Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 845 War Puppet

This also means that three of the five perfect-level beings in the Far Star Spiritual Land are black-scaled giant wolves.

This situation also surprised Qi Yuan.

I think back then, even the most powerful Bear King, he was the only perfect being in the group!

Unexpectedly, the black-scaled giant wolf group was actually more powerful than imagined.

Although it is unclear how powerful this creature is, one thing is certain: the bloodline of the black-scaled giant wolf tribe is absolutely very powerful.

At least for this group, it is not very difficult to achieve perfection.

In addition to these three black-scaled giant wolves, there are two other perfect-level creatures: the four-eyed fox and the giant bone lizard.

Both of them are relatively weak, and they should be considered to have taken refuge in the hands of the black-scaled giant wolf.

However, after the first fight, Qi Yuan found that their strength was not weak, especially the four-eyed fox and the giant bone lizard, both of which had certain special abilities.

The four-eyed fox has spiritual abilities and is a very special existence.

The giant bone lizard is also very strange. The bones are wrapped around the body, and it can even change its shape during war. Its combat effectiveness is very good.

On the contrary, it is the black-scaled giant wolf with the strongest overall strength. It relies purely on physical strength to fight and looks relatively ordinary.

Finally, there is one thing that Qi Yuan is most concerned about.

That is whether the leader of the black-scaled giant wolf king has controlled the special land deed in the body like the phaseless wild boar and the space-attributed sea creature.

But after just one battle, no clues were seen.

The specific situation will depend on the next battle.

Everything has just begun. Qi Yuan is not particularly anxious. He can just let the five perfect totems fiddle with themselves.

With the Lion King and the Bear King here, although the number of Perfect Levels is equal, their strength is completely unequal, and can even be said to be crushing.

So don't worry at all.

In the battles of the past few days, the five-person alliance had a certain advantage, secured a piece of land outside the spiritual land, and settled down comfortably.

With a foothold, the battle situation can be completely unfolded, and the battle can slowly unfold.

The two sides had a tacit understanding, and the perfect combat power was resting. The rare beasts began to appear, tearing and fighting at the border between the two sides.

When rare beasts gain a foothold, excellent beasts will join the battlefield.

After all, the beast group in the spiritual land still has the geographical advantage, so in large-scale battles, they always dominate the five-person alliance.

Especially the excellent ones, whose numbers are inherently inferior to those of their opponents, and often fall into the opponent's traps, making it difficult to achieve effective results.

On the other hand, it is also because of the complex geographical environment here that it is very unfavorable for the advancement of the front.

Qi Yuan didn't care much about this.

Killing and plundering are not the main purpose this time. Otherwise, if you just swarm up, you can directly occupy it.

This battle is mainly for experience and to maintain pressure from outside society.

Therefore, it is also beneficial to play for a longer time.

As for his own energy, he still focused on treating illnesses.

What he did mainly had three aspects.

The most important thing is my own research. I want to thoroughly analyze this substance by studying the microstructure of golden blood.

On the other hand, Chu Yang is also working hard, trying to create spiritual patterns with life attributes and extraordinary quality.

Through this powerful spiritual pattern, the energy in the body is channeled and utilized, thereby regaining control of the body.

Finally, there is the research on special title deeds.

Since Krampus and Acleutis can use the special land deed to save their lives, it means that the special land deed is effective on golden blood.

If we could understand the principle, we might be able to completely solve the problem of golden blood.

Ever since the battle in Yuanxinglingdi began, Qi Yuan had moved his coffin to the canopy of the guardian giant tree, which was the Cloud Lodge.

This place can always allow him to calm down and think about the problems in his body.

But he didn't expect that his "retreat" this time would last for an extremely long time.

A year passes slowly.

After completely adapting to life in the foggy world, time seems to be getting faster and faster.

Everyone has become accustomed to the way of life here.

At the same time, the five-person alliance is also developing in an orderly manner.

Various technologies are becoming more and more advanced, and comprehensive strength is constantly improving, becoming more and more powerful.

Start to truly build this home of the New World into an absolutely safe territory.

Especially at the border, the research institute developed a brand new spiritual pattern - Mountain and Sea Defense!

Borrowing the power of mountains and seas, it condenses powerful momentum and power, and blends with the world to form a powerful protective ability.

At the same time, the shape of this spiritual pattern is very different. It does not cover a circular area, but a long strip, similar to the defensive form of a city wall.

Each mountain and sea guardian spirit pattern can protect 50 kilometers of coastline. The quality is perfect, the consumption is relatively low, and it can be maintained for a long time.

After a whole year of comprehensive work, hundreds of "Mountain and Sea Guards" were finally used to surround the entire New World.

In the future, even if we are besieged again, we can rely on the defense of mountains and seas to resist foreign invaders.

In normal times, it can also withstand the impact of marine life on the coastline, ensuring the safety of the New World to a great extent.

Not only this kind of spiritual pattern used for defense, as the research on spiritual patterns becomes more and more in-depth, the research institute has created more useful new spiritual patterns.

In addition, puppet technology has also developed very rapidly.

Nalan Shu, Zhou Lian, Gu Zhenghan and Jin Mingfei have all made great progress in this year's accumulation.

Moreover, they did not stay in the United Academy, but followed Yang Zhenghe to create new perfect-level puppets for the five-person alliance.

Traditional puppets, spirit puppets, corpse puppets, and mechanical puppets!

The four puppet technologies, which have the same origin but are completely different, have achieved better communication and cooperation, providing great help for the development of puppets.

Especially in terms of mechanical puppets, the progress is particularly outstanding.

The first mechanical puppet in the form of a battleship also officially debuted this year!

The resource consumption is extremely huge, the manufacturing time is very long, a lot of manpower and material resources are consumed, and all cutting-edge technologies are invested.

Not only the talents in puppetry are used, but also the experts in machinery manufacturing, hull construction, spiritual pattern seal carving and other aspects are used to work together to complete the project.

The total number of participants exceeded two thousand, and the resources consumed reached hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

But the final result did not disappoint.

The comprehensive combat power of the mechanical warship can reach the peak of perfection, making it a true ocean overlord!

Moreover, this battleship has a certain degree of self-awareness. It is more of a war puppet than a battleship!

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