injured.

The Black Tiger is also not very strong. The gap between him and the Bear King is too big. If he is not careful, he may be directly disabled.

The Rhino King faced the Lion King. There was not much difference in strength. The battle was fierce and there was no obvious difference in strength in a short period of time.

At this time, Qi Yuan could probably see the strength of these seven perfect beasts.

The Bear King is the strongest and should be able to reach the late perfection level, which is comparable to the Guardian Giant Tree.

The strength of the Lion King, Rhino King, and Elephant King are not much different. They are all huge in size and have extremely strong strength and defense. They are almost in the middle of the perfection level.

The strength of White Snake, Eagle King, and Rat King is relatively weak, and they almost have the strength of mid-level perfection level.

In the end, Qi Yuan faced the white snake alone - the earthly white python!

But as soon as they met, he discovered that his estimate was wrong!

White Snake is not very strong, that is only compared to other perfect beasts, but compared to himself, it is still ridiculously strong.

Without using the spirit pattern, he was directly whipped out by the tail without any resistance. His muscles and bones almost fell apart and he was almost whipped to death.

Qi Yuan bared his teeth and said, "It's so fierce. Is this the gap between humans and beasts?! It's like a chasm!"

He even felt that if it was just an ordinary spiritual pattern, it would still not have much effect on such a huge perfect creature.

Although it may hurt, it is not fatal.

Only the attack-like spirit pattern, whose energy consumption has increased dozens of times after using the giant evolution spirit pattern, can be compared with it.

Seeing the worldly white python sweeping in once again, Qi Yuan did not dare to be careless, and the Juyan·Julang spiritual pattern erupted instantly!

Hundred-foot-high waves cover the sky like a canopy and block out the sun. They can encounter extreme energy, carry the power of nature, and explode with frightening power. They have the momentum to wipe out everything!

The mortal white python's pupils also shrank, and it hurriedly restrained its attacks. The huge white snake body wrapped around itself, struggling to resist.

However, how can it be so easy to withstand the attack of Juyan·Julang Spirit Pattern?

The reason why Qi Yuan likes to use the giant wave spiritual pattern is because its power is not only the spiritual energy itself, but also the natural disaster power of the giant wave!

Especially at the seaside, the huge wave spiritual patterns formed by the sea water are no less than a tsunami.

In just an instant, the curled up mortal white python was thrown hundreds of meters away. It was completely unable to control its body. Even a perfect beast could not resist the powerful force.

However, at this time, a kind person came from behind!

Wei Xi, who had come all the way, looked at the white ball flying in the distance. His mind was a little confused for a moment, but he still took action immediately, and a black shadow immediately enveloped him.

Now, he no longer feeds the Golden Crow War Ants, and puts all his resources into the giant black shadow, and his strength has improved a lot again.

At the same time, the strength of his dragon-like creature has reached the peak of rare level and is about to break through to perfect level.

Along with the spiritual energy, the giant black shadow was like a ghost emitting black smoke, punching the body of the earthly white python.

In an instant, a sharp scream pierced the sky and echoed in the forest. The heart-rending cry lasted for dozens of seconds without stopping.

The snake bodies of the mortal white pythons, which were originally tightly held together, instantly spread apart and continued to twist in the forest, looking extremely painful.

This punch directly hits the soul!

The pain is far from comparable to that of the physical body, it can even be hundreds or thousands of times more painful, and it cannot be stopped or relieved at all.

Physical pain can be adjusted mentally and become numb.

But the mental pain is extremely clear. Every second and every moment is suffering. VIP supreme experience, enjoy every moment of pain.

Wei Xi looked at the mortal white python with cold eyes, a hint of indifference appearing on his face.

However, the next moment, he was scolded by Qi Yuan: "What are you still doing? Let's deal with it together, and others will go to the front to help!"

Compared with Wei Xi's unhurried attitude, the guardian giant tree and Qi Yuan had the same mind and reacted immediately.

Hundreds of thick canes covered the sky, tying up the white python that was constantly twisting in pain.

When the mortal white python relieved the pain and tried to resist, it was completely unable to use its strength.

As the first perfect level bird, the strength of the guardian giant tree has already reached the late stage of perfect level. Coupled with the supply of energy from the plant world, its strength is even more powerful.

In the past, the guardian giant tree often didn't have enough to eat and looked for plant energy everywhere. It took a long time to improve its strength.

But now, I stay in the plant world every day, eat a lot of food, my mouth is full of oil, and it is difficult not to improve my strength.

It would be difficult for the mortal white python to defeat the whole country, let alone facing the guardian giant tree?

After experiencing violent beatings from Qi Yuan, Wei Xi, and the guardian giant tree, the five-person alliance used the power of thunder to completely eliminate the white snake.

However, Qi Yuan did not let the guardian giant tree kill him immediately. Instead, he took out the video props and set up the angle and position.

Then he took action himself, first trapping it with the Water Prisoner Spirit Pattern, and then stabbing it into the heart with a knife, completely ending its life.

But in a place where the video couldn't capture it, the giant guardian tree tied the head and tail of the mortal white python with rattan.

By the way, because Qi Yuan's knife was too small, the mortal white python was not completely dead, and the guardian giant tree added more.

Finally, after the life breath of the mortal white python completely disappeared, its eyes never closed, staring at the sky.

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