The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

Just as Qin Mu had just left this place, a figure quickly flew from the night sky.

The man was wearing the uniform of an officer of the Yuncheng City Guard. He was a second-level wind mage in Yuncheng City and the city guard of Yuncheng City!

He came here because he was attracted by the noise that Qin Mu had just made.

And when he saw the tens of thousands of square meters of forest destroyed below, he couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face.

"Tens of thousands of square meters of forest were instantly blasted into sawdust. Such strength is no longer something that an ordinary second-level strongman can possess!

Could it be that a third-level strongman has come to our Yuncheng City!!!"

Staring at the large open space in the dense forest below, the man couldn't help but exclaimed.

An inexplicable sense of tension arose in his heart, and he didn't dare to hesitate.

He quickly reported his findings tonight to the leaders of Yuncheng City.

A strong man suspected to be in the third-level realm appeared outside Yuncheng City, and he was still taking action outside Yuncheng City.

Before figuring out what happened, Yuncheng City must also prepare sufficient response plans to prevent the unknown strongman from having bad intentions and bringing disaster to Yuncheng City!


Qin Mu didn't notice what happened later.

When the city guard officer of Yuncheng City arrived at the forest he had destroyed before.

He had already left that place for nearly 30 kilometers.

Now, he has come to the gate of the steel wall of Yuncheng City, and then successfully entered Yuncheng City.

He did not realize that the criminal who wanted to rob and kill him halfway and steal his life had caused the whole Yuncheng City to panic and strengthen the vigilance of the whole Yuncheng City.

"Yuncheng City is much more prosperous than Aurora City, and it is also much larger!"

Sitting in the taxi to the Job Transfer Temple, Qin Mu looked at the rapidly retreating scene around him and said softly.

Taking advantage of the leisure time of taking a taxi to the Job Transfer Temple, he finally paid attention to his backpack and counted the spoils of the whole afternoon of fighting today.

"Golden Legend! Titan Arm Armor!"

When Qin Mu's attention fell on the backpack, his heart was shocked and he was very surprised.

[Titan Arm Guard (Wrist Guard·Legend): Lv.80, Strength +4200, Critical Hit +20%, Critical Hit Effect +50%; Special Skill: Gravity Field (Exerting (Level*5) times gravity suppression on enemies within a certain range, lasting 30s, cooling down for 3 minutes!)]

"Increased strength attribute by 4200 points, and there are additional special skills that can be released through this equipment! Another top-quality equipment!"

After taking a look at the attributes of the Titan Arm Guard, Qin Mu was even happier.

This Titan Arm Guard was the highest quality equipment that he had exploded after killing the Titan Giant Ape.

This attribute effect made Qin Mu very satisfied. Not to mention the attributes added by the Titan Arm Guard, just the special skill of "gravity suppression" attached to this equipment is enough to be called a legendary equipment!

If Qin Mu took this equipment out to sell now, it would definitely cause all the second-level warrior professions to rush for it!

The value is immeasurable!

After calming down his excitement, Qin Mu continued to count the other spoils in his backpack.

He killed the Titan Ape, and in addition to a golden legendary Titan Arm Guard, there were also three purple epic quality equipment and ten blue rare quality equipment.

[Giant Ape Breastplate (Armor·Epic): Lv.80, Constitution +1350, HP +500,000, Block +1000, Explosion-free +20%]

[Giant Stone Bow (Weapon·Epic): Lv.80, Strength +1200, Penetration +800, Attack Speed ​​+35%]

[Ape King Boots (Shoes·Epic): Lv.80, Agility +1300, Movement Speed ​​+25%,]

An armor, a longbow and a pair of shoes.

All are level 80 equipment, and the attributes are very good.

Qin Mu planned to keep the other two pieces of equipment except the Stone Bow for himself to upgrade to level 80.

As for the remaining ten pieces of blue quality equipment, Qin Mu planned to sell them.

Not only did he get the equipment after killing the Titan Ape, but he also got a lot of equipment from killing hundreds of thousands of other monsters today.

But these equipment

Most of the equipment are white ordinary quality and green fine quality equipment, although there are more than a dozen pieces.

But Qin Mu also looked down on these ordinary quality equipment. He planned to go to the exchange of the Adventurer's Guild in Yuncheng City and sell all the equipment he didn't need after completing the second transfer.

In addition to the equipment, Qin Mu also had a skill scroll in his backpack.

It was a B-level stealth skill of the assassin profession, which could only be learned by professions such as assassins and thieves.

He also planned to sell it in exchange for enough federal coins. At that time, he would try to buy some skill scrolls suitable for himself to learn.

After all, the S-level skill "Return to the Sea Absolute Slash" in his hand was too mana-consuming.

Although his level has reached the peak of the first transfer of level 50, all his magic power is only enough to support him to release 7 and a half skills.

Later, as his strength becomes stronger, it is enough to fight more than ten times or even dozens or hundreds of times in one second.

He couldn't always rely on magic recovery potions to replenish his magic power to release the 'Return to the Sea Absolute Slash' attack.

"We've arrived at our destination. The fare is fifty. Thank you for your patronage!"

At this time, the driver's voice interrupted Qin Mu's thoughts.

Seeing this, Qin Mu also took out his anonymous crystal card and swiped it to get off the bus.

"Second job transfer, here I come!"

Looking at the empty Yuncheng City Job Transfer Temple in front of him, Qin Mu smiled.

Then, he strode forward and entered it smoothly.

Unlike when he first arrived in Aurora City this morning, at that time, it was just that the novices came out of the Apocalypse Crack and were eager to transfer their jobs and continue to improve their levels, so they had to wait in line.

Now it's evening, and basically all the new professionals who can reach level 10 have completed the first job transfer.

Naturally, there are not many people in the Yuncheng City Job Transfer Temple now.

"Little brother, that's the second job area, this is the first job."

Just when Qin Mu came to the job transfer temple to prepare for the second job transfer, a beautiful staff member with black stockings and high heels reminded him with a faint smile.

Qin Mu was really too young, and his handsome face still had a hint of childishness.

In her opinion, Qin Mu must be a rookie professional who turned 15 this year. It is possible that he had reached level 10 by killing monsters in the novice village, but he still lacked some experience.

He just came out of the novice village today, and after killing a wave of monsters outside the city, he was promoted to level 10 and then came here for a job transfer.

After all, such a situation is not uncommon.

Although she guessed correctly, how could she know that Qin Mu, as a rookie professional, was not level 10, but reached level 50.

Of course, no one dared to imagine that Qin Mu, who had just come out of the novice village, actually raised his level to level 50 in less than a day!

After leaving the Novice Village, it only took half a day to reach the second level. In the entire history of the Human Federation, this number of cases can be counted on one hand. It is absolutely rare!

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