Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 803 The Seven Major Ethnic Groups In The New World

The Lion King frowned, thinking seriously, and after a while he said: "It's normal. After all, I didn't succeed in breaking through, but died in the middle. I will definitely not reach the extraordinary level!"

King Xiong nodded in agreement: "That's no problem. It should be stuck between the perfect level and the extraordinary level, but even so, it's still much better than the peak of the perfect level!"

Hearing this conclusion, the other kings also took a breath and looked at Qi Yuan and the Lion King in shock.

For them, the improvement of strength is a very slow thing, and it takes time to slowly grind it out, and it can take decades to improve.

Especially after reaching the perfect level, it is likely that there will be no improvement for decades.

But unexpectedly, Qi Yuan actually used tricks to allow the Lion King to cross multiple levels and reach a half-step of extraordinary strength in just a few hours!

This made them wonder, since this method can be implemented on the lion king, can it be implemented on another beast?

The answer is yes!


This made them take a breath of cold air, creating a half-step extraordinary ability! What a terrible technology this is!

It's just that they don't know that the Lion King is just a special case and just succeeded. If you want to copy it, it is still very difficult.

After understanding the strength of the five new totems, Qi Yuan was still very satisfied: all five of them were very powerful.

The half-step extraordinary Lion King, the late Perfect Level Bear King, and the other three are not weak either.

The important thing is that five perfect-level totems have been added to the island in the middle of the lake again, and the strength has been greatly improved.

And after this war, they completely dominated the entire New World. This was an epic and pioneering achievement, enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

Qi Yuan was filled with excitement, looked at the five kings, and suddenly said: "As the totem of the island in the middle of the lake, you will inevitably appear in front of humans. It would not sound good if you were called Eagle King, Lion King, or Bear King all day long."

Hearing this, the five kings looked at each other and Qi Yuan in confusion.

The Lion King asked warily: "What do you want to do?"

Qi Yuan showed an inexplicable smile: "How about changing your names?"

Five Kings: "???"

Qi Yuan thought about it and said slowly: "The Rhinoceros King and the Elephant King can also be renamed to something more acceptable and nicer."

"The Platinum Steel Bone Rhinoceros...is called the Totem Bone Rhinoceros."

"The heavy thunder elephant...is called the totem thunder elephant."

"The black-feathered golden-winged eagle...is called the totem golden-winged eagle."

"The Earthly White Python...you are quite good at naming. Just call it the Totem Earthly White Python."

"The ancient red-gold maned lion...is called the ancient totem lion!"

"Broken steel-haired rat... You... Broken rat? Ground rat? Wire-haired rat? Forget it, just call him Rat King."

"The Earth Split Mountain Bear... The Earth Bear? The Mountain Split Bear?"

King Xiong shook his head after hearing this: "It doesn't sound good to change it."

Qi Yuan rolled his eyes again, this was chosen!

After final thought and based on the influence of the Bear King's domineering spirit, Qi Yuan finally made a decision: "Then you will be called the Totem Bear King. From now on, you will be a good bear and protect the sanctuary!"

The reason for changing their names is also to make it easier for them to mix with each other in the future.

After all, they will inevitably appear in front of humans in the future, so the image still needs to be as positive as possible.

Strive to transform from a nominal totem to a totem that is truly respected by mankind!

After dealing with the totem, Qi Yuan immediately returned to the New World. After this war, there were still a lot of things to deal with.

It would be difficult for Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue to take care of such a huge new continent alone, so he had to make arrangements.

First of all, the most important issue is all the beasts in the New World.

To be precise, all rare beasts!

Now that great unification has been achieved, management must be centralized and strict requirements be imposed on all ferocious beasts in the territory.

Regarding this matter, it is still up to the original Seven Kings to handle it.

As the seven perfect level experts, their group is the most powerful and they control most of the territory and resources. As long as they are controlled, they also control all the ferocious beasts.

Therefore, the Lion King and other five kings each returned to their own territories and gathered their own tribes.

Similar to the situation of Bone Rhinoceros and Thunder Elephant, each clan selects the strongest clan leader to take charge of the entire clan, and is finally handed over to Qi Yuan for unified management.

In the previous confrontational wars, although the major ethnic groups suffered considerable losses, the emaciated camels were larger than horses, and the ethnic groups were still very strong.

The Bear King group is relatively small in number, with only more than 300 left today, but its overall strength is very strong, and most of them can reach the rare level when they reach adulthood.

After final calculation, there were a total of 56 rare-level animals, and the rest were all excellent-level animals.

The ancient lion group is also very strong, and the number is even larger. There are more than 100 lions in total, more than 500 lions, and the number of rare-level lions reaches 42.

The population of the mortal white python is relatively small, because it does not pay much attention to the cultivation of the population.

Therefore, there are only more than 100 pure descendants of earthly white pythons, and only 38 are rare or above.

The rat king has the largest population and is the king of the underground of the New World. The total number is at least several hundred thousand. This is the result of strict control of the number, otherwise it would be possible to have hundreds or tens of millions.

According to the Rat King himself, if the number is too large, it will easily destroy the surrounding ecology, leaving no place to move.

Therefore, for the sake of sustainable development, it carries out rat eradication operations every year to get rid of a large number of pups with low potential, leaving only some elite members.

Especially the offspring that were spontaneously reproduced by other rats, it would almost always get rid of them, leaving only its own perfect bloodline.

However, the number of the group is still very large, far exceeding that of several other beast kings, and the number of rare-level animals among them is relatively larger, with a total of 98.

But it only seems to be a lot. It is very similar to a bee swarm. There are many, but the individual strength is relatively weak.

Although it is not as weak as the bee swarm, it is not as weak as the ancient lion and bear king and his group.

Overall strength can only be considered average.

Finally, there is the Eagle King. His tribe is developing very well. After all, the Rat King is here. It has constant supply of rat meat, and it is close to the sea. It is very easy to catch prey, so it is very simple to eat and drink enough.

The number of eagles reaches more than 2,000, and there are 46 rare-level eagles. They are the undisputed overlord of the sky.

In addition, the Rhino King and Elephant King tribes must be added. With the development of Qi Yuan, their tribe strength will be stronger.

The Rhino King's group, even after a long period of war, still numbers more than 500. After all, humans help deliver babies and raise them, and the mortality and premature death rates are greatly reduced.

The number of rare-level animals has also reached 52.

The situation of the elephant king is similar, the number of the group is also more than 500, and the number of rare-level animals is even higher, with a full 63 animals.

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