Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 894 Precipitation

Moreover, Tang Zhenyang divided the hunting team into different levels according to different strengths.

Level one is the weakest and level seven is the strongest.

Hunting teams of different levels can take on tasks of different levels.

Because the hunting union has another role, that is, it is equivalent to the mercenary union.

Rich bosses in the city, or research and development teams, will need various beast-like materials for research.

If they can't get out on their own, they will spend money to complete tasks in the hunting guild, and the level of the task will be determined based on the difficulty of the task.

Only hunting teams of the corresponding level can receive the mission.

Such a relatively simple system allowed the hunting guild to get on the right track and start operating in an orderly manner.

On the first day alone, many former hunting teams sensed an opportunity and once again pulled together their former brothers to form a new hunting team.

In order to increase the level of their hunting team as much as possible so that they can charge higher fees and take on higher tasks in the future, they quickly went out of the city to hunt wild beasts.

In just a few days, all the nearby beasts were wiped out.

The supply of wild beast resources has promoted the development of the city's economy and also brought a lot of wealth to these hunting teams.

Moreover, every time he brought a huge beast carcass back to the city, he would be greeted by a large number of ordinary people watching, which made many people enjoy it endlessly.

With the help of the hunting team, the responsibility of the Guard Bureau is much lighter. The tense atmosphere outside the entire new city gradually eased.

The original situation where the enemy was strong and we were weak has been effectively changed under An Changlin's series of operations.

Begin to shift from passive defense to active confrontation.

In this ongoing confrontation, the people of Xincheng remain highly nervous at all times. Cultivation has become a necessity in life, and their respect for force is also constantly increasing.

The status of many professions in life is constantly declining, and the benefits are not as good as before.

On the contrary, for jobs related to improving strength, status and salary have been greatly improved.

For example, martial arts teachers, spiritual pattern seal carvers, puppet makers, hunting teams, prop makers, potion configurers...

The prices for these props used in combat are all horribly high.

Once you master a skill, you will be able to live comfortably in the new city without worrying about food and drink.

In particular, masters with high technical levels are highly respected by everyone and have become one of the most prestigious professions.

At the same time, some emerging industries have also begun to emerge.

For example, the "Cultivation Room Hall" rents rooms for cultivation and helps ordinary people meet the conditions for cultivation.

"Weapon Repair Shop" to simply repair damaged weapons and equipment.

The "martial arts industry" is different from the traditional martial arts. The martial arts here not only teaches fighting skills, but also teaches cultivation methods.

Even more advanced ones will teach you how to use spirit patterns, puppets, potions, plant control, animal taming, etc.

However, Qi Yuan did not deliberately circulate these technologies in the new city, so they were very rare and high-end technologies that ordinary people could hardly come into contact with.

Zhou Linhe's "Jiuhe Martial Arts Gym" is the largest among these industries, and it is also the only martial arts gym that cooperates with the government.

In such an atmosphere, the overall strength of Xincheng grew very fast. In a few months, it can be compared to the development of several years.

And it also creates a virtuous cycle.

Such a high-spirited atmosphere not only affects contemporary middle-aged people, but also makes them actively participate in the fields of cultivation and combat.

It also deeply affects the next generation!

The oldest group, almost five or six years old, officially began to receive school education.

These children, as well as their parents, no longer value cultural courses such as Chinese and mathematics, but pay more attention to talents in cultivation.

No matter how good you are in Chinese or mathematics, is it possible that you can still make a living?

Will wild beasts kneel down in admiration and not dare to eat you just because you know 1+1=2 or say I love you?

Only strong strength can protect this city, your home, your parents, your relatives, and everyone you care about.

The threat of wild beasts and the will of the Guardsmen engraved the meaning of protection in everyone's hearts.

Not only the thoughts of this generation are also passed on to the next generation in a subtle way!

Today, the most grand event in the new city is the annual "Talent Measurement Conference".

All children who reach the age of five will take a cultivation talent test to determine the child's talent in cultivation.

Likewise, it also largely determines the child’s future job.

The better the talent, the more attention he will receive. Many forces will invest in him, and even train him from an early age. Many people will send money and supplies.

These kids drive sports cars almost from the starting line.

Of course, these are just children with ordinary talents.

Once the talent appears to be above 90, or even above 95, the meaning will be completely different.

An Changlin will definitely contact him personally and send him to the island in the middle of the lake for personal training.

However, as of now, there is no child with such a high talent.

After all, when they are born, the island in the center of the lake will conduct a screening, and few fish will slip through the net.

But even if the remaining children are not very talented, An Changlin still cares about education issues very much.

As the lord of the new city, he knows the importance of inheritance.

This generation is the pillar, the main force in the battle, and can hold up the new city, but the next generation is the future!

An Changlin stayed in the new city with peace of mind and was in charge of all the affairs of the city.

At the same time, secretly, he will also deal with matters on Lake Center Island and even the entire New World. He is a real super boss.

Today's five-person alliance is developing in an orderly manner, and everything has fallen into calm.

Compared with the fast-paced life of previous years, today's self-cultivation is particularly important, allowing everyone to settle down and enter a completely different stage of development.

Those who enter the upper echelons of the cultivation world will occasionally come out of the cultivation world, but will soon return to it.

For them, there is only one most important task.

That is to improve your strength!

The path to perfection is inherently a very long process, requiring a long period of accumulation and precipitation.

If there is no energy supply from the star core, just relying on the perfect spiritual energy from the spiritual stone veins, the strength will increase very slowly.

According to research, just by absorbing spiritual energy of the same level, it would take at least 5 years to break through from the early stage of perfection to the middle stage.

This still refers to those with higher talent. people.

From the mid-term to the late stage, it will take at least 10 years.

It will take about 15 years from the late stage to the peak.

In other words, from the day you break through the perfection level, it will take more than 30 years of practice to reach the peak of perfection.

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