Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 961 The Vibrant Beidou Sea

"The forces of the 23 islands and the star island chain have spread in that sea area, and there are Zhang Boyi and six people on the coast. The three parties gathered together to form a super large circle of forces. Whether it is internal competition or The cooperation has been very enthusiastic.”

"Are they completely dispersed? Or are they fighting independently according to their original forces?"

Qi Yuan asked the question that worried him most.

Just like the New Island Chain, why put them in the more scattered Beidou waters? Isn't it just to disperse their power?

If they still gathered together, it would not be in line with his original expectations.

"Brother Qi, don't worry. Whether it's the 23 islands or the Star Island chain, the situation is actually similar. There is no absolutely powerful force that can make others surrender."

"So as soon as they arrived in the Beidou Sea, the two forces completely dispersed, and hundreds of small forces dispersed, each occupying different islands to survive. The situation was somewhat similar to the former Star Luo Sea, except that the scale was larger. "

"However, the six Zhang Boyi people did not disperse. They lived together near the coastline and formed a relatively powerful alliance. It is considered the first of the five major alliances in Beidou waters."

Qi Yuan's eyes moved and he asked with interest: "The five major alliances in the Beidou sea area? What is this?"

An Changlin smiled and said: "Although the forces in the Beidou sea area have spread, almost all of them are small forces, but for the sake of competition, alliances will still be formed between them."

"Among them, the five major alliances are the strongest. They can be regarded as the five overlords in the Beidou sea area today."

"Which five?!" Qi Yuan was very interested and guessed: "Zhang Boyi's six people count as one, including the Ocean Academy as the leader. There should be one within the 23 islands, right?"

An Changlin scratched his head, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from my eldest brother."

"After a long period of development, the six Zhang Boyi people have lost all other internal forces, so they are more like a family than a force."

"So, they are called the [Six Clan of the South Island], which is the strongest alliance near the Beidou Sea. There are 6 perfect-level clans inside, just one for each family. Although they have just entered the perfect-level clan, their overall strength is very strong. "

Qi Yuan nodded. When the territory was divided before, Zhang Boyi had approached him and exchanged a large amount of resources for some potions that broke through to the perfect level. It seemed that he was doing better in the north.

He doesn't care about this either. For now, it's not very difficult to break through the perfect level.

A strong person at the peak of the rare level has a high probability of breaking through as long as he has a certain amount of talent and cooperates with the special potion concocted by the research institute.

However, those who use drugs to force a breakthrough will be relatively weaker, and it will be more difficult to break through later.

Therefore, this kind of artificial medicine is rarely used inside Lake Center Island. Instead, more high-quality resources from nature will be used, and the strength improvement will be more natural.

But these small and medium-sized forces don't matter.

"The second largest alliance is the academic faction headed by Ocean College. It is mainly composed of students in the college."

"Even if internal students are successful in their studies, most of them will not choose to leave Ocean College. Instead, they will stay as teachers, or get married and have children to start a family."

"So around the Ocean College, a considerable force has been formed, with even greater development potential than the six Zhang Boyi people. After all, the college's model is more advanced."

"It's just that there are only 4 perfect-level people now, so they are not as good as Zhang Boyi and others. But to be honest, the people from Ocean Academy can make breakthroughs based on their own strength. Whether it is potential or strength, they are most likely to be higher than Zhang Boyi and others."

An Changlin also rarely gossiped, and he was obviously more optimistic about the steady and steady Ocean Academy.

"Furthermore, there is another thing that the Ocean Academy has done well. After the Star Island Chain came to the Beidou waters, the small and medium-sized forces wanted to spread out and develop. The Ocean Academy did not do anything to stop them, let alone any hostile behavior. Instead, it took the initiative to help them Build homes and provide necessary living supplies.”

"So in the subsequent development, many small and medium-sized forces are still willing to obey the orders of the Ocean Academy, and there is also a lot of cooperation."

"I feel that the top management within Ocean College is definitely not simple. There should be several far-sighted people. The future development cannot be underestimated."

Hearing An Chenglin's high praise, Qi Yuan paid attention to it and became a little curious about Ocean College.

"Chang Lin, who is the current speaker at Ocean College?"

An Changlin shook his head and said: "They are not dictatorial, and they do not have a single person to speak out."

"Oh? Then how do they manage it?"

"They have a principal council and three principals, who are responsible for internal teaching, external combat defense, and judicial supervision."

"There are also six vice-presidents, each managing a department, including diplomacy, resource allocation, field experience, teacher management, student union, etc., supervising and restraining each other."

"There is also a teachers' union and a student union down there. If something important comes up, they will make decisions through consultation."

Qi Yuan was stunned for a while after hearing this, and only asked one sentence: "Is their principal from the United States? The separation of powers is very smooth."

"That's not true. Only one of the three principals is a foreigner. The other two are Chinese with upright roots. They just borrowed this management model. To be honest, it works quite well."

Qi Yuan also nodded in approval. Decentralization of power helps with internal checks and balances. If the operation of the system can be strictly conservative, fairness and justice can indeed be guaranteed to a certain extent.

However, I don’t know if it will still be maintained in a few decades.

But for now, the overall system of the Ocean College is very smart and has far more potential than Zhang Boyi and others.

"What about the other three parties? There should be some differences between them and these two parties, right?"

An Changlin nodded and said, "That's true. Among the remaining three forces, one of them was separated from the Star Island Chain. It was originally a company engaged in marine energy and is very experienced in searching for marine resources."

"However, their strength is relatively low. There is only one perfect level, but they are also surrounded by some small cooperation partners, called the [Xinghai Group Alliance]."

"The remaining two forces are both originated from 23 islands. After a long period of development, their model has become more similar to a family. In fact, it is equivalent to 23 families."

"One of the parties is formed by 8 families and occupies an island group. There are 3 perfect-level people inside. They also bought potions from us and only broke through recently. It is called the [White Sand Islands Family Alliance]"

"The other party is composed of 7 families. They also found an island group that is very close to the [White Sand Islands Family Alliance]. They seem to have a grudge against each other and have been fighting a lot recently. They are called the [Red Leaf Islands Family Alliance] .”

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