Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 801 The Lion King’S Breakthrough

Even though the Lion King is extremely physically strong, he feels like his body is about to be swollen.

The rushing blood flows throughout the body, mixed with the blood of the Golden Yan Saint Lion King, transforming every cell in the body, forcibly improving its strength and potential.

The function of this potion is very simple, it is to improve strength, increase the potential of bloodline, and integrate the extraordinary bloodline into the bloodline of the Lion King.

However, the Lion King himself cannot bear it at all.

The pain that cannot be described in words is constantly eroding the lion king, and the huge body keeps struggling and twisting until it twitches involuntarily.

At this moment, even the vines guarding the giant tree could not completely control it.

The huge body crushed the surrounding forest, red blood seeped out from the surface of the skin, and the flesh and blood continued to crack, but it healed under a certain energy, circulating again and again.

Seeing this shocking scene, Qin Zhenjun frowned and asked, "Qi Yuan, what are you doing?"

Qi Yuan tried to look at the Lion King and said intently: "Enhance its strength and let it experience extraordinary power."

Zhang Zhongyue was startled and asked in disbelief: "Are you helping him break through to the extraordinary level? Are you crazy?"

Qi Yuan smiled and said softly: "This potion is not mature. It can at most allow the Lion King to temporarily experience extraordinary power. It is impossible for it to really break through that level."

"If I really have a way to make the perfect beast break through to the extraordinary level, I won't use it on the Lion King, but use it directly on myself!"

After saying this, Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue became even more confused.

Zhang Zhongyue asked in confusion: "Then what are you going to do? Just conduct an experiment and torture the Lion King?"

Qi Yuan curled his lips helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, do you think I am such a boring person?"

"Such a perverted thing does look like your style."

Qi Yuan was speechless, rubbed his brows with a headache, and explained helplessly: "Actually, according to the current situation of the Lion King, there will only be two results in the end."

"Which two?"

"One is unable to bear the bloodline and dies in the process of forcibly improving strength."

"The second type is one who can barely withstand the bloodline and reaches a higher level of strength, even extraordinary level, but will soon die due to insufficient foundation and the body cannot bear it."

After listening to this, Qin Zhenjun asked: "So, no matter what the outcome is, the Lion King will definitely die."


Qi Yuan smiled: "But no matter which result it is, its strength has been improved."

"You're already dead, why do you need to improve your strength? Is it possible..."

Before Qin Zhenjun finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately reacted: "You want to?!"

Qi Yuan looked indifferent: "Yes, if you can't enjoy your strength while alive, then you can enjoy it after you die!"

Qin Zhenjun swallowed and already understood Qi Yuan's thoughts.

This potion has great limitations and is destined to kill the Lion King, but it doesn't matter.

Because making a totem later will directly help it absorb all the blood and power, allowing it to forcibly control energy that it could not control in life in the form of a totem.

He also had to sigh that Qi Yuan's idea was really whimsical and greedy enough.

Even if you pity the Lion King, he will die with his eyes open.

At this moment, the remaining energy fluctuations of the Lion King are getting stronger and stronger, and a more domineering aura overflows from the body.

In the scarlet eyes, a cold gaze that did not belong to the Lion King became more and more distinct.

It is gradually undergoing transformation, from the middle stage of perfection level, all the way to the late stage of perfection level, and even continues to improve.

Its life essence is constantly improving, every cell in its body is transforming, and a mysterious and mysterious aura surrounds it.

The process is very slow and extremely painful.

The lion king was heartbroken at the beginning, but gradually lost the strength to shout and lay on the ground sobbing continuously.

The energy required for the leap of life is far beyond imagination, and it has already been drained out at this moment.

Qi Yuan was not stingy and stuffed a large amount of perfect spiritual liquid into the lion king's mouth to help it restore its energy.

At the same time, there is also life energy used for healing, which also completely covers the lion's body, helping it maintain the last signs of life.

Finally, the situation in the Lion King's body gradually became balanced.

"If we succeed, we have reached the peak of perfection..."

A touch of excitement appeared on Qi Yuan's face.

On the side, Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue looked at each other, and they both saw the tension in each other's eyes.

"Qi Yuan, if it really breaks through the extraordinary level, will we still be able to control it? Will there be any accidents?" Zhang Zhongyue asked nervously.

"No, I poisoned it secretly. As its strength increases, the poison also spreads throughout the body. The stronger the strength, the deeper the poison, and it will definitely die."

Since Qi Yuan had laid out this plan, he must have made perfect preparations, and it was impossible to put himself in a dangerous position.

It is indeed true that although the Lion King is getting stronger and stronger, his life breath is getting weaker and weaker.

Until the moment when the energy on it passed the peak of perfection, the breath of life suddenly stopped, the body cracked in many places, the flesh and blood all over the body burst, and the blood flowed endlessly.

At this moment, the death of the Lion King was announced, and the failure of level promotion was also announced!

Of course, this also means that Qi Yuan’s experiment was successful!

The whole process lasted for more than five hours. In the midst of pain, the Lion King's strength went from the middle of the perfect level to the peak of the perfect level!

Qi Yuan had quick eyesight and quick hands. At the last moment of the Lion King's death, he put the entire body into the small circle of space to prevent the loss of blood and flesh.

It wasn't until everything was done that he took a long breath.

Qin Zhenjun came over and asked, "Did it succeed?"

"Almost, it's not a failure anyway." Qi Yuan said with a smile.

Zhang Zhongyue also came over and asked in surprise: "This...is this a breakthrough to the extraordinary level?"

However, due to this question, Qi Yuan finally shook his head: "It's not that simple. Although it did surpass the peak of perfect level in the end, it doesn't seem to have reached the level of extraordinary level."

Qin Zhenjun was puzzled: "I have broken through the peak of perfection, but it is not extraordinary? What is that?!"

Qi Yuan shook his head: "I'm not sure, maybe it's just one step short. In short, it's definitely not extraordinary."

Zhang Zhongyue spoke for a moment and then speculated: "Comparing the levels of the props, maybe it is similar to the only perfect level?"

"It's possible!" Qi Yuan nodded and analyzed: "I have been exploring the path to the extraordinary level, but I still have no clue. I can only take one step at a time."

Although he did not achieve the best results and the Lion King did not break through to the extraordinary level in the end, the current results are already satisfactory!

An existence that has surpassed the peak of perfection is definitely the strongest fighting force today, bar none!

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