Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 965 [Soul Cave]

If we say that the ghosts formed after death are inferior mental bodies that are completely lifeless and have disordered thinking.

The soul body stripped off by Wei Xi is a fine spiritual body that still has a glimmer of vitality, but is still sleeping.

The next thing to do is for Zhou Yuheng to absorb other spiritual bodies around him.

Wei Xi guards Zhou Yuheng's spiritual body, while Qi Principle goes around to capture other spiritual bodies, and then uses the people's abilities to "sterilize" to ensure the purity of energy.

Then these energies are handed over to Wei Xi, and after being conditioned, they are delivered to Zhou Yuheng.

Because it has been absorbed by other spiritual bodies, this energy can be absorbed directly and quickly, saving a lot of time.

As a result, the strength of Zhou Yuheng's spiritual body gradually increased, forming a huge contrast with other spiritual bodies.

It is much better than risking being washed away all the time, wandering around absorbing free spiritual energy, and barely improving a little bit in strength in a few years.

In just a few minutes, Zhou Yuheng reached the level of excellence.

However, the two still did not stop, but frantically captured the powerful spiritual bodies around them.

Even though this world has only been around for a few years, there are still many powerful creatures, so there are also a lot of souls here.

A conservative estimate is that there are hundreds of thousands of good grade ones and several thousand of excellent grade ones.

Qi Yuan was not polite and caught almost everyone in one go.

However, during the capture, Qi Yuan discovered several abnormal spiritual bodies, which were obviously different from other spiritual bodies.

One of them had a green face and fangs like a ghost, possessing the most primitive animal nature, and even took the initiative to attack Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan can clearly find that this time the spiritual body is stronger and of higher quality, and it should be a rare masterpiece.

However, it may be due to the lack of soul, so it is still incomplete and unable to become a real life.

In the end, he broke up these seemingly special spiritual bodies and left them all for Zhou Yuheng to absorb.

This work lasted three days and three nights.

Qi Yuan completely became a ghost-catching maniac, wandering around the valley, catching ghosts whenever he saw them, and not sparing any one.

The number of mental bodies has dropped significantly, by 95% in a short period of time.

It is estimated that more than 100,000 were caught.

At this time, Zhou Yuheng's spiritual body had barely reached the mid-rare level strength, and he was definitely the most powerful spiritual body in this valley.

However, there is still a long way to go before reaching the peak of perfection.

In this situation, Qi Yuan and Wei Xi have to make a choice.

The first option is to keep Zhou Yuheng here to continue to strengthen his spiritual energy, and then send him to recover his soul after he returns to the peak of perfection.

The second option is to directly combine the soul now to help him restore his intelligence and become a brand new life form, and then practice in the state of the soul body.

Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, and it is not easy to make a decision at the moment.

In the end, Qi Yuan still felt that it was most important to let Zhou Yuheng regain consciousness first. If he could not recover his former memories and thinking, then no matter how much he did, it would be useless.

And there is another point, it is very difficult to increase the mental strength to a perfect level.

It would take decades at least, and that would still be with the help of Qi Yuan and Wei Xi.

Qi Yuan didn't want to waste all these decades here, so he let Zhou Yuheng practice on his own.

Then, he took the spiritual bodies of Wei Xi and Zhou Yuheng all the way to the westernmost continent in the southern hemisphere.

There is a super huge underground cave there, which is a super wonder formed by special land deeds and souls.

Qi Yuan named it [Soul Cave].

Compared with [Spiritual Mystic Valley], the situation in [Soul Crypt] is completely different.

In the [Spiritual Mystic Valley], there are unconscious spiritual bodies everywhere, constantly absorbing free spiritual energy and increasing their own strength.

However, in the [Soul Cave], there are more complex spiritual bodies formed by various emotions, thoughts, and desires.

They devoured each other, and their spirits, memories, and thoughts were completely mixed together, revealing an aura of disorder.

There is the most essential good and the most essential evil in the soul. Emotions without real consciousness are full of the combination of human nature and animal nature.

This reflects the difference between the spirit and the soul. The spirit focuses on energy, while the soul focuses on emotions.

Under the protection of authority, Qi Yuan went all the way deep into the [Soul Cave], always being harassed by the surrounding ghosts, trying to devour the three of them completely.

However, Qi Yuan was able to clear away a large area with just a wave of his hand.

The three of them reached the depths of the [Soul Cave], and Qi Yuan discovered that the soul energy here had reached a perfect level.

If you go deeper, you will most likely reach the extraordinary level.

With extraordinary soul power, even if Qi Yuan has authority, he will still find it troublesome.

After all, he only uses part of his authority and cannot fully bear it.

Perhaps he could ensure that he would not be harmed, but he could not protect the safety of Wei Xi and Zhou Yuheng. The risk factor was still very high.

This situation is actually quite normal. At the core of every super wonder, there are dangers above the extraordinary level.

Even with the protection of authority, there is still a very great danger. Unless there is an existence that fully bears its authority, no one else can fully explore this place.

So although Qi Yuan is the master of this world, he cannot fully control some extreme situations.

"Wei Xi, please help Yu Heng recover his intelligence here."

"Well, Zhou Yuheng should be able to withstand the rare-level soul strength."

Next, there is a relatively long waiting time.

The effect of soul energy can stimulate the mental body to restore its original memories and emotions, and activate the sleeping soul.

However, some people may be activated in just one day, and some may take decades to be activated, which requires a certain probability.

And generally speaking, the stronger the being, the more difficult it is to be activated after sleeping.

The rare Zhou Yuheng spiritual body obviously belongs to the very powerful category and is difficult to recover in a short period of time.

Therefore, Qi Yuan and Wei Xi also stayed to guard Zhou Yuheng's spiritual body.

At the same time, it was the first time for the two of them to come to the [Cave of Souls], so they were able to explore this area.

For Wei Xi, he has dual attributes of spirit and soul, so many things here are also of great benefit to him.

Moreover, the combination of spirit and soul is also a very good research object, which may allow him to take his strength to another level.

Qi Yuan can also study and study things like the soul, which are simply out of reach for weaker people.

But for the strong, it’s almost a must-have.

Even if you are not proficient in the energy of spirit and soul, once your strength reaches extraordinary level, these two energies will naturally improve.

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