Chapter 35: Ripe Crops!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

When they returned to the farm, it was almost dark.

Icy did not slack off, probably because of the meal.


Due to the nasty meal, Icy looked at Gabriel with fear in its eyes!

At night.

Gabriel lay on the grass. The breeze blew gently and caressed his face.

He looked at the stars in the sky and was a little lost in thought.

“It’s been a long time since I felt this relaxed.”

Ever since Gabriel came to this world, although his development was very fast, he did not dare to slack off. Every day of his life was very tense, and he was exhausted. That night was the only night he could relax and not think of anything.

Gradually, he closed his eyes and fell asleep on the grass.

In the blink of an eye, it was daybreak.

Perhaps he went to bed early last night, Gabriel woke up early.

He ran to the area where the water bamboo was planted with excitement. His water bamboo would be ripe on this day!

This also meant that he could eat fragrant rice!

[Elemental water bamboo ]

[Status: Ripen]

Just as he had calculated, the water bamboo had ripened!

Gabriel took out his shovel and started digging. Doggie, who was beside him, also ran over to help.

Not long after, a green and white root-like object appeared in his eyes.

Gabriel broke off the water bamboo. Naturally, the root was left in the soil. Perhaps it could still grow.

[Fire element water bamboo]

[Quality: D]

[Shelf life: Half a year]

[Description: Rice can be extracted from a ripe water bamboo. Long-term use can increase affinity to the elements. ]

[Note: Do not eat it together with different elements water bamboo. It may have adverse effects on the user.]

In addition to the attributes of the fire element, Gabriel also found a series of attributes such as thunder element, water element, earth element, and so on.

After a whole morning, he removed all the water bamboo shoots, leaving only the root in the soil, waiting for the next batch of water bamboo to ripe.

Gabriel looked at the water bamboo with five different elements in front of him and felt that the future was promising.

These water bamboo shoots weighed more than 100 catties, and each element weighed more than 20 catties. Gabriel guessed that some farmers would not believe he could have so many crops.

This was the first time Gabriel planted the water bamboo seeds, and he had a bumper harvest as all the crops were not affected by the sudden storm.

The more water sources there were, the faster the growth of the water bamboo would be.

This was also one of the special characteristics of water bamboo. They especially liked to grow in damp places, especially on the small islands around the lake.

This was also the reason why the water bamboo could grow so thick in Gabriel’s farm.

At this moment, Icy, who had always liked to be lazy, actually took the initiative to come to Gabriel’s side.

“What’s wrong?”

Gabriel asked.

Icy stared at the water bamboo shoots on the ground.

Especially the water element water bamboo shoot, which was shimmering with purple light. If not for Gabriel’s advice, all of the water bamboo shoot would have been swallowed by Icy.

“Do you want to eat this?” Gabriel pointed at the water bamboo shoot on the ground.

Seeing this, Icy nodded excitedly.

Gabriel also nodded, which was within his expectations.

Some of the water bamboo contained water elements, which was very useful if Icy consumed it.

Pets with elemental powers would not be able to resist such a temptation.

Thinking of this, Gabriel suddenly had an evil idea, which was to use the water bamboo with different elements to abduct the monsters in the forest. He would abduct them, and then tame them.

Although the idea sounded ridiculous, Gabriel believed that he would be able to do it in the near future.

It was noon, and Gabriel was hungry.

Thus, he decided to eat the water bamboo shoot with attributes today.

First of all, the seeds inside the water bamboo were comparable to rice, which was why many people liked to eat water bamboo shoot.

Gabriel used a small knife to cut the water bamboo, took out small seeds from it, and put them into a prepared iron basin.

“There are a lot of seeds in there!”

Gabriel had only cut open one water bamboo to take out the seeds in it, but it was already close to half a basin.

In his previous world, if they were to discover such a water bamboo, scientists would have taken all the water bamboo to experiment it.

After cutting open another one, Gabriel weighed it, and it was enough for all of them to have a good meal.

He planned to eat the five elements together, but then he thought that might be a bad idea.

Therefore, if he did not want to die, he would never take such a risk.

After all, the bracelet had just reminded him.

“Let’s have a good meal this afternoon!”

Gabriel said happily.

He put the seeds in the pot and stewed them. It did not take long for him to have a pot of fragrant rice.

Of course, it was not enough just to have rice for lunch. He took some of the seeds, cut them into pieces, and then cooked them in a pan with the meat slices. The taste was simply superb!

An hour passed.

A sumptuous feast was prepared just like that!

Gabriel had cooked once last time, so he had some experience in cooking. Although it was not very tasty, at least they were edible.

Gabriel was deeply proud of this.

Then, he moved all the dishes to the bottom of a newly built wooden shed by the lake. Gabriel used the extra solid wooden fences he synthesized to built the wooden shed.

The lake had a cooling effect, so there was no need to worry about the hot weather from affecting his appetite.

Perhaps it was because he had not eaten rice for a long time, Gabriel actually ate three big bowls of rice and most of the stir-fried meat!

If other farmers knew that he ate so well, they would definitely rob him.

Gabriel was like on a throne. Hence, the other farmers would try their best to dethrone and replace him.

In this world, this situation will become more obvious in the future.

The evil in human nature has not been fully exposed, but soon.

After lunch, Gabriel jumped into the Source of Life and took a cold bath.

The Source of Life had purification effect, there was no need to worry about the growth of bacteria, which was why Gabriel was still at ease to drink the water from the Source of Life.

Gabriel looked at the water bamboo on the ground. He was ready to build a warehouse to store them.

His bracelet space was not enough for so many things at the moment.

However, he would store all his food in his bracelet before he built a storeroom for them.

It would not rain in the next few days, so there was no need to worry.

After doing all this, Gabriel, who was a little sleepy, went back to his room to sleep.

Gabriel then checked the world channel, and he realized the world channel was very lively.

[Hahaha, finally! My potatoes are ripe!]

[Damn, I can have mung bean porridge now!]

[Mine are all ripe too!]

[Maybe it’s because of the quality of my seed, it still need nearly 10 days to ripe!]

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[Damn, E rank crops?]

[Damn, he’s lucky!]

[Guys, what do you think Gabriel is doing now?]

[No idea, man.]

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