Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 977 A Big Drama

As for the living area, just arrange it in the living area and equip it with a toddler area.

When he has nothing to do, Qi Yuan can often visit, relax, and give guidance to the children there.

It’s exciting to think about the future growth of these shelters.

After doing all this, the escape route to each shelter has been completely arranged.

And during this year of preparation, public opinion is still fermenting.

All kinds of rumors are circulating throughout the United College and New City, all related to the deterioration of relations within the five-person alliance.

Even the seven major tribes in the northwest, Beidou Sea Territory, Campos and Acleutis have all heard the news in this regard more or less.

At first, everyone was dismissive.

Especially Acleutis and Campos, they are very aware of the relationship within the five-person alliance. Even when they received the special land deed, Qi Yuan did not keep it for himself, but shared it with others.

Is it possible that after reaching the eighth-level shelter, there will be a big fight in order to fight for the so-called power?

Moreover, regardless of whether there will be any quarrels over the issue of authority, let’s just talk about one issue!

How dare you compete with Qi Yuan just by relying on the strength of a few other people?

According to their estimates, the combined strength of everyone else in the five-person alliance is probably not even one-fifth of Qi Yuan's, let alone the presence of extraordinary beings.

Therefore, even if the rumors spread to the west, these senior leaders of various forces would not believe them at all.

On the contrary, as time went on, they felt more and more that the five-person alliance was planning something secretly.

However, they are now staying in Qi Yuan's territory, which is equivalent to eating the food provided by Qi Yuan, so naturally they won't talk too much.

Even if necessary, he will help.

It's just for ordinary people. Such violent rumors have continued for such a long time without anyone coming out to explain, which almost proves the truth of the matter.

Although many people are anxious, worried that the long-lost peace will be broken, or even war will usher in.

But everyone talks about it lightly, and even if they have concerns in this regard, they can't make any changes.

Since Qi Yuan and others have already discussed and made a decision, it is natural that no one else can change it.

After all preparations are made, the matters that provoke conflicts and disputes can be gradually launched.

A battle engulfing the five-person alliance will begin in the Central Continent.

In November of the third year after arriving on the home planet.

That is November 18th, Year 3 of the New Lunar Calendar.

The sanctuary's cutting-edge combat forces, led by Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng, attacked Qiyuan's station with lightning speed, and successfully killed Zhong Maiyun and a large number of high-level personnel on the lake island, completely provoking an epic battle on the battlefield. The beginning of the war.

This move completely shocked everyone.

If it was just a rumor, no one would believe it and it would just be treated as a joke.

However, a reporter happened to be nearby and successfully recorded the scene.

One of the most classic scenes is when the tall hurricane puppet slashes at Zhong Maiyun and directly separates his body.

Originally, it was just for show.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng actually started a war, and started killing without thinking about their decades-long relationship.

After this incident, conflicts within the entire five-person alliance completely broke out.

Qi Yuan was furious and rushed back to the shelter. He was bound to ask Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng for an explanation.

That night, Qi Yuan brought a large number of powerful combat forces to besiege the territories of Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng overnight, with the intention of going on a killing spree.

However, at this moment, another unexpected thing happened.

He Zhang Zhongyue, who was originally on Qi Yuan's side, resolutely betrayed Qi Yuan at this moment and stabbed Qi Yuan behind.

While Qi Yuan was besieging Yang Zhenghe and Zhao Cheng, Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue attacked the island in the middle of the lake at night, using hundreds of perfect gold thunder particles to carpet bomb the research institute and the secret war bureau.

That night, the flames soared into the sky, completely lighting up the black night sky. The smell of metal and flames intertwined and filled the nostrils of all survivors.

Cries, screams, begging for mercy... resounded throughout the entire island in the middle of the lake. Blood was flowing and bones were warm, but the wind and snow that night were extremely cold!

A large number of high-level officials died, and the top elites of the Secret War Bureau stood in front of everyone and took the lead in resisting the terrifying power, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

The institute was completely engulfed in flames, a large number of documents and materials disappeared, and major coaches and researchers perished in the flames, causing the technology of the island in the center of the lake to plummet.

But these are not the most important things. Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue jointly betrayed and secretly attacked the island in the middle of the lake for only one purpose!

That is the totem pillar!

Where is the strongest force on Lake Center Island? It must be a totem. Divine pillar!

There are more than two hundred perfect-level combatants, including two extraordinary beings, accounting for almost 70 to 80% of the strength of the island in the middle of the lake.

As long as this support is completely destroyed, Qi Yuan will definitely have his arms cut off, and he will no longer be able to resist.

However, Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue had a bigger plan. They were not just trying to destroy the totem pillar, but they wanted to steal it and replace it with another, thereby wresting this sacred object from Qi Yuan's hands.

Several years later, the common people knew that the two of them had a top-notch resource from within Super Strange that could change the owner of the totem pole.

It was through this resource that they had the courage to betray Qi Yuan.

However, although the totems in the totem pillar followed Qi Yuan away, there are still two strong men in the secret battle situation.

The first generation captains-Zhang Yuan and Liu Zhong!

As the first group of people to follow Qi Yuan, they are the real backbone of Huxin Island, and they are also the most loyal group.

At the last moment, they sacrificed their lives to stop Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue's conspiracy, and cut off the totem pillar with one sword!

This is no ordinary knife!

Both of them are taking the spiritual path!

The series of spirit patterns that Liu Zhong chose were sword-type spirit patterns that were mainly domineering. Their power had reached the peak of the perfect level. After using up all the blood and essence in his body, he became even stronger, almost touching the extraordinary level.

The sword light covered the sky, completely cutting off Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue's conspiracy!

However, the two of them were still outnumbered and could only destroy the totem pillar.

After completely eliminating Zhang Yuan and Liu Zhong, Qin Zhenjun and Zhang Zhongyue checked the totem pillar again and found that it had been seriously damaged.

There are mainly two aspects of damage.

First, the ability to resurrect the totem is lost.

From now on, once the totem dies, it will no longer be able to return to the totem pillar to be resurrected, but will die directly.

On the other hand, because half of the totem pillars were destroyed, they could only control the remaining half of the totems.

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