Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 952 Creating Life

Therefore, after final thought, he used authority to impose some restrictions on the size of creatures in this mini world.

When the experiment officially started, Qi Yuan began to adjust the time flow rate in the 100 acres of space with excitement and anxiety.

Boldly change the flow rate to 1:3650000, which means one day outside and ten thousand years inside.

If we follow the process on earth, it would take a very long time to go from a completely lifeless state to the birth of the first single-celled organism.

Because the environment at that time was too harsh and there were many problems to overcome, the process was very difficult.

Using his authority, Qi Yuan viewed every corner of this miniature world from a God's perspective, especially the ocean.

It can be clearly found that after watching it for several hours, there is no change at all, not even the slightest fluctuation.

The first day passed like this.

The second day, the third day...

It wasn't until the seventh day that things finally turned around, and some single-celled plankton finally began to appear in the ocean.

It was very, very small, and Qi Yuan could only barely observe it with his authority.

When single-celled organisms appeared, subsequent development became rapid. In just a few minutes, life was constantly born and died, and complex life evolution was carried out.

One day is 10,000 years. You can imagine how fast the evolution will be!

One day later, the first batch of aquatic plants successfully appeared in the ocean, indicating that life began to be born from scratch in this world.

At this time, Qi Yuan needs to start adjusting to the changes in day and night. Whether it is a long period of darkness or a long period of light, it will greatly affect the development of these plants.

Qi Yuan did not want to experience several mass extinctions and let all his achievements fall by the wayside.

Therefore, I still use my authority to distinguish the day and night of this independent miniature world from the outside world.

This is equivalent to 10,000 years of internal day-to-night transitions in one day, ensuring that it is completely suitable for survival.

But even so, there have still been many biological extinctions. Although they have not completely disappeared, many creatures have died and disappeared on a large scale due to various reasons.

However, compared to extinction, new creatures are also being born, making the world more vibrant.

At the same time, with the evolution of the sea, the originally flat land also began to change.

Mountains, rivers, valleys and ravines, plateaus and plains...the power of time has left indelible traces on the land, creating a unique geographical environment.

Let this land become more and more like a real world.

Qi Yuan casually took out a paper and pen and recorded the first stage of the experiment, which is the story of the birth of all living things.

And this period of time is called "Creation".

In the late Creation Era, as plants continued to perform photosynthesis, the oxygen content in the ocean increased significantly, gradually meeting the conditions for the emergence of organisms.

Finally, single-celled organisms began to evolve again, and invertebrates began to appear, officially becoming the overlords of the oceans.

However, it did not last long before vertebrates quickly appeared and replaced invertebrates as the mainstream of reproduction.

The process of history is very similar to human research, but there are also many details that are different. However, Qi Yuan is not a professional, so he doesn't understand it very well.

But he knew that this miniature world had indeed developed successfully, and completely different lives were born here.

On the tenth day, some creatures finally climbed out of the ocean and began to thrive on land.

In today's ocean, some larger overlord-level creatures with powerful predatory abilities have begun to appear. They look like a mantis and are almost 10 meters in size when converted to Earth.

However, due to the restricted body shape, it is actually only a few tenths of a millimeter, making it difficult to detect with the naked eye.

At this time, Qi Yuan knew that the development of this world was almost complete and it was time for manual intervention.

He doesn't have the patience to wait quietly for dozens of days.

Moreover, his original goal was not to carry out biological evolution completely according to the history of the earth, but to create an intelligent creature faster, an intelligent creature that can adapt to the ultra-fast flow of time and develop rapidly!

Therefore, he carried out the first artificial intervention-selecting a creature and adding human genetic sequences.

After many rounds of screening, he selected a gray loach-like creature with mucus all over its body and long limbs that lives at the boundary between the ocean and land.

As for the selected human genes, Qi Yuan did not use his own golden blood, because this blood was too strong and these weak beings would probably not be able to bear it.

Therefore, he could only go to Xincheng, find a hospital at random, and bring a bag of fresh blood.

But even so, the blood still cannot be used directly. Instead, some methods of the institute are used, coupled with pharmacy technology, to prepare a blood essence that is more suitable for absorption.

Then, he irrigated these creatures with this blood essence in the form of rain.

At first, there was actually no change. The rich energy in the blood even made these creatures much stronger.

However, this situation is gradually changing.

First of all, because they drink water, they drink this blood into their bodies for a long time, which has a subtle impact on their bodies.

Secondly, Qi Yuan discovered that the breeding season of this creature mainly occurs in autumn every year.

Therefore, he temporarily slowed down the passage of time in this world and specially dropped the blood essence during their breeding period so that the newborn pups could absorb it.

This is the same as the baby's living area absorbing the blood of beasts.

Newly born babies are more likely to absorb these changes at the genetic and bloodline levels.

But there is also a very serious problem. These cubs with extremely weak physical fitness can hardly resist the powerful force in the blood, so most of them die right after birth.

The large number of deaths made Qi Yuan frown, but he still did not stop his movements.

Even if the entire race dies, as long as a few can absorb human blood, the experiment will be successful.

Facts have proved that the potential of a group is very powerful. With more than 95% of the casualties, a batch of newborn cubs finally succeeded in absorbing human blood, numbering about 30.

Qi Yuan did not hesitate and carried out humane destruction of this race.

And among these 30 cubs, one male and two females, three with the best physical fitness, were selected, and the rest were also destroyed.

Only retaining the best genes will be of greater benefit to the future development of the race.

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