Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 852 Changes Brought About By Life Transition

All the way till now, the foggy world is still a foggy world, still full of too many unknowns!

There was even a time when the source of the threat could be seen.

But now, I don’t even know what kind of danger I’m facing.

Qi Yuan then said: "In addition to the danger of extraordinary creatures, there is another thing that we need to think about."


“Where is the end of our development?”

There was a trace of vicissitudes of life in Qi Yuan's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Everyone was stunned. At first they didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but after thinking about it carefully, they seemed to understand something.

Yes, what everyone has been working hard for is to survive and develop the shelter.

This is the task given to them by the system, and it is also the belief they have always relied on to survive.

This is the ultimate goal. Where is it?

Is it an eighth-level shelter? Or a level nine shelter?

Is it extraordinary strength? Or a higher level than extraordinary?

Or is it to allow human civilization to completely take root in this land, reproduce here, and inherit civilization?

At first, Qi Yuan actually thought so too.

The foggy world is like an unknown planet, full of countless dangers and many opportunities.

Through continuous efforts, human beings continue to improve their strength, develop technology and civilization, and then continue to live here, just like on earth.

However, the situation didn't seem to be what he expected.

As strong as an eighth-level shelter, it may have existed for hundreds or thousands of years, but in the end it still disappeared in the long river of time.

Moreover, through these years of exploration, he also understood very well that there have been countless human-like civilizations in the misty world.

They may be strong or weak, and exist for different periods of time. Most of them have been eclipsed in the long river of time, leaving nothing behind.

There are also times like the old village chief's era. Although there were some methods, they could only be said to be ordinary.

Of course, there is also a powerful eighth-level protection, which can make the civilization last longer, make the individual stronger, and even touch the power beyond the extraordinary.

But no matter what, there seems to be only one result, and that is to leave this world completely.

Qi Yuan does not believe that humans on earth are the most powerful existence.

There must have been a civilization with better luck and stronger strength, but due to various unknown circumstances, it no longer exists.

If this is really the case, then sooner or later, human beings will become extinct, the five-person alliance will collapse, and the island in the middle of the lake will become a thing of the past.

This made Qi Yuan feel powerless, as if conquering beasts, conquering nature, or defeating other humans still meant nothing.

Others feel equally confused and frightened when they think about this problem.

Many people's eyes were lowered, with a hint of confusion, not knowing what to say.

After a long period of silence.

Qin Zhenjun's eyes became firm first and he looked at Qi Yuan with a smile: "No matter how we go in the future, is it important?"

Everyone looked over.

"That's at least hundreds or thousands of years in the future, so what does it have to do with us now? Besides, there's a high probability that we won't live for such a long time."

"Civilizations rise and fall, and the sun and the moon also undergo changes, let alone the insignificant human beings?"

"We are just the owners of the shelter, trying our best to create a safe area to protect the important newcomers around us."

"Qi Yuan, why have you become so sentimental? Now that you have escaped from death and successfully achieved transcendence, shouldn't you be excited? Shouldn't you be full of ambition?"

"Anyway, I'm very excited. I want to follow you and see what an eighth-level shelter looks like! See what's above the extraordinary level!"

The words floated in the air one by one, pulling everyone back from their thoughts.

Qi Yuan's eyes also recovered from the confusion and regained a touch of clarity.

"Yes, the misty world is still full of unknowns and is worth exploring."

"The shelter has not come to an end yet. There is still a long way to go before the level eight shelter."

"There is room for continuous improvement in strength!"

"There is also the mysterious void, and it is also impossible to truly get a full view of it in a lifetime."

Suddenly, the gloom in Qi Yuan's heart seemed to be lifted away, and a gleam of light shone in.

"More importantly, everyone is still there! My relatives, friends, I trust, and everyone who trusts me are all still there."

"We have a vast land, great strength, a long life, and a future full of unknowns!"

At this moment, a pale golden light flashed across Qi Yuan's eyes, and his calm spirit and thinking seemed to boil at this moment.

A sudden inspiration, as well as a lot of knowledge and ideas, suddenly spread in my mind.

There is no source, no sign, just as if it suddenly appeared in the mind.

It seems to be the use of one's own abilities.

It is the use of this mysterious ability after reaching transcendence and controlling the mysterious golden blood.

I can vaguely touch the signs, full of mystery and mystery, but I can't completely touch it.

Qi Yuan's thoughts suddenly came back to him, and he felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

The changes in my body just now were really weird.

I feel very depressed out of nowhere, feel that life is meaningless, feel very depressed, and have no goals.

There is even a sense of loneliness.

But fortunately, Brother Qin's words completely dispelled his thoughts.

Qi Yuan thought for a moment and murmured to himself: "Is the improvement of life level bringing about a sense of loneliness from top to bottom? So that's it..."

The higher the level, the greater the level that is crossed when breaking through, which is likely to be a jump in life levels.

This level of improvement has huge changes in both body and spirit, as well as worldview and values.

Significant improvement in a short period of time will inevitably cause mental oppression and bring some negative emotions.

This was the case just now.

The worries that were originally deep in the heart suddenly became very strong, affecting the mind, and even infecting the people around them.

"How terrible!"

Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel scared for a while, but fortunately, his heart was not particularly dark and his mind was fairly firm. He recovered immediately after being reminded by Brother Qin.

Moreover, in the moment of recovery, it seemed that there was a lot of gain.

I don’t care what the harvest is for the time being. After all, it’s already in my mind. Go back and study it slowly.

Qi Yuan raised his head, looked at Qin Zhenjun, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Qin. I had some emotional problems just now, which affected everyone."

"No problem, let me tell you why your boy suddenly became sentimental!" Qin Zhenjun smiled and waved his hand.

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