Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 849 Breaking Through The Extraordinary

This feeling of closeness is even stronger than that of one's own flesh and blood.

It seems that it has completely become a part of the body, an indispensable organ, and integrated into the body's system.

At this time, the golden spirit pattern seemed to have completely completed the seal carving, and was peacefully resting in the bones, running slowly.

With his strong spirit, Qi Yuan was able to keenly sense that this spirit pattern was very different from other ordinary spirit patterns.

Like the microstructure of golden blood, it is constantly undergoing small changes, as if it is alive.

But Qi Yuan didn't understand what effect this mysterious operation had.

In the next few days, he experienced it personally.

The golden spirit patterns were completely integrated into the bones and began to actively produce blood for the body, and it was completely different new blood.

The blood in the body was quickly metabolized and replaced with brand new blood in just three days.

The blood newly created from the golden spirit patterns contains more powerful power, like a rushing river, nourishing every part of Qi Yuan's body.

The unprecedented powerful feeling made Qi Yuan couldn't help but exclaim, feeling that his whole body was wrapped in warmth.

Not only the blood, but also all the spiritual energy in the body seems to have become somewhat different under the transformation of the golden spiritual patterns.

If you look closely, you can see a hint of gold mixed in the new blood.

The same is true for spiritual energy. Although this golden glow is very subtle, it actually exists.

His body seemed to be gradually adapting to the presence of golden blood.

Using the golden spirit pattern as a medium, there has been a certain connection between it and the golden blood, and it is no longer as uncontrollable as before.

Qi Yuan tried and began to actively mobilize the golden spirit pattern.

Convert the golden blood that is beyond your control through golden spiritual patterns and turn it into your own blood and aura.

Just like the original plan.

The golden blood is like a flood, and the golden spirit pattern is like a valve, channeling it into small streams, irrigating every part of the body that needs it, thus becoming the source of life.

The golden lines on the body surface become darker and darker as the golden blood is continuously drained away.

The bones, blood and muscles in the body become gleaming as more and more blood is added.

Qi Yuan also clearly felt that the balance in his body was being disrupted, and his control over his body was also recovering.

At the same time, his strength has also undergone great changes.

The muscles and skin warmed by the golden blood have become extremely powerful, as if they have been tempered for thousands of times and are full of indescribable vitality.

He felt as if he could break perfect metal materials with one punch.

He could even kick Zhang Wei, knock Huo Tui away with one punch, and hang up Irene and beat him.

His physical strength, with the blessing of golden blood, is no longer weaker than that of the beast, and is even stronger, reaching a new level.

The same is true for spiritual energy. He is primarily spiritual and is extremely sensitive to spiritual energy.

But at this moment, he didn't understand what kind of changes had taken place in the current spiritual energy.

It seems to have some abilities and characteristics of golden blood - the ultimate vitality, which seems to never be erased.

In addition to flesh and blood and aura, the last thing is the soul.

It was the first time that Qi Yuan felt this mysterious and mysterious thing so clearly.

It seemed that because of the previous pain, he felt the existence of his soul, or the existence of his own spiritual energy.

The golden soul seal is engraved on the bones, and it is also engraved on the spiritual pattern.

He felt that his spirit was stronger than ever before, like a pair of spiritual eyes that could see many things that could not be seen with the naked eye.

Just like the situation inside your own body.

With his powerful mental power, he can see the detailed conditions inside the body: the blood flowing in the blood vessels, the air he breathes is converted into carbon dioxide, and even the energy conversion between cells.

All in all, his body seemed to have been upgraded in all aspects.

When I was on earth, I often heard people say: Cancer cells actually want to take your body to evolve, but the human body cannot handle it!

Although this statement is incorrect, it seems to have some truth.

Now that things have happened, he actually wants to understand some of the principles of golden blood.

The longevity tree and the pool of life mean that you can encounter the ultimate life energy.

Especially the longevity tree, which is the highest quality plant in the entire plant world. It is a life that has existed since the creation of this world!

So what it contains is the power of life that touches the origin!

The cancer cells in Professor Jin's body actually represent death.

What are cancer cells?

Ordinary cells have a lifespan and will die after a period of time.

However, some cells undergo mutations when they are about to die. Although they are reborn, they are based on death.

Not so much eternal life, but a death deeper than death.

But the deeper life nourishes and nurtures the deeper death, and then some unpredictable changes occur...

Finally golden blood is formed.

Feeling the powerful body, Qi Yuan still lay in the coffin for more than a month. After he was fully adapted, he slowly sat up.

Raising his right hand, every line on the skin was clearly visible. It was no different from before, but it seemed completely different.

Almost every cell in the body has undergone a metabolism and is completely filled with golden blood.

"What an amazing feeling!"

Qi Yuan felt the power in his body and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

It seems that I have climbed over a big mountain and reached a higher height.

And this kind of improvement is not an improvement in one aspect, but an improvement in all aspects, the level of life!

He seemed... to have a breakthrough!

From the middle stage of the perfection level, all the shackles were broken along the way, and a series of mysterious and mysterious changes occurred. Finally, under the leadership of the golden blood, he successfully broke through the life levels.

"Is this... extraordinary?!"

His shrinking pupils stared at every part of his body, and an incredible feeling filled his heart.

Unexpectedly, just after sleeping for a year, he would directly break through to the extraordinary.

"It's just... alas!" Qi Yuan didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

As early as a year or two ago, he began to prepare for the path to transcendence and began researching from many aspects, trying to find a way to break through.

Unfortunately, almost all of them ended in failure.

It is true that a lot of good things have been researched, but there is still a long way to go to achieve extraordinary breakthroughs.

Unexpectedly, because of all the coincidences, it was a breakthrough.

But unfortunately, he didn't know how he broke through.

Because every step he took was filled with too many surprises, he himself was in a daze, completely carried away by the golden blood.

But no matter what, the result is always good!

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