Everyone Survives In The Fog

Chapter 993 Punishment

However, Zhong Yanghao, a wise old man, after experiencing these long years, does not believe in such things as gods.

He is not willing to let gods have authority over humans. He prefers to believe that humans rely on their own wisdom to carve out a way to survive in this cruel world.

As he himself said, if it was really the gods who opened up the path to cultivation, then why did it only open up to the Tongmai realm?

Does the power of the gods stop here?

And if this is just the ability of the gods, then why can he open up a new realm with his own wisdom?

He believed in equality, believed in man's victory over nature, believed in human wisdom and power, and wanted to create a peaceful and eternal country.

He is indeed wise, but he is also proud, but he is weak in management and humanity, which leads to the fact that in the second half of his life, his life does not seem to be so satisfactory...

Other tribes with cultivation methods, although there are no characters like Zhong Yanghao, cannot open up a perfect path.

However, they have always adhered to Qi Yuan's requirements for them, and have never handed over the cultivation techniques to other tribes, but only passed them on in their own blood.

And it developed step by step, generation after generation, and the bloodline belonging to the priests and leaders became larger and larger, gradually accounting for more than 70% of the entire tribe.

This also means that more than 70% of the clan members can practice.

Therefore, their overall strength is not necessarily worse than that of the Nanlan tribe, and may even be stronger.

They did not have a character like Zhong Yanghao, which was both their loss and their luck.

Although there is no way to break through the perfect level, their development is more stable, the tribal structure is thick, and it is difficult to cause chaos due to external factors.

However, the situation of the Nanlan tribe is completely different.

Completely giving up suppressing other tribes has squeezed the living environment of the original tribe, and the control over the tribe is not strong enough.

Zhong Yanghao would discuss many matters with the leaders of different tribes below. It seemed fair and just, but in fact he was looking for a dead end.

The most important thing is that after the cultivation method was made public, the Nanlan tribe was no longer the most powerful existence, and its authority continued to decline.

Qi Yuan sighed, this situation finally happened.

The awakening of the mind of the wise yearns for freedom and peace, so denying and disobeying the gods will eventually bring disaster.

After all, for Qi Yuan, only priests and leaders signed contracts with him, so only the expansion of their bloodline can harvest enough life span.

As for everyone else…

According to Qi Yuan's plan, he will be completely annihilated in the trend of the times and become a withered skeleton buried deep in the ground.

So the last remaining people are the ones he can harvest his lifespan.

Zhong Yanghao's behavior undoubtedly offended the "god" Qi Yuan.

"It seems we have to find a way... If the Nanlan tribe expands, there will be more and more troubles in the future."

Zhong Yanghao's research on the perfect path was indeed a great achievement, but what he did in the end had seriously affected Qi Yuan's interests.

Although Qi Yuan was angry about this, he still gave Zhong Yanghao a chance.

In a dream, Qi Yuan gave Zhong Yanghao an ultimatum through Quan Tie's ability.

"Zhong Yanghao, do you still remember the advice your fathers gave you?"

Zhong Yanghao, who was sleeping, was surprised by the scene in front of him, but he still replied calmly: "I know that you can't teach the method of cultivation to others!"

"Since you know it, why do you do disobedient things? I hope you can develop a perfect path and contribute to the lives of this world, so I will give you a chance."

"what chance?"

"Kill all foreigners who can practice."

Qi Yuan had tried to persuade this wise genius in the kindest tone possible.

Unfortunately, the only response he received was three cold words: "Impossible."

Zhong Yanghao showed unparalleled pride, stared at Qi Yuan hidden in the holy light, and said categorically: "I don't believe in gods. If you really exist, why is there so much suffering in the world?"

"If you really will protect us, why should we snatch food from the mouths of wild beasts? Survive under natural disasters? Spend our whole lives looking for a way to survive?"

"If you are really a god, why is it that I study the path after Tongmai Realm and not you?!"

"If you are really a loving and merciful god, why do you restrict the inheritance of cultivation methods and make so many weak tribes suffer?"

"Even if you are a god, you are still an evil god, an evil god of injustice, ignorance, greed, and selfishness!"

"And I overthrow the old dogma, open the way for the ethnic group, inherit the cultivation method for all races, promote the morality of benevolence, and emphasize the equality of everyone. If there is a god, then I am the god!"

The voice echoed in the dream. Qi Yuan looked at the boss with a complicated expression and did not speak for a long time.

He did not expect that the race born in this miniature world would be so arrogant.

Denying everything they once had, thinking that everything they did was right.

Qi Yuan didn't say anything more and silently withdrew from this world.

A calm voice sounded: "Professor Lu, in the next few months, we will pay special attention to the Nanlan tribe."

"Are you going to exterminate the clan?"

Professor Lu's voice was also very calm. This was a race they created. If they couldn't use it for themselves, they would be nothing more than a group of bugs smaller than ants.

After Qi Yuan thought for a moment, he said: "Give them another chance."


Next month.

There was a severe drought and no rain, and all the surrounding vegetation dried up. The wild animals looked for water sources further away.

Prey that is usually easy to catch is now almost always invisible.

Second month.

Heavy rains and flooding occurred.

The floods destroyed their houses, washed away their crops, and killed a large number of people.

The third month.

It was snowing in June, and the temperature should have dropped to dozens of degrees below zero when the sun was supposed to be shining brightly.

In order to store food for the winter, a large number of tribesmen starved to death and froze to death in this sudden cold winter.

The fourth month.

Wild beasts besieged the tribe, and the hunting team suffered heavy losses, with more than 60% casualties and their strength greatly reduced.

The fifth month.

The rich spiritual energy around him dropped rapidly, and it was almost impossible to satisfy the need to break through to the Tongmai realm.

Many people, after using up the spiritual energy in their bodies, take a long time to gradually replenish it.

The successive disasters almost devastated the entire Nanlan tribe.

Zhong Yanghao witnessed this scene with his own eyes, his expression full of grief and anger.

He has gradually understood that there may really be someone watching him in the dark.

And most likely, it was the one he met in his dream.

However, he did not think this was God.

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