The next step is to get a second job.

"Now that the third job transfer is complete, the next step is to get a second job."

After solving the problem of the level cap, Qin Mu walked out of the job transfer room and began to prepare to go to the provincial capital.

Here, both Aurora City and Yuncheng City are small cities, and there are no spaceships that can travel through the stars.

The monster planets near Blue Mercury are not close to Blue Mercury.

If he wants to go to the monster planets near Blue Mercury, he must take a spaceship that can travel through the stars,

reach the designated monster planet to hide and use the mythical job rune to start the second job.

After walking out of the job transfer temple, Qin Mu asked for a map of Blue Mercury and headed directly towards the provincial capital.


"The provincial capital is much larger than those small cities like Aurora City and Yuncheng City, and the strength of the professionals is also a level stronger."

After half a day's journey, Qin Mu also arrived in the provincial capital Yuncheng.

Looking at the strength of the professionals among the people around him, he couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to the Aurora City and Yuncheng City, where almost all the professionals are first-turn professionals, in Yuncheng, many of the professionals walking on the streets have reached the second-turn realm.

Even, from time to time, there are strong people with third-turn.

According to the established plan, Qin Mu quickly came to the interstellar airport in Yuncheng.

In the entire Yuncheng, because of Ye Xinyao, almost all industries are monopolized by the Ye family.

This interstellar airport is also controlled by the Ye family.

The Ye family is a well-deserved overlord-level force in this Yuncheng, and even in the entire Blue Water Star.

The strongest person in the family already has the strength of the fifth turn, and is almost on par with the star master of Blue Water Star.

All this is due to the appearance of Ye Xinyao, an S-level talented professional in the Ye family.

The so-called success of one person brings prosperity to all the people in the family.

After Qin Mu arrived at the location of this interstellar airport, he directly bought a ticket for the nearest fighter plane to the monster planet in the nearby star field.

"This interstellar voyage actually requires 100 million federal coins to buy a ticket. It seems that the Ye family can make a lot of money just by staying at this airport!

No wonder the Ye family has developed so fast.

Ye Xinyao should have only been in the Star Academy for about two years.

The Ye family can have such a family business. It seems that even without a relationship like Ye Xinyao.

The strength of the Ye family is definitely not weak!"

On the fighter plane, Qin Mu glanced at the ticket in his hand, and then glanced at the professionals in the surrounding cabin.

He also had to sigh that the speed of making money in the monopoly industry is indeed fast.

Although the interstellar battleship he was in was far less advanced than the one Ye Xinyao took him to the Star Academy before.

But its size is much larger than Ye Xinyao's C9-class battleship.

It is almost ten times the size of that C9-class battleship.

It is several thousand meters long! It is a huge monster.

Almost all the seats in this battleship are filled with professionals going to alien planets.

There are nearly 10,000 people!

If everyone buys a ticket according to the 100 million federal coins required for the nearest alien planet.

When this battleship takes off, nearly 1 trillion federal coins will be received!

This is still a battleship. At the entire airport, there are at least hundreds of large interstellar battleships taking off and landing every day.

The profit can be imagined.

"Little brother, which alien planet are you going to kill monsters?

I am a third-level frost mage, and I am going to the nearest alien planet No. 9527. If you are also going to this alien planet, then we can team up to kill monsters together.

Your warrior will pull the monsters in front, and I will release area magic in the back, so that the monsters can be killed more quickly."

Just as Qin Mu was sighing, a middle-aged mage with the strength of the third level beside him looked at him and asked him.

Alien Planet No. 9527 is also Qin Mu's destination this time.

This planet is not only the closest monster planet to Blue Mercury, but the strength of the monsters on it is not much different from the monsters on the third monster planet in the star field under the jurisdiction of the Star City Academy where he followed Ji Hanwu to go before.

With his current strength, he can walk sideways on this planet without worrying about the monsters being too strong and interfering with his plan to use the mythical professional runes to obtain a second profession.

He glanced at the person next to him who invited him.

Qin Mu smiled and refused the third-turn frost mage who asked him to form a team:

"I am also from Alien Planet No. 9527, but I have my own plans, so it is inconvenient for me to form a team with others. Sorry."

"Is that so? That's a pity..."

Seeing Qin Mu refuse him so politely, the middle-aged man showed a trace of regret.

The two did not continue to chat on this topic.

After arriving on the battleship, Qin Mu did not wait for long.

After the battleship arrived at the designated take-off time, it informed everyone through the broadcast, and after people were prepared, it took off and flew out of Blue Mercury towards the established route.

As soon as it left Blue Mercury, the battleship carried out space shuttle.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it reached Alien Planet No. 9527.

Qin Mu's destination for this trip.

After the particle transmission technology on the ship locked the passengers on this trip to Alien Planet No. 9527, Qin Mu and others were teleported to the base of the planet.

The warship that brought them here did not even land. After teleporting all of them down, it once again crossed the space into the universe and headed for the next destination.

Obviously, not all passengers on this giant warship's voyage disembarked at one destination.

Seeing the huge warship disappear in the sky, Qin Mu did not stay on the teleportation platform, but quickly rushed out of this base.

This base also has strong people in charge, just like the base of the No. 3 monster planet where Ji Hanwu took him to the Star Academy before.

The one in charge here is also a professional at the seventh level.

The strength is strong enough to shock all monsters on the entire planet.

Ensure the safe operation of the base.

Qin Mu now wants to obtain a second profession through the mythical professional rune stone, so he naturally wants to be as far away from this base as possible.

His plan is to rush to the back of the base of this planet, so that even if he awakens his second origin talent and really bursts out a beam of light to the sky.

There is no need to worry about being discovered.

"This guy actually ran so fast and rushed out of the base alone. It seems that he is very confident in his own strength!"

At this time, seeing Qin Mu rushing out of the base without stopping, the middle-aged man who invited Qin Mu to join the team on the battleship at the beginning narrowed his eyes and sighed in a low voice.

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