Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 877 The Tragedy Of A Civilization

Although it successfully reached level eight shelter, it was not a pure level eight shelter.

Because the special title deed is not original, it has defects.

This cast a shadow over their future, and they had to flee in the end.

After a hundred years, an era finally created a powerful eighth-level shelter.

This is no longer a shelter, but a whole new world.

According to the book, at the moment when the eight-level shelter was upgraded, the original territory completely collapsed and completely returned to the world of mist.

And the power derived from the special land deed reconstructs a complete new world!

A new world that is completely different from the foggy world!

Completely independent sky and earth!

Self-generated aura and life!

Independently bred water cycle, light and heat cycle, energy cycle!

And all kinds of magical changes, as if an ancient place was born from scratch and was completely conceived at this moment.

And the most important point is that it no longer relies on the mist world, but is completely independent in a different space.

But it's not in the void.

Qi Yuan looked confused. He was vague about a lot of the information about the eighth-level shelter, and he didn't know the principles behind it.

The only thing I know is that after reaching the eighth-level shelter, the changes that took place are so magical that words cannot describe them.

After arriving at the eighth-level shelter, the entire civilization completely flourished and began to reproduce continuously.

The owner of the shelter has become a god-like existence.

The people in the shelter, freed from the crisis of the misty world, no longer lacked food and resources, began to develop and grow in all aspects.

Whether it is population size, cultural heritage, science and technology, or overall strength, they have all undergone earth-shaking changes.

Of course, it was also the first time that a transcendent existence appeared for them.

By taking advantage of the benefits of upgrading to an eighth-level shelter, the owner of the shelter successfully broke through to the extraordinary!

And the strength is far from being comparable to that of ordinary extraordinary people. It has just reached the mid-to-late stage level after breaking through.

The number of perfect levels has also begun to exceed 100, and it has a strength that is truly not weaker than that of the gathering place of ferocious beasts.

It was at this time that they gained a deeper understanding of the misty world.

As mentioned before, we discovered many places where ferocious beasts gather that had never been explored before.

The misty world still shows its mystery and unknown!

Humanity's accumulation of civilization over hundreds of years is still insignificant in the face of many existences that have been passed down for thousands of years.

However, no matter how dangerous the world is, it will not pose much of a threat to level eight shelters.

Existing in another space, living in an independent world, completely unaffected by the foggy world.

As long as they want, they can always live in their own territory and reproduce without worries for tens of thousands of years until they become extremely powerful.

The owner of the eighth-level shelter must also understand this truth, and has always adhered to the policy of developing slowly and not in a hurry.

But accidents will still sneak up on you.

At this time, the book is coming to an end, indicating that the fate of the high-level shelter is about to come to an end.

In the end, they faced a disaster that destroyed them.

The book does not introduce much, perhaps because it is too late to record, or perhaps because it is unwilling to record this tragedy.

In short, only a few words are used to describe how it was destroyed in the end.

Or specifically, just the reasons why they fell, and the enemies they faced.

It is mentioned that not only humans can use special land deeds, but wild animals also flock to them.

Naturally, it is very difficult for a perfect beast to break through to the extraordinary.

It is very likely that out of 10,000 perfect peak ferocious beasts, only one can break through to the extraordinary in a natural environment.

For them, there is another shortcut - that is to use the energy in the special land title.

The reason why a special land deed is powerful is that the energy quality inside it is very high, almost to the point of reaching the rules.

Therefore, controlling a special land deed is enough to meet the need to break through to the extraordinary.

Since humans can fuse multiple special land deeds to allow the shelter to break through to level 8, thereby opening up a world.

The ferocious beast can also use multiple special land deeds to achieve greater strength.

However, different beasts have different needs.

According to their own physical conditions, they seek the special land deeds they need and gradually improve their power.

However, if you can directly obtain the core of the eighth-level shelter - that is, the core formed by 5 special land deeds.

That is enough for the extraordinary beast to reach the sky in one step, directly forming a perfect cycle in the body and reaching a higher level.

Therefore, this also brought an unprecedented disaster to the eighth-level shelter.

The reason for its destruction is simple: there are powerful enemies who want to plunder the core of the eighth-level shelter.

The enemy is an extraordinary creature.

There were gaps in later records, and a large section of the war process was missing.

We don’t know how powerful the enemy is, what kind of resistance the eighth-level shelters have put up, and we don’t know how many years the war has been going on.

The only information I know is what I learned when I explored the eighth-level shelter.

In order to resist the enemy, they finally entered the terrifying sea area and risked their lives to survive.

But in the end, they never seemed to come out.

When the next line of text begins to record...

They have embarked on the road to escape and began to fight for their last chance of survival.

An existence that has been passed down for thousands of years, opened up a new world, multiplied and inherited civilization, was eventually crushed in the gears of history...

The last remaining extraordinary combat power used the space tearing ability to cut out a small world and threw it into the void.

They also hid in it and thrived there.

The owner of the shelter, who is also a legendary being, faced an even worse situation with his family and friends.

There is not enough time to hide in the small world, and in the end I can only use special space means to seek a glimmer of hope in the void.

Eventually, it became that small piece of land floating in the lonely void.

Due to the lack of various resources, their civilization could not be passed on and eventually died out completely.

The final outcome of the eighth-level shelter is not clearly recorded in the book.

Perhaps, they completely sank in that terrifying sea area.

If you are lucky, that independent world may still exist, providing a place for the humans inside to survive and continue to reproduce.

It is also possible that the core of the eighth-level shelter was completely plundered, so that the world became broken and everyone became dust deep under the sea...

But he prefers the latter.

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?

The most powerful group of people chose to flee, and he could already foresee the tragic ending.

The thick leather paper felt extremely heavy in my hand at this moment.

It is the history of a civilization, the crystallization of an era, and the tragedy of countless lives of flesh and blood.

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