Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 898 The Way Of Life

Even at this moment, he had a deeper understanding of the power of life and death that he didn't understand before.

He once thought that as long as he relied on the special land contract and life, he could continue to absorb the life spans of other people, allowing himself to live forever until he lives forever!

But he now found that this was completely impossible.

The lifespan absorbed through the special land deed only exists in the form of energy and cannot be directly converted into lifespan.

To be precise, prolonging life requires not only vitality, but also the endurance of the human body.

A person has a life span of 100 years because he can only bear a life span of 100 years.

Even if he has a vitality of 1,000 years, the essence of his life and the strength of his soul cannot support him to truly live for 1,000 years.

The reason why Qi Yuan had the illusion of immortality in the past was actually the powerful healing ability of the special land deed and life.

When you use golden blood and are about to face death, you can use a special land deed to extend your life.

But if you think about it carefully, this cannot be regarded as extending his lifespan. It is just using the life energy transformed from other people's lifespans to keep him alive.

He didn't understand it originally, but now he understands it.

Suppose that his original lifespan that his body could bear was 100 years, but due to various factors such as injuries, diseases, germs, etc., he would only live 95 years before dying of old age.

In this case, you can rely on a special land lease to replenish your life and live to the maximum lifespan your body can bear!

But it can only be extended to 100 years, because if it is extended any longer, the soul and body will not be able to bear it.

Unless there is a jump in the life class, allowing life to reach a higher level, there is still a chance to extend the life span.

Moreover, the letter left by the owner of the eighth-level shelter actually informed him clearly.

"Even if you have a special land title and life, you can only live a little longer than ordinary people, and it is impossible to achieve eternal life."

How can the ultimate goal pursued by all things in the universe be easily achieved with just a special land deed? It's really ridiculous!

Originally, Qi Yuan was a little disappointed after learning these contents.

But the next moment, he realized the effect of this spiritual pattern!

The special land deed and life does not have the effect of extending lifespan, but this special spiritual pattern seems to have it!

And...it seems to be the real extension of lifespan.

And people who could only endure a life span of 100 years would not live for a few more years in the true sense.

When he carefully felt the effect of this spiritual pattern, he was completely shocked.

This is a spiritual pattern similar to a contract, with the ability to grant and take away life.

One of the abilities is the contract to take away life.

After voluntarily signing the contract, Qi Yuan can use the means of channeling spiritual patterns to deprive the other party of 1-5 years of life.

This deprivation of life span is a deprivation in the true sense and cannot be replenished with any form of life energy!

And the lifespan obtained in this way is also the lifespan in the true sense, and will be directly stored in the spiritual pattern.

However, Qi Yuan cannot be used directly.

He can only grant these lifespans to others through another "life-giving contract."

These lifespans are like currency. They truly have value only after they circulate in the market.

Just like the woman just now, Qi Yuan granted her three years of life by signing a contract.

However, the life-deprivation contract requires a formal agreement, while the life-giving contract only requires Saihara's willingness.

And how does Qi Yuan take back these lives?

There is only one way.

Deprive Zhao Rui’s descendants of their vitality!

While giving life span, it is actually taking away life span.

For Zhao Rui, there is actually no need to pay anything, and she will not give back Qi Yuan's life span.

However, the moment she gives birth to a child, she will voluntarily deprive the baby of part of its lifespan.

Of course, this part has a very short lifespan, maybe only a few days.

However, when the baby reaches the good level, excellent level, rare level, or even perfect level and extraordinary level in the future, each time it experiences a jump in life level, its life span increases.

Qi Yuan was able to obtain part of his lifespan through the contract in his blood.

But even so, the number is actually very small, and it only lasts a few years.

But the scary thing is that every child Zhao Rui gives birth to, his children's children... he can gain lifespan in this way.

Because his golden blood flows in Zhao Rui's body, and it is the golden blood that has signed a contract.

The life span recovered in this way can be directly converted into Qi Yuan's own life.

Since a jump in life level can increase life span, can a jump in life level be achieved by increasing life span?

Of course you can!

Qi Yuan seems to have found a way to improve his strength and reach a higher level.


Theoretically, if there are enough people who sign the contract and enough offspring are produced, even if each person only gives back a small part of his life span, he can still have countless life spans based on the huge base.

This is a true path to eternal life!

It's just that it's easy to say, but incredibly difficult to do.

How long is the lifespan of an extraordinary level?

Based on the duration of light in the past dynasties, it can be estimated that it should be within 500 to 1,000 years.

How long does it take to reach the extraordinary level?

Qi Yuan himself doesn’t know, but it should be no less than 3000 years old.

Assuming that he has a life span of 1,000 years, he will have to accumulate another 2,000 years of life.

The lifespan that ordinary people give themselves is only a few days.

As for the perfect level, you can probably give yourself back for 2 months.

In other words, only one year of life can be given back to the person who signed the contract if there are 6 perfect levels in his descendants.

A life span of two thousand years would require a total of 12,000 perfect level experts.

After doing this calculation, Qi Yuan's head suddenly became big.

Let’s talk about the number of people first. If you want to multiply from two people to 12,000 people, how many fucking generations will it take?

How much time does it take to accumulate 20 years for one generation?

Let’s talk about talent. How many people in each generation have the talent to break through to perfection?

Maybe the family will be in ruins, or the clan will be exterminated directly.

Calculating it this way, if you wait for 1,000 years, you may not be able to collect a life span of 2,000 years, so you might as well practice honestly.

However, Qi Yuan did not give up this ability, but continued to try it.

After all, as long as the population base is large enough, it is very possible to achieve it.

If after reaching the eighth-level shelter and having an independent world with a population base reaching tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, it would be easy to collect life spans.

Moreover, he can specially cultivate several forces to ensure that they multiply and grow and provide himself with longevity.

Therefore, he has been doing this since he left the world of cultivation.

Star island chain, super gathering place, large gathering place, small world tribe, new city, 23 islands in the north... He has sown seeds in almost all places where there are gathering places.

There are more than a dozen people like Zhao Rui.

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