Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 854 Star Stone

In addition, there are hundreds of golden thunder seeds and a large number of powerful spiritual patterns...

Finally, coupled with his own extraordinary strength, he still feels very safe.

And he discovered that after reaching the extraordinary level through golden blood, his strength seemed to be stronger than ordinary extraordinary creatures.

Although he had never seen an extraordinary creature, he had obtained the blood of several extraordinary creatures in the eighth-level shelter.

I have also seen the corpse of the Pan-horned Penis Python, so I have a certain understanding of this level of creature.

But to be honest, the blood of these creatures, even the heart blood, seems to be inferior to golden blood.

Therefore, he doesn't know what level his current strength is.

Even so, Qi Yuan still left one more escape route for himself.

He also brought two pairs of special teleportation arrays specially manufactured by the research institute, so that he could leave directly regardless of any unexpected situation.

This kind of teleportation array is not a teleportation array in the conventional sense, nor is it teleported in a conventional space.

Instead, it uses the space tree world and the energy of the void to transfer, so it is not affected by the Forbidden Space Stone and the like.

However, when it comes to the void, it is full of mystery and terror.

This kind of teleportation array can only withstand the pressure of the void for only one second before it collapses immediately.

Therefore, this is a one-time life-saving tool and is very precious.

After Campos opened the authority, Qi Yuan stepped into it.

A white light flashed before his eyes, and when he appeared again, he was already in a temple filled with holy light.

On the high platform in the temple, there is a special land deed and holy light that is constantly emitting light, illuminating the place with splendor.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but regret that among the five basic elements, what was needed was not the Holy Light, but the more basic light and heat, and there were subtle differences between the two.

Otherwise, having water, life, earth, and light at the same time is only one step away from the eighth-level shelter.

Unfortunately, there is still a lack of light, heat and spirit, and I don’t know where to look for them.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Qi Yuan looked at several figures in the temple.

Beneath the special land deed, Krampus's old and withered figure lay flat, almost without any breath, and had reached the point where the oil was exhausted.

Next to him, Beastmaster, Gavin, Aaron, and Captain Storm, the last remaining perfect-level combat force of San Rino, all gathered here.

They all looked at Qi Yuan with strong vigilance.

Relatively speaking, Campos was much calmer.

"Qi Yuan, you're fine."

"You're alright? You stormed into my hometown and almost killed me. How dare you say you're alright?"

Qi Yuan stood with his hands behind his back and casually walked up to the high platform where Campos was, as if talking to an old friend.

There is no resentment or anger in your heart, but only indifference and calmness.

Campos smiled and said, "It's just a helpless move. There are more than 20 perfect level experts on the opposite side. It's impossible for me to choose you in this situation."

Qi Yuan waved his hand indifferently, saying this now has no meaning.

"Qi Yuan, I didn't expect you to be so confident that you came here alone." The Beast King looked at Qi Yuan who came alone, and the fear in his eyes became less.

Qi Yuan snorted coldly: "With your strength alone, why do you need to bring other perfect-level combat forces?"

The figure bathed in the holy light now stretched out a long black shadow, reflecting on the Beast King and others, bringing powerful oppression.

Their strong self-confidence makes them feel like they can't help but retreat.

Campos couldn't help but sigh, with such a kingly spirit, such courage and confidence, he is worthy of being the leader of the five-person alliance, which is indeed extraordinary.

However, when he took a surprised look and saw a series of totems on Qi Yuan's hand, his mind suddenly shut down.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch: Damn it, you forgot Qi Yuan's combat power, which is mainly totem!

Qi Yuan obviously noticed Campos's gaze, but his momentum remained unabated. After all, many things can be learned through a long period of practice.

For example, face.

There is definitely a difference between a face of decades and a face of thousands of years.

He still stood confidently, but his sleeves drooped slightly, and he secretly hid his palms covered with spiritual patterns in his sleeves.

At this point, Campos didn't say anything more, but said directly: "One hundred million spirit stones have been prepared. The quality is excellent. Cut into the standard spirit coins of Huxin Island, there are almost 1 billion. .”

Since we are sincerely cooperating, Tanpus has no intention of cutting corners.

At this time, the Beast King also took out dozens of storage spirit patterns from his arms. It seemed that he also bought them from Qi Yuan, and they should contain spirit stones.

The Beast King trotted over and handed it to Qi Yuan with some distress.

When he finally left, he added: "Well... you only said you wanted the spirit stone, can you give us the storage spirit pattern back?"

Qi Yuan couldn't help but feel such a sincere sentence, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Even Krampus, who was lying on the high platform, was turning blue and blue, and he almost wanted to get up and slap the Beast King.

This motherfucker is so embarrassed.

Although, what the Beast King said was indeed correct.

Since breaking up with Qi Yuan, some basic materials such as storage spiritual patterns and communication spiritual patterns have been in short supply for a long time.

But no matter how lacking it is, there is no need to say it outright.

Qi Yuan was also speechless. He was really embarrassed to make things difficult for such a simple child.

Unable to resist his tone, he threw out a few new storage spirit patterns. The size of the internal space was about ten times that of before.

Although it is not as good as the small space world, it is still far better than ordinary storage spirit patterns.

After taking it, Beast King responded with a very polite thank you.

This made Gavin and the others beside him feel a little confused, and they quickly pulled him back.

If he is allowed to continue like this, San Rinho will be disgraced sooner or later.

As for Krampus, needless to say, his face has become extremely dark, and the light on his face no longer reflects any light, just like a black hole.

Qi Yuan counted it and found that the number was OK, then asked: "Where are the perfect resources?"

Campos said dullly: "Aaron gives it to him."

With that said, Aaron ran over to a wooden box and explained at the same time: "Star Stone is a rare material. It absorbs the power of starlight and can breed perfect star stones, which is equivalent to an entire perfect resource."

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Krampus to be so generous. He only wanted a perfect resource point, but he actually gave him rare materials.

But after thinking about it, he figured out the reason.

Campos' family is probably not as wealthy as he thought...

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