Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 921 Coordinating All Parties

One is Chu Yang.

The work of creating the Mountain and Sea Guards was not completed by Qi Yuan alone, but Chu Yang also participated in many of them.

Therefore, it is easy for him to find any abnormalities in the spiritual patterns!

The other one is Zhang Wei.

In this operation, he followed Qi Yuan throughout the whole process, so he knew the whole story. If Qi Yuan wanted to start a transcendent war at this time, there was only one target - the Black Lion.

It's just that he can't understand why the two parties suddenly have a good relationship with Black Lion?

Qi Yuan did not give an explanation, but fully supervised the preparations.

A more massive action is brewing across the entire human spectrum, attracting everyone's attention.

3 days later!

In such a short period of time, the entire five-person alliance was ready again, a large number of combat forces gathered, and almost everyone participated.

At noon, the sun is high.

Dozens of powerful figures gathered together, and their powerful momentum oppressed the sky, making people shudder.

"This will be the first time that humans take action against extraordinary beings, and it will also be the first time that humans take the initiative to attack where ferocious beasts gather!"

"For decades, humans have been oppressed and devastated by wild beasts. They are constantly destroying our civilization. Today we will take the initiative to open up a new era."

"I believe this will be a moment that makes history!"

Qi Yuan's calm and loud voice echoed in the sky, transmitted to all directions through the holographic stone shadow, and was seen by all human survivors.

At this moment, Qi Yuan's body glowing with pale golden light seemed to become particularly tall and sacred.

This man who stands at the top of the entire human race seems to have taken on a huge responsibility to open up new territories for mankind.

No one can bear to be ruled by a weak person.

They would rather be ruled by a powerful and brutal tyrant than by a benevolent but cowardly incompetent person!

Especially after experiencing the cruel foggy world, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with both yearning for peace and resistance to the cruel facts.

Therefore, the act of starting another war was not only not resisted, but also received great support.

In fact, not only the five-person alliance, but also other forces also took the initiative to join it.

In the new city, represented by the Guard Bureau, a rare team was put into it to personally participate in this feast that belongs to mankind.

Ocean Academy, the largest force in the Star Island Chain, also invested a combat force and actively followed behind the five-person alliance to express support and obedience.

As for Krampus and Acleutis, they did not participate in this event.

Because they are too far away.

Acleutis had already rushed to the northern part of the ice sheet several years ago, and began to spread its branches and develop there.

As for Campos, Qi Yuan also made similar arrangements, allowing him to go to the west of the unknown area.

Qi Yuan didn't know the situation there either. It was said to be an endless virgin forest with a lot of unknown dangers.

However, Campos still went resolutely.

Qi Yuan actually understood very well that for people like Krampus and Acleutis, even if their own golden blood was flowing in their bodies and they were controlled by them, they would never surrender.

Rather than putting it before our eyes and making both sides feel uncomfortable, it is better to give them freedom and let them go out and expand their territory.

In fact, the only remaining forces are the super gathering place, the star island chain, and the small world tribe.

There is no need to pay too much attention to the super gathering place. After being attacked by extraordinary creatures last time, it has once again fallen into chaos and is in trouble.

The overall strength of the Star Island Chain is insufficient. Although there have been several perfect level experts, they are not enough to compete with the five-person alliance, so they have always been in a state of active surrender.

As for the Small World Tribe... Needless to say, they have already signed the Spirit Control Pattern.

Many people understand, especially the top leaders of various forces, that this is not just a war, but also an integration of human forces.

As the eighth-level shelter is about to arrive, Qi Yuan must screen all human survivors.

As the only superpower, he cannot only take away the people from the five-person alliance. He is also qualified to take part of the responsibility for humans in other places.

But which part of the people should be responsible, or which part of the people should be taken away, still needs to be considered and discussed.

Because these things are not just about him.

He is not the same Qi Yuan who used to guard a small shelter and have enough food for the whole family.

Now, he has to think about problems from the perspective of all mankind, and make decisions from the perspective of racial reproduction and civilization inheritance!

Just like this war, it is the same...

Qi Yuan led all the combat forces to the Far Star Spirit Land again through the teleportation array.

Looking through the mountain peaks to the distant northeast, there is a gathering place for black lions and ferocious beasts.

There was a little light shining in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

For him personally, Black Lion's character is pretty good, not cruel, and even a little simple. If he doesn't consider any other issues, it's okay to make friends.

However, he not only has to think emotionally, but also rationally.

Looking at it from a higher perspective, killing the black lion is definitely more cost-effective.

Not only does it eliminate a possible threat, but it can also greatly improve human strength!

After all, the totem pillar is rare, but it can transform into an extraordinary totem!

The value of an obedient totem is definitely not comparable to that of a friend.

Zhang Wei stood aside, saw Qi Yuan's complicated eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, do you have to kill the black lion? If you want to conquer it..."

Qi Yuan's expression remained unchanged, he shook his head slightly and said calmly: "Don't be so kind as a woman, I will apologize to him properly after he becomes a totem."


When Zhang Wei heard this, he naturally understood Qi Yuan's determination and stopped trying to persuade him.

Following the order, everyone began to move toward the northeast.

The combat power this time was even greater than before. There were more than 40 perfect-level combatants, which almost eliminated most of the perfect-level powerhouses in the five-person alliance.

If it fails, it will have a devastating impact on the five-person alliance, and it is likely to be unable to recover.

Therefore, this is also a battle that can only be won but not lost.

But fortunately, Qi Yuan has done his best to prepare, improve his own success rate as much as possible, and make sure strategies.

No matter what happens, you can still use the teleportation scroll to escape!

Two mountains away, Qi Yuan could already see the outline of the gathering place of black lions and ferocious beasts.

And you can vaguely see the light of spiritual patterns emerging in the mountains. They are the mountain and sea defense arranged by Qi Yuan, as well as other attack and control spiritual patterns.

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