The dragon soul was almost destroyed by a single punch! This guy didn't even use any power of law!

That punch just now was just an ordinary physical attack, but it had such a terrifying power!

This guy is definitely a master god-level warrior!"

After being attacked by Qin Mu, the dragon soul's face suddenly changed, and a storm was set off in his heart.

Without the slightest breath of the power of law, he could burst out with such power. What else could the opponent be but a master god-level warrior?

The more he imagined it, the more horrified he felt.

"Haha, this guy is indeed much stronger than all the monsters in the God Realm that I have encountered before.

It's just a dragon soul, but it can withstand my attack.

The real damage caused by my attack is at least 2 trillion.

This guy can withstand it, which means that his health must be at least more than this number!

With so much health, after killing it, I can at least get a total health increase of more than 100 trillion.

Kill nine of them, and the upper limit of the health will be increased by another trillion! Hahaha!"

Facing the dragon soul that has not collapsed after withstanding his attack, Qin Mu's face also showed a smile.

He did not stop for a moment.

With a flash of his figure, he teleported behind the dragon soul again and threw a plain punch again.

When the punch rushed out, there was a faint sound of dragon roaring and tiger roaring.


As he punched out, which made the dragon soul unable to react, the space trembled violently under this blow.

The violent force immediately tore the dragon soul apart.

After the huge dragon soul body collapsed, a dragon eye-sized true dragon godhead appeared in Qin Mu's hand.

"Another godhead that contains a strong high-level law power, not bad!"

With a smile, Qin Mu took the godhead back into his backpack space.

Then he attacked the remaining eight blood-colored dragon souls.

Under the use of Blood Shadow Divine Escape, combined with the huge real damage brought by his terrifying total blood volume.

He destroyed all the remaining blood-colored dragon souls like a whirlwind.

He harvested eight kinds of godheads with different attributes of law power.

Boo! ! !

As all the dragon souls were solved by him.

The red light released from the position of the dragon head on the nine huge dragon skeletons around him also disappeared at the same time.

The blood-colored formation that surrounded Qin Mu also shattered, allowing him to return to the vicinity of the purple coffin.

"There should be no other resistance now!

You can't blame me for this. I just want to take a look at what is in this coffin that exudes such a powerful aura.

You are going to fight for your lives, and I have no choice but to kill you."

Qin Mu glanced at the nine giant dragon skeletons around him, and felt the skeleton luster that had obviously dimmed, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Although these nine giant dragons swore to guard to the death, their loyalty is evident.

But in order to see clearly what is in this coffin, he had to kill all the powerful dragon souls that blocked him.

After sighing, he shook his head, put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, and set his burning eyes on this coffin.

He had heard the nine dragon souls call this coffin the princess's coffin before.

Although he has not opened this divine coffin yet, he has some guesses about what is inside.

It is very likely the same as what the nine blood-colored dragon souls said before.

In this coffin, the princesses of the True Dragon Clan are lying.

Being a princess of the True Dragon Clan, she must have a lot of good things!

Especially these True Dragons, it seems that each of them is very powerful.

As a princess, she must be even more powerful.

Qin Mu estimated that if he opened this divine coffin, he might be able to obtain the most powerful godhead he had ever encountered!

Even if not, the princess of the Divine Dragon Clan was buried in this divine coffin, and there must be good things to accompany her.

Collecting those good things is not in vain.

When he came near the divine coffin, Qin Mu stretched out his hand and pushed it gently.

However, a look of surprise immediately appeared on his face.

"This lid is quite heavy. I can't push it without using a lot of strength!"

His current strength attribute has reached more than 200 trillion!

With such a terrifying strength attribute, he can easily lift even an ancient sacred mountain.

He was really surprised that he couldn't push open the lid of a stone coffin the size of a door panel without using all his strength just now.

"In that case, let's try using all my strength!"

Slowly exhaling, Qin Mu put both hands on the lid of this coffin this time.

"Open it for me!"

The next moment, he shouted angrily, and the veins in his hands suddenly bulged, and the terrifying power burst out instantly.

Boom boom boom! ! !

With this terrifying power bursting out, the lid of the coffin covering the sacred coffin was finally slowly pushed open by Qin Mu.

The coffin gradually revealed a gap.

Buzz! ! !

At the moment when this gap was revealed, a strong purple light suddenly shot up from this gap.

The majestic divine power burst out, and Qin Mu's hair was lifted up.

His beard and hair danced, like a dragon and snake.

At the same time, an extremely powerful momentum burst out and hit Qin Mu.

He couldn't help but groan.

"Hmph, this momentum and power are not weak, much stronger than the previous nine dragon souls.

But you want to hurt me with this momentum, then you underestimate me!

Open them all for me!"

Qin Mu groaned at the impact of the powerful breath that burst out from the divine coffin.

He was also a little annoyed at this moment.

In a rage, his strength increased by another three points.

The terrifying power suddenly increased and burst out at this moment.

It actually directly lifted up the heavy stone cover on the coffin.

As the lid on the coffin was completely opened by Qin Mu.

The entire opened coffin suddenly burst out with a more intense and dazzling purple divine light.

It rushed straight into the sky.

This light illuminated a distance of billions of light years.

The entire God Burial Ground could not stop this purple light that rushed into the sky.

Liu Bai and Jun Ming, who had just left the God Burial Ground accompanied by Qin Mu's Blood God clone, were also attracted by the purple divine light that burst out from the core of the God Burial Ground.

They turned around and looked.

"Fuck! Could this be the noise made by our brother Qin Mu? This is too scary!"

Feeling the pressure from this purple divine light that made them both kneel down devoutly, their faces changed slightly.

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