Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 808 The Battle Begins

When the five kings made a sneak attack on humans, they were defeated by these two spiritual patterns. Their perfect combat power was not available, so they had to give up.

In the subsequent wars, a kind of thinking emerged: that is, we cannot fight on the home ground of mankind, otherwise we will definitely lose!

This shows how terrifying the Holy Thunder Barrier and Thunder Warhammer are.

At this moment, Feng Luo was also facing the same situation.

The moment the Holy Thunder Barrier appeared, he instantly sensed this powerful energy, which almost tore him apart completely.

But fortunately, this was not an attack method, but a pure defense, which barely allowed him to escape with his life.

However, the powerful counter-shock force of the Holy Thunder Barrier still knocked him away, and he fell back hundreds of meters before he could control his body.

At this moment, not only Feng Luo was shocked, but everyone behind him was stunned by this extremely huge purple-gold light shield.

The diameter exceeds 50km, the quality reaches the peak of perfection, and a variety of top resources such as wonders, bone seeds, the only perfect props, and spiritual patterns are used!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a work of art.

"This...what is this?"

Qin Yan had obviously never seen this kind of prop before, his eyes were full of horror, and he couldn't help but look at Acleutis beside him.

Acleutis's eyes were also shocked, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Only Campos was thoughtful and said softly: "Is this a spiritual pattern method?"

When he heard the word "spiritual pattern", Acleutis reacted, but he still couldn't believe that the giant mask in front of him could actually be a spiritual pattern!

They also each have their own techniques, such as Acleutis's body-strengthening technique, which can increase physical strength to an unimaginable level.

Krampus also has some means, and he also has Bal Qi's insect master technology.

However, the technology they control can only barely reach the perfect level, but the strength of the spiritual pattern in front of them has obviously exceeded their expectations.

Qin Yan frowned, looked at Campos and Acleutis, and asked: "Since you know each other, can we solve it?"

Acleutis thought for a while and said: "This is a prop after all, and it covers such a wide area. I don't believe that the defense strength of every part of it can always maintain this strength!"

Campos understood the spirit patterns better and also echoed: "Yes, and most of the spirit patterns are one-time props. If they want to maintain this state forever, they consume a lot of energy. They cannot maintain it forever."

After understanding the flaws of the spirit pattern, the fear in Qin Yan's eyes became less and more confident.

"Feng Luo, this is just a prop, and it's defensive, don't worry!"

Feng Luo was dubious. He looked at the light shield in front of him and found that he really had no intention of fighting back. The fear in his heart also reduced a bit.

Moreover, he had not taken any precautions before and had not used any force, so it was normal for him to be shocked back.

Thinking of this, Feng Luo stepped forward again. The difference this time was that he mobilized the wind attribute aura in his body, and his whole body must be surrounded by light cyan aura.

Different from the aura of ordinary humans, Feng Luo's aura is completely through witchcraft, analyzing, learning and absorbing the energy of natural winds. Its intensity is dozens of times that of ordinary aura.

Moreover, his affinity to the wind attribute is very high, and he can fully utilize this power to the extent of ease.

Visible to the naked eye, a light cyan hurricane appeared around Feng Luo. The powerful wind swept the surrounding seawater and beaches, and was still expanding.

Instead of purely relying on his own spiritual energy, Feng Luo is also feeling the wind in nature and using it to obey the rhythm of nature and continuously increase the intensity of his power.

Soon, the wind force increased to a very strong level in a very short period of time. The surrounding waves were rough, the violent wind covered the sky, and the sky became dark.

When the storm approached the Holy Thunder barrier and the two sides collided, powerful energy burst out, continuously exerting pressure on the surroundings.

Feng Luo had enough time to prepare, so the intensity of the storm he created was very high, almost to the late perfection level.

During the continuous collision with the holy thunder barrier, it was not directly shaken away, but continued to fight for more than a minute.

In the end, Feng Luo was forced to retreat due to lack of spiritual energy, and returned to the floating island out of breath.

It has not been successful yet, but Qin Yan and others did not blame, but asked nervously: "How? Is there a chance to break through?"

Feng Luo sorted out the irritable spiritual power around him, and after recovering for a while, he said: "The intensity is indeed very high, but it is not an attack type. As long as we attack together, sooner or later he will consume all his energy."

After finishing speaking, or else he felt it was inappropriate, he added: "However, I noticed that his energy is very abundant, and it is very difficult to completely consume it. We can try to attack together, and we should be able to break through it instantly."

It must be said that although they have been isolated from the world for countless years in a small world, their IQs are still very high.

Feng Luo only had a brief encounter before he completely realized the weakness of the Holy Thunder Barrier and thought of the most suitable means of breaking it.

If he spent it forcefully, then Qi Yuan would naturally want it. With the energy of an entire spectacle, it would not be a problem to consume a group of them.

However, what the Holy Thunder Barrier fears most is the burst of energy.

If the energy in a certain place exceeds the defensive limit for an instant, it is very likely that the spiritual pattern will be directly destroyed!

This is also the simplest and most correct way to break through!

When Qin Yan heard this, he believed what Feng Luo said. Although they had conflicts with each other, they were only internal.

Outside, they are still a whole, and their relationship with each other is closer and more trusting than that of outsiders.

Qin Yan said: "Then don't wait any longer, just take action directly and break this turtle shell."

"no problem!"

Acleutis agreed immediately. In his opinion, since Qi Yuan spent so many resources to create such a powerful spiritual pattern, his strength in other aspects would definitely be relatively weak.

As long as this shield is broken, most of Qi Yuan's defensive forces will naturally be eliminated, and the subsequent battle will be easier.

Soon, nearly 20 figures left the floating island, landed on the coastline together, and stood in front of the Holy Thunder barrier.

Everyone's strength has reached the perfection level, and many are even in the middle or late stages of the perfection level. They are definitely top powers.

Seeing this scene through the holographic stone shadow, Qi Yuan also frowned and felt a little tricky for a moment.

The other party's reaction speed was faster than he expected, and he came up with the most appropriate solution so quickly.

"It seems that the Holy Thunder barrier is about to be breached. What should Qi Yuan do when he comes down?"

Yang Zhenghe asked softly. Although he was a little regretful, there was no fear in his tone.

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