Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 958 Seven Murals

Shave off the huge hair on your head, wear clothes and shoes made of beast leather, use chopsticks to eat, use wooden buckets to fetch water, use twigs to draw pictures and communicate...

In the following days, apart from occasionally taking back their consciousness, eating and drinking, and recovering their bodies, they spent the rest of their time living in the tribe and fully participating in the development of the tribe.

Qi Yuan and the two professors, as the three's plug-ins, also accompanied them throughout the process.

Not only will it bring down natural disasters and help them kill powerful beasts, but it will also provide them with knowledge on the development of various civilizations.

And the effect is also significant.

In just one year, the savages of this era traveled a path that would have taken hundreds of thousands of years to complete.

However, this development is not endless.

It is impossible for them to directly develop into a civilized society and become like today's humans just because of human intervention.

This is not a technical problem, but that their bodies and minds are simply not enough to support them as humans.

In essence, they still belong to the concept of primitive people. They are not even primitive people. They can only be said to be humanoid primates.

Their intelligence is relatively low, and even after being taught, it is still difficult for them to be the same as today's humans.

For example: Because the body is not fully developed and the vocal cords are not fully developed, accurate syllables cannot be spoken.

Their backs are curved, and no matter how much they correct their walking style, they still need to arch their backs.

Even if they are taught to be friendly, peaceful, and helpful... they are still beasts at heart, full of violent animality.

So when a year passed, they fell into a bottleneck period again.

When he saw that the primitive tribe could no longer progress, Qi Yuan understood that the guidance of this historical node was almost coming to an end.

No matter how hard you try to guide them, you can't help this race continue to progress.

What remains is to use the long years to develop and continue this immature civilization.

And these roads need to be walked by themselves.

Therefore, Qi Yuan gave the three people an evacuation order.

Lin Jie was leading his tribesmen to build houses. However, after he taught them countless times, it was still difficult for the people below to understand his ideas.

He could only sigh helplessly, and happened to hear Qi Yuan's notice at this time.

Lin Jie couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

He has been living here for a year, leading this primitive tribe to grow and spreading the fire of human civilization here.

At first, he couldn't accept the life here, but with Qi Yuan's help, he finally persisted.

Now, when I was suddenly informed that I had to leave, I felt a little reluctant to leave.

In fact, he also understood that he did not belong here after all, but came with a mission to help these primitive creatures progress.

Now that the mission is completed, he should leave.

Lin Jie looked at the primitive people around him. Although they were still unable to speak or communicate, they were more like primitive monkeys than primitive people.

But after such long exposure, they can also understand simple commands like pets.

Lin Jie arranged for them to return to the cave and said in vague syllables: "I am leaving, and I will probably never come back again."

The primitive man scratched his head, not understanding the meaning.

They had discovered a long time ago that the leader often spoke sounds they did not understand. They sounded very complicated and had no idea what they meant.

Even if they try their best to learn, it is still of no use.

In their view, this strange and complex syllable may be a way to communicate with the gods, so that the leader can obtain the favor of the gods and lead them to defeat powerful beasts.

At this time, they still don’t understand...

"You must continue to lead the tribe and develop on this land. You must learn to use flames to roast food and fresh water, learn to store food before winter comes, and avoid powerful beasts..."

Lin Jie didn't care whether they could understand or not, he explained a lot of things in a ramble, but after noticing their confused looks, he still sighed.

I still feel a little reluctant to part with this tribe that was developed by it.

In the end, Lin Jie stopped talking and looked deep into the stone wall.

It was a wall smoothed with a stone axe, which he specially arranged to record this period of history.

Civilization needs to develop and continue, writing and inheritance are essential. Even if he leaves, he must leave some wealth for this ethnic group.

So, he took a hard bone and began to carve seals on the stone wall.

He did not record it in writing.

Because systematic writing is too far away for these ancient civilizations, no one can understand it even if hundreds of thousands of years pass.

Therefore, he recorded important things through pictures.

The first painting is a seal carving about drilling wood to make fire.

However, it is not the traditional method of drilling wood to make fire, but using flint, that is, flint to make fire.

The second painting shows water and food cooked with flames to keep away diseases.

The third painting shows pottery made from clay and then dried over a flame.

The fourth painting shows the use of rattan to make baskets and traps.

The fifth painting is about making various weapons and how to use these weapons.

The sixth picture shows some common herbs around the tribe, which can help them cure some physical diseases.

The seventh painting is the basic structure of the house.

Lin Jie carved each painting very carefully, spending nearly a day and night, and there were many blood blisters on his hands.

But he didn't stop because he knew time was running out.

The primitive people around were confused and couldn't understand this scene at all. They lay beside them bored, their minds already filled with food and mating.

When Lin Jie finished all the paintings, the blood bubbles on his hands were broken, and a bright blood stain was printed on the wall, slowly seeping into the stone wall.

Lin Jie sighed, turned around and glanced at the tribe that was eating. He just watched quietly. After a long time, he put on his animal skin coat and left the cave.

The primitive man behind him wanted to follow, but he stopped him.

At this time, winter is approaching, and because we are in the north, winter comes earlier and the weather is colder.

Even though it is only September, light snow is already falling in the sky, and a long winter is about to begin.

Lin Jie slowly walked into the forest until he was outside the hunting range of the tribe. He came to an area that had never been explored before and found a hidden cave.

"Lord, I am ready and can go back."

"Yes." Qi Yuan responded softly, and then used his spiritual power to teleport Lin Jie's consciousness back.

At the same time, with a slight mobilization of power, the cave where Lin Jie's primitive body was collapsed instantly, completely covering the body.

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