After everything disappeared, Qin Mu withdrew from his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

He looked at the beautiful figure lying in the divine coffin in front of him with a confused look on his face.

"Master? What does this guy mean by what he said just now?

It seems that he has been waiting for me here for a long time?

What is going on?"

Looking at the eldest princess of the Shenlong clan lying quietly in front of him, Qin Mu thought of everything that happened before, and he was also confused.

Everything that happened just now was definitely not an illusion.

And even now, when he saw the eldest princess of the Shenlong clan in front of him, he had a different feeling than before.

This feeling was that he felt that this beautiful and charming woman in front of him had an inexplicable familiar connection with himself.

And he felt that he only needed a thought to decide the life or death of the other party!

Recalling the previous blood-colored inscription contract, Qin Mu's eyes moved, and he immediately closed his eyes and began to find the blood-colored contract in his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

After he thoroughly studied this blood-colored contract.

A look of enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

He also knew why he had such a feeling about the stunning beauty in front of him.

It turned out that the blood-colored contract just now was a master-servant contract.

The eldest princess of the Shenlong clan, a powerful ancient god-level survivor from ancient times, just took the initiative to recognize him as her master!

"Although I don't know whether this guy recognized the wrong person or did it on purpose to save his life.

But being able to obtain an ancient god-level strongman who survived from ancient times as his servant.

This is also of great benefit to me.

Just being able to know what happened in ancient times from his mouth is a huge fortune.

As long as we figure out what happened in ancient times, so many powerful ancient god-level strongmen will fall.

The bones in the burial ground of the gods, the ancient city of gods and demons on the battlefield of all races.

These are the ruins and corpses left by the ancient gods in ancient times.

In ancient times, there must have been an unprecedented disaster.

And I don't know if such a disaster will come again. We can learn about the secrets of the ancient times in advance and make preparations early!"

After sorting out everything, Qin Mu took a deep breath and chose to accept the current ending.

At the same time, he also set his sights on his professional system panel.

Because after he had just contracted the eldest princess of the Shenlong clan as his servant.

He suddenly discovered that there was an additional attribute about servants on his attribute panel.

[The Dragon Clan Princess]

[Quality: Super God-level Divine Pet]

[Level: 5000]

[Godly Position: Lower-level Lord God]

[Life Value: 1000 trillion/1000 trillion]

[Divine Power: 0/1000 trillion]

[Strength: 100 trillion]

[Constitution: 100 trillion]

[Agility: 8.9 trillion]

[Intelligence: 80 trillion]

[Law: Law of Gold (High), Law of Light (High)]

[Skills: Divine Judgment, Dragon God Watch, Golden Absolute Kill Wave...]


After Qin Mu looked through the attributes of the Dragon Clan Princess he had just contracted, he couldn't help but show a look of horror on his face.

"Super god-level pet! Lower Lord God, 5000 level! Such strength is really powerful!"

"These attributes seem to be stronger than mine now!"

"Fortunately, this guy was seriously injured and sleeping at the beginning.

Otherwise, if he was still in his prime, I might not be his opponent!"

Looking at the attributes of the Dragon Clan Princess, Qin Mu couldn't help but sweat for himself.

Now his attributes are about 20 trillion, and his blood volume has reached more than 200 trillion.

If compared with the Dragon Clan Princess in her prime, whose strength has reached the lower Lord God realm.

The opponent is several times his in terms of four-dimensional attributes and blood volume.

The strength will be more than ten times, dozens of times his!

He wants to face the Dragon Clan Princess in her prime alone, and fight

It is quite difficult to win.

Unless he uses all his blood god clones and unites them to fight the enemy, there will be a chance of winning.

But that is only a chance of winning.

It is impossible to get rid of the other party.

He has not comprehended the power of the law, and he is powerless to stop the other party from escaping!

So he can't think of killing the other party.

However, all this does not exist now.

Now he has become the master of this powerful dragon clan princess.

Even if the other party recovers his state and reaches his prime, the other party can only obey him.

Dare not to overstep the line.

Otherwise, with the master-servant contract, Qin Mu controls the life and death of this guy, and can destroy the other party in a moment.

"It seems good to have such a powerful fighter. When her strength is fully restored, she will be a powerful helper for me!

It can also let me understand what happened in ancient times that led to the fall of the gods.

It's almost a godless era!"

"But how can I take such a beautiful woman with me now?"

After sighing, Qin Mu also looked at the eldest princess of the Shenlong clan in front of him, with a trace of difficulty on his face.

The other party's divine power is now completely exhausted, and even the blood volume is only one in a billion.

And now looking at it, he can't see any divine power and blood volume automatically recovering from the other party.

In this state, he doesn't know when the other party will be able to wake up from his deep sleep.

Now that the other party has become his servant, he can't just leave it alone and let it stay in this place of divine burial, right?

Besides, the nine powerful dragon souls guarding this purple divine coffin have been destroyed by him.

He left it alone and didn't know what would happen.

Once a strong man arrives, facing the Dragon Clan Princess without the protection of the nine dragon souls, he might have some evil thoughts.

But now, he can't carry such an unconscious beauty around all the time, right?


However, just when he was in trouble.

The purple divine coffin in front of him suddenly vibrated.

Then, under his surprised gaze, the Dragon Clan Princess in front of him was actually shrouded in a ball of purple light.

Finally, it turned into a basketball-sized, purple dragon egg with divine aura, floated up, and fell into his arms.

"Fuck! Can it be like this? Turned back into an egg? You don't want me to hatch it?"

Holding the dragon egg in his hand, Qin Mu opened his mouth wide for a while, his face was stunned.

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