Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 924 Killing The Black Lion

But now, the benefits gained from being friends are far less than the benefits gained from killing the black lion.

However, facing the Black Lion whose strength was greatly reduced, Qi Yuan still sighed and asked, "Black Lion, sign the divine control pattern and become a member of my Lake Island. I don't have to kill you."

"Don't even think about it! You bastard!"

Black Lion refused Qi Yuan's invitation without hesitation, his eyes burning with anger, almost glaring Qi Yuan to death in front of him.

Qi Yuan looked at it silently and said, "This is your last chance. I hope you will consider it carefully."

The Black Lion's expression did not change, and he still stared at Qi Yuan. The blood in his body was constantly flushing the golden blood, trying to find a way out.

After a long time, Black Lion asked.

"Can I ask you a question."

"What is the God-Controlling Pattern?"

"It's similar to the mountain and sea guarding spirit pattern I arranged for you, except that the spirit control pattern is used to control the mind and ensure that you will not betray me."

"Isn't this a master-slave agreement?"

"Pretty much, I can promise that I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do."

"It's really hard to choose..."

Black Lion wanted to mutter something, but was interrupted by Qi Yuan.

"Black Lion, I know you want to delay time and find a way to break the golden blood in your body, but I tell you... don't waste your efforts."

As he spoke, golden lines flashed across Qi Yuan's palms.

The next moment, Black Lion's doubtful eyes turned to shock. Feeling dozens of strands of golden blood suddenly appearing in his body, he was so frightened that his legs weakened.

Just a ray of light had already seriously injured it, making it difficult for it to withstand.

As a result, there were now dozens of rays, which directly plunged him into despair, unable to raise any thoughts of resistance.

"You, you, you...cough cough cough...hahahaha, you are so cruel!!

The black lion was so angry that he couldn't speak completely, and his cry was slightly miserable. His eyes looked sad, full of anger but unable to explode.

Not even impotent rage can do that.

Because the powerful corrosive power of the golden blood has begun to spread completely within the body, showing a terrifying suppressive power.

If it were outside the body and both parties were at the extraordinary level, the Black Lion might be able to barely resist it.

But inside the body, it has no chance of winning.

It was precisely because of this that Qi Yuan dared to make up his mind in a short period of time and led almost all the combat forces to declare war on a place where ferocious beasts gathered.

If he wasn't absolutely sure, how could he dare to underestimate the enemy so much?

Black Lion was not in the mood to talk to Qi Yuan anymore, but put all his thoughts on the golden blood in his body.

Mobilizing almost all the spirit energy and blood in the body, trying to wipe out the golden blood. As long as it recovers health, it will still be able to fight.

However, this is still too difficult.

The quality of the golden blood is terrifyingly high. It has probably exceeded the extraordinary level. It cannot be solved by it alone.

Qi Yuan gave it enough time, but the black lion still failed.

For more than ten minutes, the black lion exhausted all the energy in his body and collapsed helplessly on the ground, with the will to die already in his eyes.

Turning his eyes slightly, he looked at the man standing in front of him. Hei Shi gasped and said, "If you want to attack me, why do you still help me arrange so many spiritual patterns?"

Qi Yuan did not answer this question directly, but showed it with practical actions.

The only one took a step forward and stepped forward.

The mountain and sea guarding spirit patterns blocking the front changed instantly.

The mountain and sea defense that was originally used to resist external attacks underwent a complete transformation at this moment, with internal and external offense and defense interchanged.

The same situation applies to other spiritual patterns. The direction of attack has changed 180 degrees, pointing the spearhead towards the interior of the spiritual land.

Qi Yuan walked in leisurely as if walking on flat ground, and walked slowly in front of the black lion.

"As expected!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Yang had a confused look on his face, already understanding the methods used by his eldest brother.

At first, he didn't see clearly what the boss of the family was doing.

After all, the spiritual pattern technology possessed by Qi Yuan has reached the extraordinary level, which is a long way away from others.

For others, every detail of the spiritual pattern must be completed meticulously, without any changes or deletions.

But Qi Yuan is different!

His level is so high that he can even independently create new spiritual patterns, or deduce them based on the original spiritual patterns.

Qi Yuan had secretly manipulated all the spiritual patterns placed here.

There is no problem with the surface, it can be used completely, and the power is not weakened in any way.

But in fact, the spirit pattern has undergone very subtle changes, and can completely change the direction of attack and defense under his control.

It can be used both externally and internally.

However, even Chu Yang couldn't understand this change, let alone these ferocious beasts.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Black Lion let out a sad smile and murmured to himself: "Haha, I actually let such a dangerous enemy in without any scruples, and then gave away everything I had. Give in...it's really..."

"Black Lion, do you have any last words?"

Qi Yuan's voice echoed slowly.

The Black Lion did not beg for mercy and still tried to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body to resist, but it was obviously a drop in the bucket.

Qi Yuan already understood what the black lion meant. Rather than begging for mercy, the proud black lion chose to die generously, leaving himself with the last dignity.

Qi Yuan no longer hesitated, and the golden lines on the palm of his right hand flashed.

The golden blood in the body rushed like a river and the sea, and powerful power filled the whole body. An aura stronger than that of a black lion filled the sky, suppressing everyone and making them breathless.

In the palm of his right hand, light flows slowly, and the breaths of life and death complement each other and merge with each other.

The spirit patterns of life and death rotated, and then he shot out with a palm! .


With a slight muffled sound, it was all over!

The Black Lion has consumed all its spirit and aura in the process of clearing the golden blood, and can only die peacefully at this time.

His arrogant eyes slowly became dull, and his barely-supported body fell to the ground, lifeless.

Qi Yuan was not as excited as he imagined, but said with emotion: "Hei brother, see you later."

When he raised his eyes again, he had regained his indifference and coldness. Looking at the vast spiritual land, Qi Yuan could already feel the breath of dozens of perfect ferocious beasts.

In the confrontation just now, all perfect-level creatures did not dare to approach.

At this moment, when they could no longer feel the breath of their boss, no one dared to get close, and they all ran towards the border.

No matter how ferocious the beast is, it seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. Naturally, he does not dare to come to Qi Yuan for revenge. He mainly focuses on escaping.

Faced with this situation, Qi Yuan had already predicted it.

With a wave of his right hand, all the spiritual patterns started to move.

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