Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 873 Conquering The Small World

Hearing this, Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

If Qi Yuan buryes the hatchet and doesn't care about what he did before, then he will become suspicious instead.

Qi Yuan suppressed his smile and said seriously: "I have a few requests."

"First, all perfect and extremely powerful people must use the divine control pattern and be under the jurisdiction of the five-person alliance."

Just the first request caused everyone in the tribe to change their expressions and look ugly.

"Lord Qi Yuan, isn't this a bit too much? Do you want all of us perfect level experts to be slaves?"

"We recognize what we did before, and we recognize that we can't beat you, but you want us to be your slaves, huh, you are wishful thinking."

"Indeed, your request is too much."

"With just a few words, I wanted to disintegrate all our combat power. I, Qin Zhao, was the first to refuse..."

"That's enough, shut up!"

Before Qi Yuan could say anything, Qin Yan took the lead and roared, stopping all the noise.

Qin Yan looked at Qi Yuan quietly and said, "We can agree to the first condition..."

"Brother Qin..."

Qin Yan glared at the person behind him and continued to add: "However, I hope to change the form."

Qi Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Tell me about it."

"The leader of the seven tribes, using the spirit-controlling pattern with you, you can control our life and death at will."

"How about the rest of the perfect level powerhouses and their respective clan leaders use the spirit-controlling patterns, and you can also control them indirectly?"

Qi Yuan frowned and immediately objected: "No, all perfect level experts must use it, there is no room for compromise."

How could he not understand Qin Yan's little thoughts?

While the clan leader is under tight control, other perfect level experts are still a factor of instability and may cause trouble.

Moreover, once they give in now, they will definitely make more demands in the future, and it is certainly impossible for Qi Yuan to give them such an opportunity.

Qin Yan didn't expect that Qi Yuan would refuse so simply and neatly.

It can be clearly felt that Qi Yuan seems to be different from before...

Unparalleled self-confidence, calmness, no fear at all, and no intention of making any concessions.

It seems that as long as they don't agree, they will go to war directly.

This powerful pressure made him feel uncomfortable all over.

His feeling was not wrong. Qi Yuan had already made preparations: if he could not conquer the tribes in the small world with a gentle attitude, then he would use a strong attitude to dismantle this civilization.

Never leave trouble to yourself!

As for Kong Jin and Zhou Ji, I gave them face because they didn't want to make the relationship too tense, but in the final analysis, they were just one of Qi Yuan's totems.

Even if Qi Yuan doesn't listen to them, there is nothing they can do, and it is even impossible for them to generate hatred.

That’s how powerful the totem pillar is!

As long as you choose to come here, you must completely eliminate these seven tribes. This is the bottom line and the principle.

After Qi Yuan and Qin Yan looked at each other for a long time, Qin Yan was still defeated and nodded helplessly, but finally struggled.

"I hope you can treat me kindly. If we are asked to do something that involves death, we will never agree."

Qi Yuan waved his hand and said: "From now on, Kong Jin and Zhou Ji will deal with you directly. If nothing happens, I won't bother to care about you."

Although it was only a verbal guarantee, it also made everyone in the tribe feel at ease.

"Lord Qi, tell me your other requests."

"The second point is that the witchcraft knowledge, classics, culture, and resources you possess need to be fully shared with us."

"Okay, that's no problem."

"Third, we will live in this small world and have economic exchanges with you, or intermarry. Of course, we can also go to the New World and settle down there."

Qin Yan fell into silence again, while Kong Jin and Zhou Ji on the side also lowered their heads in thought.

The first condition seems to be the most severe, but in fact the third condition is the most demanding and dangerous.

Commercial cooperation and cultural absorption are not enough to shake the attacks of small world tribes.

However, once ordinary people on both sides get married, it will be a disaster for the small world tribe with a smaller number of people.

It is very likely that in just a few years, it will be completely digested and absorbed by the survivors of the New World and become a part of it.

Qi Yuan only made these three requests, which were also his bottom line for the Small World Tribe.

After he finished speaking, he showed his fist directly without giving them long time to think.

The spiritual patterns on his hands appeared, and huge figures appeared in front of everyone. The abyss-like momentum almost overwhelmed the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Irene and Zhang Wei behind Qi Yuan also burst out with peak perfection level aura.

Kong Jin and Zhou Ji hesitated for a few seconds, and finally expressed their attitudes and displayed their own momentum.

Qin Yan and others remained silent, but their eyes were full of shock. They looked at this scene for a long time and were speechless.

He had actually expected that Qi Yuan would dare to take people into the small world, and he was actually prepared for it.

Moreover, for Qi Yuan, there are no secrets in the Small World Tribe.

After all, with Kong Jin and Zhou Ji here, he knows all the secrets in the small world better than Qin Yan.

However, when he actually saw the strength displayed by Qi Yuan, he still felt frightened and even scared.

But what frightens him even more is what lies behind...

Qi Yuan slowly took a step forward, and a calm and mysterious aura slowly spread in front of everyone.

It seems weak and peaceful, but it is becoming more and more powerful with dozens of perfect-level powerful auras.

Rare level...perfect level...late stage perfect level...

The perfect powerhouse of the small world tribe felt this power, and his expression changed again and again.

When Qi Yuan's aura reached the peak of perfection and still showed no sign of stopping, they predicted something...

"Could it be..."

"It's impossible!"

"This breath!"



The aura that crushed everyone was like a giant standing in front of them, overwhelming them and making them breathless, without any thought of resistance.

"Extraordinary level?!"

Qin Yan forcibly raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief, and even more helpless and desperate.

In fact, he finally understood why Kong Jin wanted to make him surrender to Qi Yuan just by beating him!

With these forces gathered together, let alone the dilapidated small world now, even the small world in its heyday would most likely not be a match.

At this moment, he also has him in his heart.

"We...are willing to agree to these three conditions."

Qin Yan still said this, and no one around him refuted it.

They have no choice, life or death, the answer is already in front of them.

Qin Yan took the lead and knelt down on one knee, making a gesture of surrender.

Zhou Ye and others behind him also sighed helplessly and lowered their heads together.

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