Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 914 Clues To The Special Land Deed

If you choose props with spiritual patterns.

Then choose a certain series of five spiritual patterns to learn. As long as you can thoroughly study a series and successfully carve seals, you can reach an extraordinary level.

However, this may seem easy, but is actually very difficult.

Because it is very difficult to learn and carve extraordinary spiritual patterns at the peak of perfection level.

Even Qi Yuan himself cannot guarantee that he will be able to complete it.

As for others, such as children who have absorbed the blood of beasts, their path is even simpler.

To a certain extent, in addition to their original human genes, they already have another kind of gene fragment.

So they are born with the potential to reach the extraordinary level.

However, there is one thing they must face.

That is the blood of the beasts they absorbed, and after all, the quality is only rare and perfect.

Therefore, they must continuously improve the level of their genetic fragments through acquired efforts.

Whether it is human genes or beast genes absorbed later, we need to find a way to upgrade to the extraordinary level in order to successfully break through.

But relatively speaking, it is actually much simpler than others.

Because in the process of breaking through the extraordinary, the real difficulty is not improving quality, but how to absorb a brand new fragment into one's own genes!

But the most difficult part of the work is done before they are born, which is definitely their greatest advantage.

Perhaps at this moment, they can truly be regarded as the future of Lake Center Island.

A group of beings who are qualified to break through to the extraordinary!

After returning to the island in the middle of the lake, Qi Yuan immediately started to make arrangements and called An Changlin, Chu Yang, Wang Yihui, Zhang Wei and Wei Xi.

This is the group of people with the highest status in the island in the center of the lake.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Xi has been released, but he has not succeeded in breaking through.

Just as Qi Yuan expected, success is a matter of ghost ginseng, and failure is also a matter of ghost ginseng!

The two are integrated with each other, but they also restrict each other. If he wants to truly reach the extraordinary level, his path is slightly different from that of others, and he needs to continue to improve and settle.

The convenience I once had seems to be returned at this moment, and the problem is found at its essence and root.

Let them call over. The matter is roughly divided into three parts.

The first thing is to tell An Changlin to sort out the routes that can break through to the extraordinary and distribute them to those who need them.

There is no doubt the value of cutting-edge knowledge like this, so confidentiality measures must be taken.

The second thing is Chu Yang’s work.

"Chu Yang, I have sorted out three series of spiritual patterns here, all of which can successfully break through to the extraordinary. You go back and study them carefully."

Chu Yang was also quite shocked: "Is this the way to break through the extraordinary?"

"Well, I remember that you have been studying an extraordinary spiritual pattern. You should have some ideas, right?"

"It's almost there. If you give me a little more time, I should be able to create it successfully."

Qi Yuan nodded with confidence and said: "Yes, you can reorganize a path according to the method I compiled. The same goes for other spiritual patterns. Try to sort out their own series as much as possible, and then find a way to develop extraordinary-level ones." Spiritual pattern, every path is a new path."

Surprise appeared on Chu Yang's face: "It is indeed difficult to successfully create a pair of spiritual patterns by just researching on your own, but if you follow a series and start from scratch, it should be much easier!"

A whole route, from good level to perfect level, can clarify all ideas and proceed step by step.

It has a very important influence on the creation of extraordinary spiritual patterns.

In fact, this work is not only Chu Yang's task, but also everyone's task.

Today, there are only three routes to transcendence, and the number of people who meet these three routes must be very few.

Therefore, the spiritual pattern path chosen by a large number of people can only reach the perfection level.

However, as long as they go all the way in a down-to-earth manner and thoroughly study all the good, excellent, rare, and perfect spiritual patterns, there is still a high probability that they will be able to develop extraordinary spiritual patterns.

With everyone working together, we will surely be able to develop more and more extraordinary routes.

This matter is mainly responsible for Chu Yang and Wang Yihui.

As for the last thing.

It is also a matter that must be left to Wei Xi and Zhang Wei - to find the gathering place of ferocious beasts with extraordinary creatures.

One is the leader of the Secret War Bureau, and the other is the Ghost King of the Ghost Department. As the two top combat forces, there is no doubt that this task is entrusted to them.

"Zhang Wei, how are the recent actions of the Secret War Bureau?"

Zhang Wei knew clearly that Qi Yuan's question must be about finding a special land deed, and immediately replied: "There are already 4 clues, and there is a high probability of success, but we may need to take action in terms of combat power."

"Need to take an extraordinary action?"

Qi Yuan was also a little surprised. Nowadays, there are quite a few peak-level perfect combat forces inside the lake center island. He didn't expect that even these are not enough.

Zhang Wei nodded and said: "The ferocious beasts with these special land deeds have all mastered the power of the land deeds, and it is difficult for the perfect level to defeat them."

"Let's talk about the specific situation."

"The first is the one from Yuanxinglingdi. We are still paying attention to the situation. With our current strength, we are enough to crush them."

"As long as you give the order, boss, we can go out again and directly eliminate the new threats. Not only can we get a special land deed, but we can also harvest a dozen perfect totems."

Qi Yuan nodded. Yuanxing's defeat was nothing to him, but to the people of Xincheng, it was an eternal pain and a shame that could not be forgotten.

Therefore, this grudge must be resolved sooner or later.

"The second special land deed is the Wuxiang Mountain Boar. Clues have been found about it. It is located 90,000 kilometers outside the unknown area to the west. People have been stationed there and can act at any time."

"The third one is a special land deed and space..."

"Oh, found that sea creature with space capabilities?"

Qi Yuan asked a little strangely, that guy is not easy to find. Even if you always pay attention to his red dot, it is difficult to find it easily.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Not really, that guy's whereabouts are unpredictable and very difficult to track. But I don't know what I was thinking recently. He ran all the way to the sea near the New World, which is only about 40,000 kilometers away from us."

"I see."

Qi Yuan thought about it and said: "If you have a chance to capture it, notify me immediately and I will take action to deal with it myself."

Qi Yuan is still very eager and looking forward to this space.

"Tell me about the last one. It should be a newly discovered one, right?"

"Yes, the fourth special title deed is located to the east of the unknown area, 210,000 kilometers east of the volcano, which is quite far away."

Qi Yuan nodded and asked: "What attribute?"

"Suspected of light and heat!"

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