Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 806 Faster Than Expected

Qin Zhenjun looked at Qi Yuan and asked, "Any ideas? How do you think they will act? When will they get here?"

Qi Yuan took a sip of tea and felt his thinking became clearer. He said calmly: "Even if they know our location, it will take some time to get here. I estimate it will be at least a month."

Everyone nodded. It was still very difficult for them to get here, and several ways were not feasible.

The nearest one, from the Xingdao Chain, is nearly 10,000 kilometers away. Just saying that this distance is enough for them to drink a pot.

Also, there are quite a few of them, and even if only the Perfect Level is participating, the movement is still not small. If it comes from the Star Island Chain, we will definitely notice it.

Yang Zhenghe nodded: "If it is a chain of star islands, we can indeed discover it in time and make preparations as soon as possible."

Qi Yuan continued: "The second possibility is to set off directly from the coastline, but there is a high probability that it is not possible."


"I destroyed the teleportation array of the sea-breaking formation." Qi Yuan said without changing his expression.

"Uh... I heard that some time ago, there was some friction between the Super Gathering Area and Pohai Town. I didn't expect it to be you?"

Qi Yuan just nodded casually and didn't say much. He didn't reveal anything about the Star Luo Sea Region and just concealed the situation.

An Changlin asked in confusion: "Then if these two places are not suitable for departure, then where else can they come from? Could it be from the eighth-level shelter? It must have been half a year since they arrived at our place, right?"

Qi Yuan shook his head, spread his hands and said, "I don't know either, but since they plan to besiege us, they must have their own methods."

At this moment, Zhang Zhongyue's eyes suddenly lit up and he tentatively said, "Is it possible that it was the Small World Tribe's method?"

This guess made Qi Yuan stunned, and he immediately felt a sense of enlightenment.

In comparison, whether it was Campos, Acleutis, or even the old village chief and others, Qi Yuan knew something about them and knew that they did not have such means.

But what about the new tribesmen? He really doesn't know much about it.

After all, the Small World Tribe had been hostile to him from the beginning and did not give him a chance to understand them at all, so he was relatively unfamiliar with them.

He suddenly looked at the others and asked: "The seven major tribes in the small world all have different attributes. Do they have spatial attributes among them?"

The others looked at each other, but no one said anything for a while.

Zhang Zhongyue frowned and said, "I don't know much about them, and they are too mysterious and exclusive, so I don't know."

Several other people also gave similar answers. They had been in Qi Yuan's camp early and had already been guarded by the tribe, so naturally they would not get any useful information.

Qi Yuan let out a long sigh, still feeling somewhat convinced in his heart: "It seems that there is a high probability that they have the means to do this. It seems that we have to be careful!"

Originally, he thought that Acleutis and others would most likely sail over. The speed would be relatively slow and would take a lot of preparation time.

But if they directly use space means to get on their way... then the battle will probably break out much earlier than expected, and they will have less time to prepare!

"Do your best and obey fate! We have control over how things develop. We just need to do our best to be as prepared as possible." Qi Yuan lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice while thinking.

Qin Zhenjun's voice was firm, and he said: "Don't worry too much, we are strong enough, and we have done our best to make the preparations we need to make."

Yang Zhenghe nodded and comforted: "Yes, during this period, I can continue to make puppets and improve my strength as much as possible."

Qi Yuan nodded: "I will ask the research institute to temporarily stop the research at hand and fully produce the perfect level spiritual pattern to enhance the overall strength."

"Can you provide some help here? The mountain spirit mine has given birth to a second stone statue, and it should be able to provide some combat power." Mr. Zhang also spared no effort and has completely regarded this place as his home.

However, time was more urgent than they thought. Before the meeting ended, a message came over.

The source of the information is the sea-breaking cloud boats distributed in the surrounding sea areas and used to explore the surrounding situation!

[A floating island in the sky was found nearby, approaching the New World at an extremely fast speed. 】

[Discovered around...]

[Discovered around...]

The message was sent three times in a row, and it was the most urgent contact method, which is enough to show the urgency of the situation.

Everyone in the conference room stood up in shock at this message, their eyes full of horror and shock!

"How can this be?!"

We are still chatting here, but we didn’t expect that someone has already come over? And isn’t this speed a little too fast?

It was less than ten days after Qi Yuan received the information, and the other party had already arrived around the New World, which was completely different from their expectations.

What's even more frightening is that they didn't sail a boat or go directly, but brought an entire floating island with them.

"It seems that their means of traveling must be related to the floating island!"

"It's really weird. Where did they come from? It must be tens of thousands of kilometers away. There are all kinds of dangers on the road, but they came here in such a short time."

Qi Yuan's face also changed dramatically, and he was extremely happy in his heart: "Fortunately, the five kings were dealt with in advance, otherwise we would have been in trouble!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprise. They quickly took out the communication spirit pattern and began to notify their subordinates to make some arrangements.

Similarly, Qi Yuan continued to contact the crew of the Sea-breaking Cloud Boat, asking them to continue exploring the situation and transmitting the picture back through the holographic stone shadow.

However, just after the holographic stone shadow was arranged, Qi Yuan glanced at the screen, and the next second it was filled with fire, and finally there was no movement.

Qi Yuan's eyes widened. In the only scene, he saw a man wearing coarse linen clothes standing on the edge of the floating island.

And that attack was launched by him personally.

"Qin Yan!"

Qi Yuan recognized who the person was at a glance, and there was a hint of caution and anger in his eyes.

Since the two sides met, Qi Yuan has always maintained a friendly attitude and actively cooperated with Qin Yan's tribe.

But he didn't expect to be betrayed for no reason, and then he secretly set up a trap to find the location of the New World. Now that he came directly to his door, it really made him angry.

"No need to continue to explore, it's them, everyone go back and prepare!"

Qi Yuan's eyes were blazing and his tone was decisive: "The combat forces are deployed according to the original plan. The wonders and the Holy Thunder Barrier will be moved to the east as soon as possible, and all personnel will be in a state of combat readiness."

Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe and Zhang Zhongyue acted immediately and started their respective arrangements.

An Changlin coordinated the overall situation, began to deploy all aspects of combat power, and issued various orders to fully enter a state of emergency combat readiness.

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