Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 941 Super Wonder

However, the number and size of the islands in the south are somewhat different from those in the north.

There are many islands in the north, but they are small in area. Some are even only two or three kilometers in diameter. They are mostly distributed in island groups, clustered together.

In the south, although there are also islands, there are relatively fewer of them, and the area of ​​each one is larger.

Some of the largest islands are even larger than some provinces, similar to the New World and equivalent to small land masses.

To the west, the terrain is the most special.

Even Qi Yuan couldn't figure out how this strange terrain was formed.

As the land continued to split and come together, the continent to the west was continuously squeezed, forming a ring of extremely high mountains in the ocean.

The average height exceeds tens of thousands of meters!

This strange ring of mountains forms an oval, about 80,000 kilometers long from east to west and 60,000 kilometers wide from north to south.

There are both oceans and floating land inside, which are directly enclosed into an independent area.

Because the surrounding mountains are too high, even if there are creatures living inside, they are unable to fly out.

Qi Yuan looked at the strange terrain and fell silent for a moment.

In short, this kind of completely enclosed area is definitely not suitable for humans to live in.

And there is another very important reason. In addition to the special terrain here, the distribution of spiritual energy is also quite special.

Because the earth's crust was too violent, the spiritual stone veins inside were completely scattered, so the spiritual energy here was extremely uniform and maintained at the peak level of the excellent level.

This is completely tasteless and a pity to throw away!

There is spiritual energy everywhere, but it is not strong anywhere. If you live here, it will be troublesome to break through the rare level, which really makes Qi Yuan feel helpless.

In short, among the five areas in the northern hemisphere, the west side must not be used for migration, and it is more suitable to live in the other four areas as much as possible.

The best central area is definitely reserved for the five-person alliance.

At the same time, during the process of detecting the terrain, Qi Yuan also discovered something very special.

Those are 32 special land deeds. In addition to constituting the entire world and giving this world 32 rights, they also seem to have created another magical phenomenon - a super wonder!

It should be that in the process of creating the world, the residual energy of various special land deeds was concentrated together, forming an area with very concentrated resources.

For example, in the central continent, there is a very large spirit stone vein, extending for tens of thousands of kilometers, and the quality has reached the late extraordinary level.

This is not the point. The point is that the quality of this spirit stone vein seems to have the opportunity to improve.

This is completely different from other spirit stone veins, which caused Qi Yuan to take a rest early.

He originally thought that this was just a vein of super spiritual stone formed by accident. It was not until he discovered that there were 32 such strange scenes on the entire planet that he became acutely aware of the strangeness in it.

Resource points of this level are no longer at the level of spirit stone veins, but are more mysterious wonders!

And it’s an extraordinary spectacle!

In addition to this spirit stone vein, there are many other similar existences.

In the northernmost sea, there is an area full of violent magnetism. Even because of the extremely unstable magnetic field, strange and gorgeous colorful lights are formed, like an aurora.

But it seems beautiful, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. Any creature that comes close will be crushed into minced meat.

This is the super wonder formed by the special title deed and magnetism!

Even Qi Yuan didn't know what exactly existed in this strange area, and what resources and life would be nurtured in it.

In addition to the huge spiritual stone vein, there are two other super wonders on the Central Continent.

They represent [Wood] and [Beast] respectively.

To the southwest of the Central Continent, there is a forest of giant trees that stretches for thousands of kilometers, completely covered by trees that block the sky and the sun. Each tree is a hundred feet high and filled with a strong breath of life.

The trees here grow exceptionally lush and of higher quality, and are more likely to give birth to powerful plant life.

Just near this forest, there is a huge mountain range spreading north and south. The overall shape is winding and winding, just like the powerful brush strokes that once made a blue dragon appear on the scroll.

In this vast mountain range, there live a large number of wild beasts, both in variety and quantity.

Moreover, this world has just been formed, and rare beasts have appeared here.

It is a strange creature with white scales all over its body, golden pupils, and a threaded horn on its head.

With just one glance, Qi Yuan knew that the potential of this creature was absolutely extraordinary.

As long as you give it enough time, you will definitely have a chance to reach the extraordinary level, or even a higher level!

In the northern hemisphere, on the eastern continent, there are also two super strange ones.

They are [Sand] and [Poison].

This also resulted in a huge difference between the north and south sides of this eastern continent.

To the north is a vast super desert with no visible edges, filled with a strong smell of sand and soil, and also breeds a large amount of sand and stone resources.

The southern part of the continent is completely shrouded in virgin forests, as well as a large number of swamps and poisonous gas.

All kinds of highly poisonous plants and animals have become the mainstream here. It is like a deserted land that no one should approach. Qi Yuan does not want to take another look at this place.

Northern hemisphere, southern islands.

There are 3 super wonders here, but the situation is the most special!

Because these three super wonders are integrated together!

They are [Thunder and Lightning], [Hurricane], and [Abyss].

If the [Sand] and [Poison] on the eastern continent form two feared restricted areas, then this sea area is definitely the restricted area within the restricted area.

Under the influence of the abyss, the depth of the seabed here is far beyond imagination. It is like a huge trench, spreading to the depths of the seabed, leaving only darkness.

On the sea surface, fierce storms swept across, rolling up hundreds of feet high waves at all times, accompanied by hurricanes.

In the sky, violent storms were falling all the time, rumbles of thunder resounded throughout the sky and earth, and lightning flashed across the dark night sky.

Below there is the ocean and the deep, in the middle there are hurricanes, and above there are thunder and lightning.

Completely turn this sea area into a forbidden area of ​​​​death that cannot see the light of day. If you walk into it, you will not see any light or hope.

However, under the raging of these three energies, there still seems to be life here.

And under the interweaving of different energies, some very unique resources were formed, but Qi Yuan didn't know much about them just because they were still in the process of being conceived.

In addition to these areas close to land, there is also a super wonder in the ocean that represents the attributes of water.

So there are a total of 9 super wonders in the entire northern hemisphere.

In the Southern Hemisphere, there are even more super wonders, reaching 21.

There are many super wonders of higher quality than those in the northern hemisphere.

Because it covers space, life, time...

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