The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Hearing the answer from the Shadow Lord, the fourteen Lord-level warriors around him all felt a sinking feeling in their hearts.

"In that case, we can only rush out directly!"

Upon hearing this, a Lord-level warrior took a deep breath and tightened his divine weapon in his hand.

"That's right, the aura of these guys should not be at the Lord-level.

If we concentrate our strength and rush out in an instant, we may succeed!"

Another Lord-level warrior used his divine sense to explore the situation outside the space crack in the distance.

He also said so.

As soon as she finished speaking, another equally powerful Lord God nodded and responded:

"I don't feel any Lord God aura from these people outside.

Not only that, I don't sense any Lord God-level powerhouse lurking in the space outside this space crack.

Perhaps, there is no Lord God-level powerhouse guarding here at all!"

Hearing this, the Lord God-level powerhouse wearing black armor who had proposed to rush out and fight to the death also smiled faintly.

"Perhaps, they never thought that we would fight to the death."

"In this case, Lord Shadow, please continue to use the shadow law to cover our tracks.

In this way, we can be discovered more slowly under the cover of your shadow law.

Even if we get close to the powerhouses guarding outside the space crack, we can rush out quickly.

Without Lord God-level powerhouses intercepting outside, we don't need to worry about these guys who can't surround us in time!"


Swish swish swish! ! !

As his words fell, the Shadow Lord nodded immediately.

Then, a powerful team of 15 Lords immediately burst out at their fastest speed.

Rushed to the space crack.

The distance of less than ten thousand miles was crossed by them in almost the blink of an eye.

That is, the moment when the strong men of the Lord God realm of the Exile Land approached this space crack.

The millions of Blood God clones guarding outside Qin Mu immediately felt the movements of these people.

Just as the Shadow Lord said, his shadow law could not completely avoid being discovered by Qin Mu's Blood God clones when covering up these fast-moving people.

The moment when the Lord Gods of the Exile Land rushed out were discovered.

Qin Mu's Blood God clones immediately understood.

The millions of Blood God clones around quickly gathered together.

Almost without any gaps, they blocked the Lord Gods of the Exile Land.

They did not give them the opportunity to continue rushing forward.

As for the Blood God clones further away, they were also rushing over here at a terrifying speed.

At this time, the shadow law of the Shadow Lord God could no longer cover their figures.

Facing the millions of Blood God clones blocking them.

They also condensed their eyes, and the next moment they burst out with their terrifying killing intent.


As the killing aura in the air permeated, the strong men in the exile land of the Lord God realm also burst out with their most powerful attacks.

Various law powers burst out instantly, and each law power reached an extremely high level.

The law power of any one person is not weaker than the gold law power displayed by Long Kui before!

This powerful force that burst out instantly did not stop at all, and directly hit the Blood God clones rushing towards them in the front.

The powerful law power plus the majestic Lord God power condensed into a series of attacks like the sound of dragon roars and tiger roars that rushed towards Qin Mu's millions of Blood God clones.

At this moment, the Blood God clones, who were originally unstoppable and could kill all enemies instantly, were repelled for the first time!

These fifteen Lord Gods in the Exile Land of the Lord God Realm have been silent for who knows how many years.

The power that was suddenly released exceeded the power that Qin Mu and other Blood God clones could bear.

Especially the power of the laws that they had comprehended to the extreme, which brought them the most powerful increase in strength.

Perhaps, in terms of attributes, their attributes are almost the same as those of Qin Mu's Blood God clones.

But with the addition of these law powers and the support of divine power.

The power of their explosive attacks is much stronger than that of Qin Mu and others who can only use their own attributes to explode with their bodies!


However, even though these Blood God clones were blown away, they did not suffer much damage.

They relied on their strong physical attributes, and everyone's defense was equally strong.

Even if they were directly attacked by those Lord God-level strongmen, they would not lose much blood.

What's more, their blood volume was still as terrifying as Qin Mu's own tens of trillions of blood.

The thickness of the blood bar was not much different from those Lord God-level strongmen who rushed out.

"Good opportunity, rush out!"

Seeing the tens of thousands of Blood God clones rushing in front of them to stop them being blown away, the Lord Gods who rushed out from the Land of Exile were all excited.

Everyone's face showed an expression of extreme surprise.

The next moment, all of them used the power of this attack to blast away the Blood God clones in front of them.

Rushed out with all their strength.

"The Gate of the Void! Appear!"

At the moment of rushing out, the powerful Lord God in black armor immediately took out a mini door from his treasures.

With the infusion of his divine power, the mini door suddenly increased tens of thousands of times.

It appeared in front of them.

"The Gate of the Void! Lord God Jiatie, you actually have such a treasure in your hand!"

Looking at the Gate of the Void that appeared in front of him, a Lord God couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Everyone, follow me through the Gate of the Void and leave here!"

However, the Lord God covered in black armor did not respond to his words specifically.

Instead, he looked back at everyone around him and shouted loudly.

He called on all of them to escape from here through this Gate of the Void.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Lord Katetsu, I really followed the right person this time!"

"I owe you a huge favor. I have successfully escaped from the land of exile this time. From now on, you can send me any orders!"


After hearing Lord Katetsu's words, everyone looked at the Void Gate in front of them.

All of them showed a happy smile on their faces.

At the same time, they also conveyed their gratitude to Lord Katetsu.

In this way, relying on the full combat power of the Lord God realm, the fifteen Lord God realm masters just entered the Void Gate by shuttle, and their figures disappeared in an instant.

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