Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 883 Top Training Site

Acleutis was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Your arms are really long."

Qi Yuan smiled and said nothing.

The exploration of the ice field has always been completed by Zhao Cheng. While searching for resources, he also recorded the harvested information.

The same goes for everyone else in the five-person alliance. They will explore their respective shelters, but everyone will summarize the information they get.

Finally, a map unique to the five-person alliance was formed.

Although I had obtained a map from the old village chief before, that was a long time ago and it was very different from now.

Moreover, the maps that are collected and summarized after personal exploration are more reassuring to use.

Now, the area of ​​this map is large enough. Although it is not detailed enough, the general terrain is still relatively clear.

Such as the northern ice sheet.

I originally thought that it would be similar to the North Pole on Earth, the end of the world, and would be an endless expanse of snow.

But in fact, this is just a relatively large world of ice and snow on a vast land.

And further north, it's a completely unfamiliar world.

Although Acleutis did not refuse, he still asked one more question: "If you want to cross the ice field, how far will it take?"

"More than 80,000 kilometers."

Acleutis's eyes twitched and he felt dizzy.

A total of more than 80,000 kilometers!

The Earth's equator is only 40,000 kilometers long, but across this ice sheet, there are actually two equators.

"Do you know how much time, manpower, material and resources it will take to complete these 80,000 kilometers?"

Qi Yuan said nonchalantly: "Time is not a problem, and you are not in a hurry to die."

Acleutis: "..."

"You should also have the manpower. I will provide the material resources. Moreover, I have left a teleportation array on the ice sheet. The actual distance is not 80,000 kilometers."

Hearing Qi Yuan say this, Acleutis breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, then I'll arrange the transfer."

Acleutis quickly agreed without much resistance in his heart.

Rather than staying here, he actually hopes to go further and develop on his own with more freedom.

It's best to stay away from the five-man alliance.

Although he is controlled by Qi Yuan, it does not mean that he wants to flatter, let alone grovel.

This is the only pride he has left. If Qi Yuan asks him to do something he doesn't like, then even if he dies, he probably won't agree.

Qi Yuan was willing to let him go, but he was somewhat grateful.

Qi Yuan naturally understood that, so he would not deliberately oppress them. If they could coexist peacefully, there was no need to kill them all.

Now his eyes are no longer on these former opponents, but more on the future of mankind.

Returning to the shelter, Qi Yuan completely relaxed.

All enemies have been dealt with, the development of the shelter is on the right track, and everything is moving in the right direction.

It becomes easier both externally and internally.

Externally, there are only three tasks.

First, look for the gathering place of wild beasts and detect whether there are any threatening grown wild beasts.

Second, continue to explore the void.

The existence of the black star core indicates that there are many precious resources in this vast void.

Third, continue to look for special land titles.

These things are long-term solutions. Qi Yuan is not in a hurry and gives him enough time to complete them.

As for internal affairs, things are more complicated and contain more content.

But in general, there are actually two aspects: the development of the shelter, and the improvement of strength.

The research of the institute continues, the new city is also developing with each passing day, and the overall strength continues to improve.

As for strength...

Whether they are beasts or humans, under reasonable management, they can quickly accumulate combat power.

The only thing lacking, and the most important thing, is the real top powerhouse?

Especially those who are expected to achieve extraordinary results.

After developing to a certain level, the importance of individual strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary individuals.

Many times, one person can be worth a thousand troops.

In fact, Qi Yuan was specifically reminded of this in the letter from the owner of the eighth-level shelter, informing him of the importance of top combat power.

Therefore, in order to give Zhang Wei, Huo Tui, Aileen, Wei Xi, Yan Jun, and Zhou Yuheng more time to improve their strength.

Saihara will also take action. Gradually free them from trivial matters and give them more time to practice.

Including Ye Zhongming, Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, Zhao Cheng, and their powerful combat forces will also retire from the management and become the powerful combat forces hidden behind them.

This is also to allow them to feel at ease and improve their strength.

However, how can it be so easy to truly break through to the extraordinary level?

If it were easy, Zhang Wei, Irene, Campos, and Acleutis wouldn't be stuck in the semi-transcendence and unable to break through.

They have experienced the influence of special land deeds, but still cannot take the last step.

It is enough to show that the effort, hardship, and even luck required to truly reach that level are far beyond the imagination of normal people.

Moreover, now, the concentration of spiritual energy in the New World is only at the perfect level, and the number of rare-level items is very small, which also makes their difficulty a bit higher.

To this end, Qi Yuan specifically contacted all senior leaders in the five-person alliance.

It is planned to build a most high-end training place to help perfect-level combatants improve their strength.

In this training place, a total of two top-notch materials will be used!

In fact, even in Qi Yuan's hands, both materials are unique and cannot be copied. It is almost difficult to have a second one.

They are the black star core and the fruit from the space tree realm.

Needless to say, the black star core is the most suitable energy supply material as the energy core of a planet.

The focus is on how to use the energy inside safely and efficiently.

Qi Yuan currently has no choice, so he can only leave it to the research institute for research, but some results have been achieved, and it is said that energy converters will be used.

The only perfect energy converter that can help regulate energy and prevent accidents.

Another thing, the fruit of the Space Tree Realm.

The space tree world is a wonder, and it is a space type, with terrifyingly high quality.

When it grows into a small tree, it bears seven fruits, three of which are fully mature, forming the primitive world, the plant world, and the biological world respectively!

As for the remaining four fruits, they have been in a state of being unusable.

Before, Qi originally thought that as long as he absorbed more special land deeds, he could help the fruit mature.

But after experiments, it was found that this was not the case.

The ripening of fruits in the space tree world is related to two factors - space energy and life energy.

Space energy promotes the growth of the space tree world, thereby creating new space in the void.

Life energy can be used by special land and life to create new species.

No matter what kind of energy it is, the amount required is also very large.

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